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Illegal immigrants to get ID cards


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  v65rider said:
Where's the wall/fence that was supposed to be built. How can we defend other countries borders when our own is an open door!

The Gov doesn't want to secure the borders... Too many special interest groups would get pissed off... Not to mention the fear of losing the hispanic vote... Screw what the majority of Americans want... there's too much money in keeping the door open...

As much as I think we still have work to do in Iraq, I think our resources could be better utilized by pulling most of our troops out, and splitting them between Afghanistan and our southernmost border... Iraq will fall apart and everyone will blame Bush (which seems to make everyone happy)... Our border will be more secure and we can clean up the mess that is Afghanistan...

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I agree with ya that the Gov doesn't want to secure the border, but I think it would be a big mistake to pull out of Iraq right now.

I hate to see any of our armed forces hurt or killed they have done a hell of a job that we never really get to hear about since most of the media will only focus on the bad that is happening.

I want to see the report that is coming out in Sept from the boots on the ground to see how they think we are doing and then follow their report.

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  XB12Ss said:
I hate this crap. Wanna get more pissed off... READ THIS.

Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas , Texas is a fairly famous institution and for a variety of reasons:

Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:48:43 -0700 (PDT)

Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas , Texas is a fairly famous institution and for a variety of reasons:

1. John F. Kennedy died there in 1963

2. Lee Harvey Oswald died there shortly after

3. Jack Ruby-who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, died there a few years later..by coincidence

'On the flip side, Parkland is also home to the second busiest maternity ward in the country with almost 16,000 new babies arriving each year. (That's almost 44 per day---every day)

A recent patient survey indicated that 70 percent of the women who gave birth at Parkland in the first three months of 2006 were illegal immigrants.That's200 babies born every year just in Dallas According to the article, the hospital spent $70.7 million delivering 15,938 babies in 2004 but managed to end up with almost $8 million dollars in surplus

funding. Medicaid kicked in $34.5 million, Dallas County taxpayers kicked in $31.3 million and the feds tossed in another $9.5 million.

The average patient in Parkland 's maternity wards is 25 years old, married and giving birth to her second child. She is also an illegal immigrant. By law, pregnant women cannot be denied medical care based on their immigration status or ability to pay.

OK, fine. That doesn't mean they should receive better care than everyday, middle-class American citizens. But at Parkland Hospital , they do.

Parkland Memorial Hospital has nine prenatal clinics. NINE.

The Dallas Morning News article followed a Hispanic woman who was a patient at one of the clinics and pregnant with her third child---her previous two were also born at Parkland . Her first two deliveries were free and the Mexican native was grateful because it would have cost $200 to have them in Mexico This time, the hospital wants her to pay $10 per visit and $100 for the delivery but she was unsure if she could come up with the money. Not that it matters, the hospital won't turn her away. (I wonder why they even bother asking at this point.)

How long has this been going on? What are the long-term affects?

Well, another subject of the article was born at Parkland in 1986 shortly after her mother entered the U.S. illegally---now she is having her own child there as well. (That's right, she's technically a U.S. citizen.) These women receive free prenatal care including medication, nutrition, birthing classes and child care classes. They also get freebies such as car seats, bottles, diapers and formula.

Most of these things are available to American citizens as well but only for low-income applicants and even then, the red tape involved is almost insurmountable.

Because these women are illegal immigrants, they do not have to provide any sort of legitimate identification---no proof of income. An American citizen would have to provide a social security number which would reveal their annual income---an illegal immigrant need only claim to be poor and the hospital must take them at their word.

My husband is a pilot for the United States Navy (yes, he fought in Iraq ) and while the health care is good, we Navy wives don't get any of these perks! Car seats? Diapers? Not so much. So my question is this: Does our public medical care system treat illegal immigrants better than American citizens? Yes it does!

As I mentioned, the care I have received is perfectly adequate but it's bare bones, meat and potato medical care---not top of line.

Their (the illegals) medical care is free---simply because they are illegal immigrants? Once again, there is no way to verify their income.

