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I'm gonna play devil's advocate on this one. I really never cared about "terrorists rights" but I definitely didn't care when they started beheading American's (google daniel pearl if you forgot) and then letting Al Jazeera air the tapes.

This was probably kept secret because the nancy pelosi's of the world are too worried about terrorists rights... I mean they have Al Jazeera on dish t.v. in Gitmo afterall. Sometimes if you wanna get things done, ya gotta do it quietly.

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^ Papa.... you need to be a us citizen to get constitutional rights... AND IN THE US

It's the same bullshit as US cititzens getting arrested in Dubai and yelling about their rights.

We don't owe anyone the same rights we have, just because we have protection from cruel and unusual punishment doesn't necessarily mean we need to extend that.

I don't agree with Cheney or Bush but mostly to the extent they hid shit.

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Yeah but it honestly makes us hypocrites. In the Declaration the phrase,"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." is meant to pertain to everyone.

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Agreed.. to an extent. If you aren't willing to play by our rules and decide that your Freedom of Religion directly violates the safety or life of another then things change. You can claim to hate the United States. The 1st Amendment protects that' date=' if you are an American, but when you act on that claim we have another matter to tend to. Our Constitution does not protect those that aren't citizens. We can't push our system of government on them.. they can't push it on us.

I agree with Optimus.. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." This can only be extended to those that are willing to let others live freely, as well.[/quote']

I think I can agree with that.

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some of you aren't getting it...

let me help you understand:

ONE: conservatives don't think of faux news as a good source for news... ESPECIALLY not for politics. reading fox news for good unbiased political news is like checking the bikestylez forum for info about track days. You're barking up the wrong tree Obama fans.

TWO: the bush and cheney administration was a big fucking failure and nobody likes them, ESPECIALLY not conservatives. Equating the bush/cheney admin to conservative politics just tells us what we've feared all along: people can't even recognize what it means to be conservative anymore. again, you're barking up the wrong tree... if you want to offend some people with crap news about cheney, you're not getting the job done here. IP, myself and a few others can't agree more. we just haven't see this crap cause we don't try to sift through shit for something edible. Not sure why you are, but hey, thanks anyway!

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No one was trying to offend....and you can find this story on every single news 'source' on the web. Foxnews just happened to be the first one I came across.

So..I guess if the news doesn't work for you, it must not be news? How is an ex vice-president allegedly...in cahoots with the CIA..hiding programs and breaking the law NOT news?

There are a million 'conservative' links to news stories being made, and a link to an article about Cheney possibly breaking the law isn't news worthy? If it was msnbc or abcnews the cry would be...baah humbug, they are biased for the Dems...now the cry is foxnews sucks. Yeah..they all suck, but the source has NOTHING to do with this article. It's based on easily verifiable information, and ALL news sources are reporting the same 'allegations'.

I'll go troll the net and see if I can find something better suited for an actual news story.

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No one was trying to offend....and you can find this story on every single news 'source' on the web. Foxnews just happened to be the first one I came across.

no prob bob. it was more of a PSA more than anything.

So..I guess if the news doesn't work for you, it must not be news? How is an ex vice-president allegedly...in cahoots with the CIA..hiding programs and breaking the law NOT news?

i wasn't arguing that point... of course it's news. the little bit of time i have to listen to NPR during the drive home, that's all they talk about other than announcing Michael Jackson something or other. unless you're directing this at IP, this is something you made up from nowhere. i said Fox news is a pile of crap and is not representative of conservatives, not that this is not news or newsworthy.

There are a million 'conservative' links to news stories being made, and a link to an article about Cheney possibly breaking the law isn't news worthy? If it was msnbc or abcnews the cry would be...baah humbug, they are biased for the Dems...now the cry is foxnews sucks. Yeah..they all suck, but the source has NOTHING to do with this article. It's based on easily verifiable information, and ALL news sources are reporting the same 'allegations'.

same thing as above. no one here is arguing it's newsworthiness or that it is in fact, on the news. also, you say that it is just "now" that fox news sucks? the only people who ever believed fox news to be a valid news source was a bunch of toothless jerry springer contestants.

