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CCW NEO-Training Course, Please Sign Up Here


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I would be interested, it would depand on the day.

most everyone is taking it next weekend, you can take it with likwid and jrm that sat/sun or you can take the one day class with me and speedy aug 9th. if you want to go just hit up one of the people i mentioned or me for more details or go back a few pages in this thread as the details have already been posted.

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I finished my course...it was basically a 'Basic Pistol handling' with a little defense shooting thrown in. You can't defense shoot at a range, so we used air pistols for that portion and went through the motions. It was $100 well spent. Next time though, I won't qualify with my Glock 27. That piece is HOT and barks like a rabid dog...my arm was jello after firing the required 80 rounds.

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I finished my course...it was basically a 'Basic Pistol handling' with a little defense shooting thrown in. You can't defense shoot at a range, so we used air pistols for that portion and went through the motions. It was $100 well spent. Next time though, I won't qualify with my Glock 27. That piece is HOT and barks like a rabid dog...my arm was jello after firing the required 80 rounds.

haha awesome. I'll have to go in the woods and practice from a holster or something.

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Well I am now ready to go get my form dropped off at the sheriffs office. Class went real well. missed 3 on the written test? I suck at test on paper. Shooting went real well. got a 100 strong side with a few weak side shots thrown in. We had time so I did the test over again and got 97 using my weak hand only. Drum did real well also. good class I feel it was well worth the money spent for the eye opening I felt I got.

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I need to call the Sheriff this morning to schedule my appointment, but here's my review on the class.

Likwid, my neighbor, my girlfriend, and I all took the $75 CCW class through Walton and Associates (http://www.carryingsafe.com). I know Likwid and I both got 100% on the written and I got 100% on the shooting (not sure what Likwid got).

Here were my overall impressions and breakdown on the course:

We spent a lot of the morning covering the Ohio Attorney General pamphlet - he basically read it to us, to limit his liability. Then we spent the rest of the class going over the NRA basic pistol safety in a powerpoint + videos + audio clips. Mark (the instructor and president of Walton and Assoc.) was more than happy to answer questions at any time and was very knowledgeable on the laws and history of the laws as well as pistols. When going through the pamphlet he would often stop, reword the verbiage into laymens terms, and give some background as to why this verbiage is in the law or what case prompted the revision, etc. etc.

Mark even explained why his class was $75 - he doesn't do it to make money, its his form of activism as opposed to standing in a marching line holding signs, or going to rallies. He figures that the more people he can get CCW'd the harder it will be for that privilege to be taken away.

Aside from that, I appreciated that the class wasn't political. There was no preaching of "NRA is God" nor mass Conservatism or Gun Rights speak. There was a few small pokes every once in awhile just so everyone was aware of where he stood on the political spectrum, but no preaching to the class, even when some classmates tried to steer it that way.

I liked not feeling like I was 'in the lions den'. Very professional.

I would recommend this course to others and don't feel slighted or like I missed out on some of the more expensive courses.

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I need to call the Sheriff this morning to schedule my appointment, but here's my review on the class.

Likwid, my neighbor, my girlfriend, and I all took the $75 CCW class through Walton and Associates (http://www.carryingsafe.com). I know Likwid and I both got 100% on the written and I got 100% on the shooting (not sure what Likwid got).

Here were my overall impressions and breakdown on the course:

We spent a lot of the morning covering the Ohio Attorney General pamphlet - he basically read it to us, to limit his liability. Then we spent the rest of the class going over the NRA basic pistol safety in a powerpoint + videos + audio clips. Mark (the instructor and president of Walton and Assoc.) was more than happy to answer questions at any time and was very knowledgeable on the laws and history of the laws as well as pistols. When going through the pamphlet he would often stop, reword the verbiage into laymens terms, and give some background as to why this verbiage is in the law or what case prompted the revision, etc. etc.

Mark even explained why his class was $75 - he doesn't do it to make money, its his form of activism as opposed to standing in a marching line holding signs, or going to rallies. He figures that the more people he can get CCW'd the harder it will be for that privilege to be taken away.

Aside from that, I appreciated that the class wasn't political. There was no preaching of "NRA is God" nor mass Conservatism or Gun Rights speak. There was a few small pokes every once in awhile just so everyone was aware of where he stood on the political spectrum, but no preaching to the class, even when some classmates tried to steer it that way.

I liked not feeling like I was 'in the lions den'. Very professional.

I would recommend this course to others and don't feel slighted or like I missed out on some of the more expensive courses.

I got 100% on the shooting as well, but that's just for bragging here. I have the same feeling as JRM, was a good class, and not really preachy. I would recommend it as well.

To answer some of the concerns (and I have the same), 2 hours of shooting with a Ruger 22 is not real practice, but if you take the course then buy and carry a 45 and DON'T take it to the range... you're an idiot :) Anyway, good class, I'm going to go down to Summit on Wednesday morning to turn everything in.

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Well then the class you had was way different then the one that commencefire.com has. We spent most of the start of the morning going over laws and safety. Spent the late morning going over how fire arms work. Had lunch then we had to get up practice handling a gun and proper grip, trigger squeeze, and point of aim on target. Keith the head instructor owner of the class never brought up ANY politics, or his stance on anything. He did mention buckeye firearms as a big source of why we have the rights we do in Ohio. He helped me get my groups alot tighter at the range also just by correcting a few of my bad habits with my grip. put 40 of the 50 shots in a two inch hole. with the other 10 within a inch or so of that. I am most likely going back in spring to do a advanced tatical shooting course with Keith.

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yea the course was very worth its cost, i also was corrected on my grip (mainly my thumb placement) and i was grouping twice as good after that minor adjustment. i got 98 out of 100 on the written and a 99 out of 100 on the shooting (the one stray was my first shot one handed weak hand, which i have never done :dunno:) and my second round shooting (even though it didnt matter, just basically for fun) i was grouping about the size of a baseball from 21 and 30 feet...speedy was a amazing shot, he can put over 10 in a group the size of a golfball right into the heart from 21 and 30.

overall i would HIGHLY recommend that class to anyone and everyone, good knowledgeable instructors, they were strict in a pleasant way, great senses of humor, personal and they all own a shit load of guns

however i feel that there were people who passed that should not have...there was one guy in particular, a old ass guy who had never shot before, was all over the place and had the battle cry of a girl midget that the instructor actually said and quote "by the grace of God....you passed..."

anyone else get some of these?

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:lol: We have 'coughzilla' - some lady who had the worse distracting wheeze+cough imaginable.

We also had a guy barely pass the written and another lady that'd be lucky to hit the broad side of a barn, let alone a paper plate at 20ft.

Yah, that guy shouldn't be carrying. Especially when he asks "what about when my son is using my car?" DUDE WHAT PART OF DON'T LEAVE THE GUN IN THE CAR DON'T YOU GET?!?!?

Whatever, JRM, his girl, and his neighbor were all very good shots. Not too hard with a 22 but still.

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That was her very first time using ANY gun. So, I'm glad she shot well with it. She's not the most mechanically inclined.

Yah, that was very impressive. Most first timers tend to freak out and over compensate by aiming down or up and flinching before they fire.

She did great!

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