Parkland Hospital offers indigent care to Dallas County residents who earn less than $40,000 per year. (They also have to prove that they did not refuse health coverage at their current job. Yeah, the 'free' care is not so easy for Americans.)

There are about 140 patients who received roughly $4 million dollars for un-reimbursed medical care. As it turns out, they did not qualify for free treatment because they resided outside of Dallas County So the hospital is going to sue them! Illegals get it all free! But U.S citizens who live outside of Dallas County get sued! How stupid is this?

As if that isn't annoying enough, the illegal immigrant patients are actually complaining about hospital staff not speaking Spanish. In this AP story, the author speaks with a woman who is upset that she had to translate comments from the hospital staff into Spanish for her husband. The doctor was trying to explain the situation to the family and the mother was forced to translate for her husband who only spoke Spanish. This was apparently a great injustice to her.

In an attempt to create a Spanish-speaking staff, Parkland Hospital is now providing incentives in the form of extra pay for applicants who speak Spanish. Additionally, medical students at the University of Texas Southwestern for which Parkland Hospital is the training facility will now have a Spanish language requirement added to their already jammed-packed curriculum. No other school in the country boasts such a ridiculous multi-semester (multicultural) requirement.

In the meantime, I have to end my column here. I have to go buy a car seat.'

(Ed: Sorry for the length, but this needs wide circulation----particularly to our 'employees' in Congress.)



If you want to verify accuracy: http://www.snopes.com/politics/immigration/parkland.asp

Wow. Just wow.

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  v65rider said:
I agree with ya that the Gov doesn't want to secure the border, but I think it would be a big mistake to pull out of Iraq right now.

I hate to see any of our armed forces hurt or killed they have done a hell of a job that we never really get to hear about since most of the media will only focus on the bad that is happening.

I want to see the report that is coming out in Sept from the boots on the ground to see how they think we are doing and then follow their report.

I agree 100%, but it will shut people up... At this point the 'good' Iraqi's are using us as a crutch so they don't have to get their shit together and the 'bad' Iraqi's are using us to fuel their fanaticism... It's a damn shame... damned if you do, damned if you don't situation...

  v65rider said:
It is time to forget party lines and vote for who ever is going to do what is best for the country. CLOSE the BORDER

Vote Independant. The only way anything is ever going to change in this country is if people stop voting for their party, stop voting against someone (which is VERY dangerous) and starts voting Independant. Even if you don't agree with them... The more votes they get, the more money they can generate for campaigns, and the closer we can come to having a government in power that is really BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.

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For the most part I am a Regan conservative.

I don't vote for any person because of the party they are with. I vote for whom ever I feel believes closest to the way I do.

Then again they all seem to change once they get into office anyway.

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you have got to be kiddingme...Only in our country can such bullshit be allowed to happen...You dont find this crap in other countries...If we took ALL the money we spend in Iraq for one year, we could build a wall so thick and so tall the only way though would be the gate or helo. I love my country..but sometimes I absolutly hate my government!:boxing:

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  v65rider said:
I don't really care for the government either, but we are in Iraq why leave before the job is done?

It's a huge quagmire... No matter what we are going to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. My gut tells me to stick it out would be best for Iraq. My brain tells me it's going to be fucked up not matter what.

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Again I agree with ya I want to get our guys out of harms way as soon as possible, but if we don't do the job now we will be back again for a third time.

Plus if we pull out we are showing them that we don't have the stomach for war and will run when it gets tough. Then all of the terroist know all they have to do is a few murders and kill a few of our guys and we will leave them alone to do what ever they want. Which is to train so they can come here to kill us at home in stead of accross an ocean!

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  v65rider said:
Again I agree with ya I want to get our guys out of harms way as soon as possible, but if we don't do the job now we will be back again for a third time.

Plus if we pull out we are showing them that we don't have the stomach for war and will run when it gets tough. Then all of the terroist know all they have to do is a few murders and kill a few of our guys and we will leave them alone to do what ever they want. Which is to train so they can come here to kill us at home in stead of accross an ocean!