i'm going to try to get this back on point, rather than whether this is "news worthy" or is "news" cause that was NEVER in contention. the only part of your link that i criticized was the fact that you direct it to a fox link, as if those of us who are "anti-obama" feverishly read fox to get us hard at night. it's on NPR, it's on every news source, etc etc.

the main point i'm arguing against is this:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. Then again....no I'm not.

this sounds as if we were not posting on purpose, as if we're actually trying to hide it or downplay that it's happening. like we get together every night during our tin foil hatted constitution sniffing circle jerk and tell each other how we're not going to talk about cheney getting pwned cause then people would know how much bush/cheney sucked...

don't you get it? WE think bush/cheney sucks more than any of those who approve of obama does! you know why? cause the previous admin blatantly disregarded and trashed the constitution before obama was even a blip on the political radar. admittedly, not on such a grand scale of what he's managed so far, but they were worse in some ways because they were promised to represent the ideals of conservative governance (and republicans... they can't go hand in hand anymore sadly) but obviously didn't. at least obama openly states his intentions to disgrace the constitution before going about the job.

so to wrap it all up in a tidy hairy box: bush/cheney sucks, we all know and agree. fox news is crap, as you well know. don't assume that cause we think obama is liberal like whoa and socialist-ish that we didn't think the same of bush/cheney.

and just an fyi... i've said it before and i'll say it again: nobody gives a shit about obama or bush or any other name for that matter... at least i don't. the man/woman does not make the office shitty or good, the policies that the man/woman makes and enforces does. if obama/bush abided by the constitution and governed conservatively, they would've done a fine job by me. democrat or republican or fucking green party, it doesn't matter. we have a basic set of rules in this country, and we can't even follow those anymore. i still love this country and believe in it, but can't say the same for those who say they represent "us".

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Im surprised that so many people care about the "rights" of people killing our fellow Americans and cutting their heads off on TV. Apparently not many of you have been over to either country and have seen what is going on over there. The "news" is not going to tell you. It takes a bit more than a conversation with someone to get them to talk. Sometimes things need to be done that people dont wanna hear about. Personally, i think we should do more to the terrorists. They live better than I do in some instances and I am the one fighting for our country. How does that work? Oh ya, because people care more about the "rights" of the enemy than the protection of our own troops protecting OUR rights!

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Im surprised that so many people care about the "rights" of people killing our fellow Americans and cutting their heads off on TV. Apparently not many of you have been over to either country and have seen what is going on over there. The "news" is not going to tell you. It takes a bit more than a conversation with someone to get them to talk. Sometimes things need to be done that people dont wanna hear about. Personally, i think we should do more to the terrorists. They live better than I do in some instances and I am the one fighting for our country. How does that work? Oh ya, because people care more about the "rights" of the enemy than the protection of our own troops protecting OUR rights!

amen brother,

here's another link to the story previously mentioned by the OP.

I know I know its from fox news, and when I'm not clinging to my guns and religion, I occasionally check their website along with many others... anyways, it TURNS OUT the secret program was to get rid of al qaeda, WEIRD!?

How dare that evil cheney come up with such a devious plan and keep it secret, argh!


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Yeah but it honestly makes us hypocrites. In the Declaration the phrase,"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." is meant to pertain to everyone.

The Declaration is not the law of the land, the Constitution is. "We the people of the United States in order to form a more..."

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ONE: conservatives don't think of faux news as a good source for news... ESPECIALLY not for politics. reading fox news for good unbiased political news is like checking the bikestylez forum for info about track days. You're barking up the wrong tree Obama fans.

This is where you attack the source of the news. We all know fox news is biased...hell MOST sources have some sort of bias whether it's blatantly in your face or behind the scenes censoring. Unless your fox news statement was covering something unrelated to this thread...I don't see what is has to do with the story. The gas companies are evil...Bush was evil..doesn't have much to do with the premium I put in my bike.

The OP was about discussing the allegations against the CIA and Cheney...not about fox news. Whether you agree that it was worth breaking the law, or you think they're evil doers bent on bringing hell to earth..I posted the link for discussion, not for dissection of the source.

