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video game sequels


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Bioshock 2 looks excellent. It's going to be hard to re-capture the atmosphere of the first but what I've seen looks great.

Assasin's Creed 2, yawn. Traded the first one back in, poorly done. I've got enough sandbox action with inFAMOUS and Prototype that I have nodesire to revisit that game. Wasted about $30 bucks playing it new and taking it back.

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Bioshock 2 looks cool, getting to play the whole game as a bigdaddy will be fun.

thought so as well at first, but then remembered how easily they were defeated once you got a few powers and enough eve...so i dunno

the game was cool, but the ending was kind of silly, the whole game you do the right thing, and don't harvest any little girls, you get a cutscene at the end about how you grow to be an old man with a bunch of "daughters"

if you harvest any or all of them, you get a cutscene about being a tyrant and "taking whatever you want"


I liked assasins creed, too, but the ending sucked. Still trying to go back through and finish all the missions (apparently I skipped some)

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Bioshhock 2 looks amazing and assassins creed 2 looks like its going to be the same as the first. Not only do you play as a big daddy but you play as the first big daddy ever created and you can harvest little sisters or carry them with you. The first Bioshock was a work of art and simply game of the year.

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