Truth. They think we are pussies... and for the most part, they are right.

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  fusion said:
Didn't we determine ages ago there weren't WMDs and declare victory?


It says mission accomplished!!! Not WAR OVER. god damn it... If some one brings that shit up again.... God damn it... Read the letters... they make words that mean things.. not whatever you want them to mean just to serve your political agenda... :mad:

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Vote Independant. The only way anything is ever going to change in this country is if people stop voting for their party, stop voting against someone (which is VERY dangerous) and starts voting Independant. Even if you don't agree with them... The more votes they get, the more money they can generate for campaigns, and the closer we can come to having a government in power that is really BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.

Dont vote independant if you are a conservative or a democrat. Vote for the person that you think will best serve your interests. If that happens to be a gay turtle (literaly) then vote for the gay turtle. Voting towards the center only got us eight years of the Clintons who because they didnt do the right thing and take custody of Osama bin laden when he was given to them on a silver plater three times because god forbid they make someone mad cause they infringed on his god given rights as a Citizen of the world to screw us, we might not have had 911 happen.

This is a representative democracy. Find someone that represents as many of your values as possible and vote damn it

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  vectorvictor said:
It says mission accomplished!!! Not WAR OVER. god damn it... If some one brings that shit up again.... God damn it... Read the letters... they make words that mean things.. not whatever you want them to mean just to serve your political agenda... :mad:

lol I knew that would get you. :lol:

Anyway. We had no business going into Iraq the way we did.

We should have finished the job in Afghanistan, continued to go after Terrorist organizations and put a massive amount of pressure on Saudi Arabia.

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  vectorvictor said:
Vote Independant. The only way anything is ever going to change in this country is if people stop voting for their party, stop voting against someone (which is VERY dangerous) and starts voting Independant. Even if you don't agree with them... The more votes they get, the more money they can generate for campaigns, and the closer we can come to having a government in power that is really BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.

Dont vote independant if you are a conservative or a democrat. Vote for the person that you think will best serve your interests. If that happens to be a gay turtle (literaly) then vote for the gay turtle. Voting towards the center only got us eight years of the Clintons who because they didnt do the right thing and take custody of Osama bin laden when he was given to them on a silver plater three times because god forbid they make someone mad cause they infringed on his god given rights as a Citizen of the world to screw us, we might not have had 911 happen.

This is a representative democracy. Find someone that represents as many of your values as possible and vote damn it


i dont know what this is in response to and i hate to burst bubbles, but independant candidates WILL NOT get elected president in this country for a long time to come. i dont particularly like political arguments but hey, its the internet. i forget who the last indy to get ANY electoral votes was, but i know it was pre-perot, and perot had one of the highest popular election numbers since a long time ago. somewhere around teddy roosevelt if i remember correctly. i think the best way to elect someone with views out of the mainstream is to find them in the primaries. this isnt true independant, but its really as close as we can come with the big business that politics is today. primaries are really up to anyone with the most charisma and the best ideas. and once you have the backing of the business known as a major party, youre well on the way to being elected. this isnt a true example, but take the current primary for the reps as an example. most flag wavers sit there and cheer on giuliani as he talks about running our nation further into the sand with more debt and such. then you get a candidate with true american ideas coming through like ron paul, who has generated a lot of buzz with even very liberal media sources and is rocking the boat with the classical american theory of isolationism. but dont listen to me. go check it out on you tube. just search ron paul. thats all i got for now. if you read this entire rant i applaud you.

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  vectorvictor said:
Vote Independant. The only way anything is ever going to change in this country is if people stop voting for their party, stop voting against someone (which is VERY dangerous) and starts voting Independant. Even if you don't agree with them... The more votes they get, the more money they can generate for campaigns, and the closer we can come to having a government in power that is really BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.