My comment about 'I'm not surprised' was based on two things. One, people tend to complain/post/thread crap when things aren't going their way. That's human nature. For example, take a look at any forum related to electronics...cars..etc..where there is a review/rating system in place or people crying out for help. It's rare that someone posts a good experience with a product..or a review...or actually coming back after someone helped them fix something and say 'Hey, that worked'. It happens..but not as often as the people who come to bitch, cry, moan, ask for help and then disappear. I could post a nice little screen shot of the topics in the Politics forum that will show you the majority of threads are people moaning about the current administration. But you know what? THAT'S OK. That's why I live in this country. That's what this place is for. But, at the same time, I'm not surprised it didn't get mentioned for two things. One, the stuff I just mentioned, and two..the friggin Meet and Greet. I had expected most folks to be in CBus shoving burnt flesh in their mouths.

Again, let me recap. I don't care if you're conservative...liberal...asswhole-ish..whatever. The post wasn't an attack on conservatives like you make it out to be...or an attack on the Bush administration. It was NEWS. You're making something out of nothing. The Foxnews link, again, was the FIRST link out of many that my news agrregator happened to display. I grabbed it, and didn't care if it was msnbc, cnn, etc. There was no bias spin in the article..it was all based on news/quotes/etc pulled from the wire.

People are getting mighty sensitive these days.

Edited by InyaAzz
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ONE: conservatives don't think of faux news as a good source for news... ESPECIALLY not for politics.

HUH?? Since WHEN? Every rightie-tightie I know quotes Fox like the Bible. Ann Coulter, Billy O'R? They don't represent the conservative point of view...?

TWO: the bush and cheney administration was a big fucking failure and nobody likes them.

Uhm.. didn't conservatives elect those two.. 'gentlemen'....? Twice? SRSLY not trying to be an asshat about it, just looking for clarification? Obviously I'm misinformed.

No more 'bullet points' please. I'm too busy out hugging trees to count any higher than 2 LOL.

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This is where you attack the source of the news. We all know fox news is biased...hell MOST sources have some sort of bias whether it's blatantly in your face or behind the scenes censoring. Unless your fox news statement was covering something unrelated to this thread...I don't see what is has to do with the story. The gas companies are evil...Bush was evil..doesn't have much to do with the premium I put in my bike.

Yup, I don't think it has anything to do with the story either. as i said previously, it was a PSA for the benefit of all to let them know, fox news does not represent a conservative view point. it represents a viewpoint that is inflammatory in nature to get more ratings. Lame, as i said. Chick on 2, see, you learned something today!

The OP was about discussing the allegations against the CIA and Cheney...not about fox news. Whether you agree that it was worth breaking the law, or you think they're evil doers bent on bringing hell to earth..I posted the link for discussion, not for dissection of the source.

This is exactly why I made separate statements. point 1 discussed fox news being a POS. point 2 discussed bush/cheney being a POS. There is no point of contention here, other than clearing up the misunderstanding that, though you might believe we were trying to suppress or hide this story by pretending it doesn't exist as if we want to protect bush/cheney's reputation or something... that is simply not the case. really, that's where the major point of contention is, and if we can agree on that, there is nothing to argue about.

My comment about 'I'm not surprised' was based on two things. One, people tend to complain/post/thread crap when things aren't going their way. That's human nature. For example, take a look at any forum related to electronics...cars..etc..where there is a review/rating system in place or people crying out for help. It's rare that someone posts a good experience with a product..or a review...or actually coming back after someone helped them fix something and say 'Hey, that worked'. It happens..but not as often as the people who come to bitch, cry, moan, ask for help and then disappear. I could post a nice little screen shot of the topics in the Politics forum that will show you the majority of threads are people moaning about the current administration. But you know what? THAT'S OK. That's why I live in this country. That's what this place is for. But, at the same time, I'm not surprised it didn't get mentioned for two things. One, the stuff I just mentioned, and two..the friggin Meet and Greet. I had expected most folks to be in CBus shoving burnt flesh in their mouths.

eh, i have no idea whether you meant "no, I'm not surprised" cause of the meet and greet... but what was more obvious was your point 1. Things haven't been going "our" way for a LONG time. Otherwise, this just goes back to the above response. I wish I could've made it down to the meet and greet, but I was happily stuck at home, having a chance to relax for once. I did wish I could've done a long ride on sunday, but I had to settle for demo riding a Vmax and a warrior. mmm... vmax...

