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And millions of kids look up to these guys...


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Come on guys, They are just trying to get home to there Two million dollar homes in the ghetto. Do you want them to get capped while driving past the

Starbucks because they were unarmed and couldnt fight back. They just want to be protected incase Paris Hilton does a drive by on them. As far as the pot smoking, you know stunt420wheeliestoppiestoned is gonna post that they wouldnt cap a fly's ass, beyotches. :rolleyes:

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you sure your not thinking of "trance" music????

I was a huge rap fan from the 80's to the 90's. After I turned about 24 in 2001, I grew up and realized that it's made for punk kids and has no musical talent at all involved in it. Poetry about booty, drugs, sex. I'd rather just read a Hustler magazine and be more entertained. Rap is crap for sure. I don't ever recall any rapper playing drums,guitar, etc. :monkeypoo:

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I like some rap music. A lot of the stuff out there is crap. But rap as a category of music, I like. Don't hate the industry in its entirety just because lots of its participants are idiots. Some rap artists do lots of great things for their communties and lots for other communitites as well. Just because they sometimes do stupid things does not mean all rap artists do those things.

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I was a huge rap fan from the 80's to the 90's. After I turned about 24 in 2001, I grew up and realized that it's made for punk kids and has no musical talent at all involved in it. Poetry about booty, drugs, sex. I'd rather just read a Hustler magazine and be more entertained. Rap is crap for sure. I don't ever recall any rapper playing drums,guitar, etc. :monkeypoo:

There are some seriously talented guys out there... The problem is, like other forms of simple music is that it's hyper-competitive so a good look/hook will sell as well if not better than actual talent. That's why the market is saturated with shit... Like pop music... My biggest issue with the entire music industry is that there are TONS of bands that have REAL TALENT who can never get signed... or if they do... never get promoted by the record label so they never make it. Real quality music get's shit on because they can crank out a dozen albums a year by a gimmick 'artist'...

I like some rap music. A lot of the stuff out there is crap. But rap as a category of music, I like. Don't hate the industry in its entirety just because lots of its participants are idiots. Some rap artists do lots of great things for their communties and lots for other communitites as well. Just because they sometimes do stupid things does not mean all rap artists do those things.

Old school rap is solid. Actual thought and talent there... Not a whole lot of making up words just to rhyme... Creating their own beats and such... It went downhill REAL fast once the industry realized they could create demand themselves... Well, and the American public started to become culturally retarded...

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