Dont vote independant if you are a conservative or a democrat. Vote for the person that you think will best serve your interests. If that happens to be a gay turtle (literaly) then vote for the gay turtle. Voting towards the center only got us eight years of the Clintons who because they didnt do the right thing and take custody of Osama bin laden when he was given to them on a silver plater three times because god forbid they make someone mad cause they infringed on his god given rights as a Citizen of the world to screw us, we might not have had 911 happen.

This is a representative democracy. Find someone that represents as many of your values as possible and vote damn it

Bah! Vote the issues period. Vote the candidate that represents you the best.

Voting towards the center didn't have anything to do with giving us the Clintons. Voting will constantly slide back forth as long as we have two large worthless parties like the democrats and republicans.

I'm not even going to address the Clinton being handed Osama on a silver platter bit. It's obvious at this point you listen to too much talk radio.

Even if Osama had been captured or killed during the Clinton administration, guess what? A "9/11" still would have happened. There's always someone eager to take that role.

EDIT: Almost forgot....encourage everyone to vote! The turn out is ridiculously low i the U.S.

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  vectorvictor said:

Dont vote independant if you are a conservative or a democrat. Vote for the person that you think will best serve your interests. If that happens to be a gay turtle (literaly) then vote for the gay turtle. Voting towards the center only got us eight years of the Clintons who because they didnt do the right thing and take custody of Osama bin laden when he was given to them on a silver plater three times because god forbid they make someone mad cause they infringed on his god given rights as a Citizen of the world to screw us, we might not have had 911 happen.

This is a representative democracy. Find someone that represents as many of your values as possible and vote damn it

I agree, but the problem is... at least with most people who I have voted for is that they waiver and faulter after they get my vote. Sometimes it's easy to predict, other times I get pissed off cause these douchebags aren't living up to expectations.

  fusion said:
lol I knew that would get you. :lol:

Anyway. We had no business going into Iraq the way we did.

We should have finished the job in Afghanistan, continued to go after Terrorist organizations and put a massive amount of pressure on Saudi Arabia.

Hindsight is 20/20.

  Benyen Soljax said:

i dont know what this is in response to and i hate to burst bubbles, but independant candidates WILL NOT get elected president in this country for a long time to come. i dont particularly like political arguments but hey, its the internet. i forget who the last indy to get ANY electoral votes was, but i know it was pre-perot, and perot had one of the highest popular election numbers since a long time ago. somewhere around teddy roosevelt if i remember correctly. i think the best way to elect someone with views out of the mainstream is to find them in the primaries. this isnt true independant, but its really as close as we can come with the big business that politics is today. primaries are really up to anyone with the most charisma and the best ideas. and once you have the backing of the business known as a major party, youre well on the way to being elected. this isnt a true example, but take the current primary for the reps as an example. most flag wavers sit there and cheer on giuliani as he talks about running our nation further into the sand with more debt and such. then you get a candidate with true american ideas coming through like ron paul, who has generated a lot of buzz with even very liberal media sources and is rocking the boat with the classical american theory of isolationism. but dont listen to me. go check it out on you tube. just search ron paul. thats all i got for now. if you read this entire rant i applaud you.

It's not about having any of these guys elected... it's about waking up the current parties into recognizing that neither of them have any true grasp on what mainstream America wants... The worst part is.... they don't care. They are concerned with the special interest and the far out factions of their particular party... The truth is, mainstream America is aligned somewhere in the center...

Only people who are truely paying attention are making sound voting decisions and it seems like everyone else is voting for a party, not a candidate. During the last presidential election, with the many many heated discussions floating around in various social circles... Do you remember some of what people were saying? Why they were voting for one candidate over the other? How little information they truely had? I do. It was disgusting. Girlfriends voting with their boyfriends because they are in love, countless people voting against a candidate, endless others buying some lame crap their friends drunkenly talk about and basing their vote off of that...

My point is, if you are uneducated about the issues/candidates, don't be a dumbass... you can make a difference. Voting independant gives the other two parties pause and concern. Maybe... JUST MAYBE... they will take a hard look at things and recognize that things could be different.

I know, idealistic and a long shot, but still... It's better than the current trend as far as I can see.


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