Again, let me recap. I don't care if you're conservative...liberal...asswhole-ish..whatever. The post wasn't an attack on conservatives like you make it out to be...or an attack on the Bush administration. It was NEWS. You're making something out of nothing. The Foxnews link, again, was the FIRST link out of many that my news agrregator happened to display. I grabbed it, and didn't care if it was msnbc, cnn, etc. There was no bias spin in the article..it was all based on news/quotes/etc pulled from the wire.

People are getting mighty sensitive these days.

That's fine. if you say it wasn't an attack against conservatives, then it wasn't. Simple.

I've no comment on your last sentence. lol

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HUH?? Since WHEN? Every rightie-tightie I know quotes Fox like the Bible. Ann Coulter, Billy O'R? They don't represent the conservative point of view...?

no, every supposed republican you know can't get enough of fox news. you apparently don't know any conservatives who actually knows what being conservative means. really, there is a difference. they typically teach these things in high school history and government courses, but i went to public school, so i might've learned wrong.

Uhm.. didn't conservatives elect those two.. 'gentlemen'....? Twice? SRSLY not trying to be an asshat about it, just looking for clarification? Obviously I'm misinformed.

No more 'bullet points' please. I'm too busy out hugging trees to count any higher than 2 LOL.

yes, you are misinformed. that vast 49% you know of are "republicans". the 51% it seems you are a part of are "democrats". But within these 2 parties, there are also segments that lean conservative or liberal or moderate. the republican party has typically leaned conservative, but as the years have gone by, their version of conservative has strayed far FAR from what conservative used to mean. Conservative used to mean holding the constitution as the set of laws that should not be violated and that government should govern as little as required by the constitution. Now, they've become a hollow disgrace of what conservative is supposed to be to the point where fine people, like yourself, believe a conservative is someone who thinks NASCAR is the bestest evar, and that the president is right no matter what and if you don't think like they do, according to them, "you're not patriotic and you can GIT OUT A MAH CUNTRY!"

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I'm pissed I missed that demo ride. I would have dropped everything to ride the Vmax.

No one believes (at least I don't) there was 'suppression' going on. My point , and the reason I titled it as such, is that people tend to focus on what floats their point or gets their panties in a bunch. 9 times out of 10, a Dem is not going to post a story about a fellow Dem that makes them look bad. Same goes both ways. There are very few people who ride (or post) in the middle. The threads speak for themselves. i am sometimes guilty of this myself, although I typically refrain from starting Political threads.

If I hadn't been living in this country the past year or been following the news, I would think Obama is the anti-christ (Insert joke here) just by looking at the critical threads. Has Obama done ANYTHING right? I find it hard to believe that he's fucked up every decision he's made. I'm using Obama as an example...it could easily be GM, Ford or Bikes.

So I don't believe man Republicans/Conservatives would have posted that link...EVEN if they detested Bush/Cheney. That's all I'm saying. It's human nature. I don't want you or anyone to think I'm attacking the 'integrity' (does that exist on OR?) of any 'group' on here...but let's be real about it.

So that's where I was coming from..and I think that now we understand each other, it's time to spoon.

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Now, they've become a hollow disgrace of what conservative is supposed to be to the point where fine people, like yourself, believe a conservative is someone who thinks NASCAR is the bestest evar, and that the president is right no matter what and if you don't think like they do, according to them, "you're not patriotic and you can GIT OUT A MAH CUNTRY!"

I appreciate your candor, and I will say that your view on conservatism is the most refreshing I've heard. Yeah.. I can probably drink with you. But of course I'm sure you and me will see a few things differently. For example, yes sure I'm liberal, but that does not mean I dislike the constitution. The only thing I would argue is that the Constitution is open to translation to a certain extent. OK it was written "all men are created equal," right? But we all know that at the TIME it was written, they certainly did NOT mean "all men." They meant "all the men the look like us and are just like us." Eventually, the translation of the Constitution was updated with the times. Which is a good thing.

Just like any other proud Amuuricuhn, I despise terrorists and anyone who harbors them. They should all suck collective bawls, lick shit and die slow. BUT. If we stick by certain principles, that is what makes us different than the next country.We don't bend and bust up our OWN rules, when we need convenience, when we're annoyed or angry with a certain group of people. Then we are allowing those people to knock us down on their level.

PS: iGiggled @"CUNTRY" ewww grosss lol

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