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To the US35 faggot who pulled a gun on me!


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Just remember using your car counts as attempted vehicular homocide... manslaughter w/e

or assault with a deadly weapon... so yah, running off the road is the same as having a gun and shooting at them

Not saying you're wrong... just saying :)

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Doesn't matter if it was fake or not. Try pointing it at a LEO and after he shoots you say, "but it was just an air soft gun"

how fun would it be for that guy to have pointed it at an off duty leo :lol:

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If it happens again by anymore thug wannabees they will be reported.

Next time......Tell the cops too that, not only did they pull a gun, but they were driving like they were drunk also. Doesn't matter if they were or not.....You'll more likely get an even faster response time from LEO

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Next time......Tell the cops too that, not only did they pull a gun, but they were driving like they were drunk also. Doesn't matter if they were or not.....You'll more likely get an even faster response time from LEO

Also tell them their middle eastern looking, screamed "death to America", thew a shoe at you and had a US flag burning on the hood. :lol:

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unless you have a carry permit or a ccw you can not carry. i used to have to stay certified for work , also in Cleveland if it is on the job and not law enforcement or federal jurisdiction you can only carry a .38 revolver on public display. the CPD are anal about people having more than a few loaded rounds.

Likwid you mentioned ccw in another board. check out stonewall , a Northfield Cop teaches a good coarse there. reasonably priced.

he also teaches the ohio law enforcement carry coarse. for those wanting to carry where it is work required. but outside LEO.

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Next time......Tell the cops too that, not only did they pull a gun, but they were driving like they were drunk also. Doesn't matter if they were or not.....You'll more likely get an even faster response time from LEO

Ooooo, OSHP get all slobbery and chubbed up when they think they're gonna get a DUI on somebody.

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I drive my beater car for work and ive told myself a 100 times that if anyone pulls a firearm on me while Im driving that I will instantly slam my car into them and run them off the road and call the cops... I carry my firearm all the time but running them off the road would give me time to get away or at least disable their vehicle so they stop, and I can call the cops or if need be draw my weapon and defend myself.

Good example of what I meant by not drawing your weapon JUST because you have it. There may be better solutions to the immediate problem.

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