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Another soccar mom with a cell phone


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:rant: So today I'm heading home from Germantown across 725 when this lady in a Lexus with the cell phone in the ear starts gliding left right on top of me! :eek: I moved left and rapidly decellerated till she cleared me. I caught her at the next light, cell phone still implanted in her ear, I honked at her and signalled to roll down her window.

She rolls down the window and I let her have it!:rulez::microwave: In short I said, "You know you almost ran me over when you changed lanes back there?" Her, " Oh, I didn't even see you":wtf:

Just the responce I was waiting for!:beating:

"That's because you had the squack box in your ear and you're NOT SMART ENOUGH TO DO THAT AND DRIVE!":devil:

She was speachless but managed to put the phone on the passenger seat and close it as the light turned green. :D

Dayton area drivers really suck! :rolleyes: That was the second person I went off on, the first got away with me turning around on the bike at 65mph and providing nonverbal input. :lol:

Okay, Rant /OFF

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before i read what is probably a serious statement, at first glance your post looks like a childrens books where you can press the picture inbedded in the text and it will play a soundbite

that sucks and unfortunatly probably everyone on here has had that happen...a buddy of mine got his firefighting carrer cut short because someone drifted into him. He elbowed the car so hard that he tore a bunch of ligaments in his arm, and has no feeling in his hand. But the good part is we get to ask him what its like to jerk it with "the stranger". i work in centerville what part of dayton are you in?

Edited by sturg
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:rant: So today I'm heading home from Germantown across 725 when this lady in a Lexus with the cell phone in the ear starts gliding left right on top of me! :eek: I moved left and rapidly decellerated till she cleared me. I caught her at the next light, cell phone still implanted in her ear, I honked at her and signalled to roll down her window.

She rolls down the window and I let her have it!:rulez::microwave: In short I said, "You know you almost ran me over when you changed lanes back there?" Her, " Oh, I didn't even see you":wtf:

Just the responce I was waiting for!:beating:

"That's because you had the squack box in your ear and you're NOT SMART ENOUGH TO DO THAT AND DRIVE!":devil:

She was speachless but managed to put the phone on the passenger seat and close it as the light turned green. :D

Dayton area drivers really suck! :rolleyes: That was the second person I went off on, the first got away with me turning around on the bike at 65mph and providing nonverbal input. :lol:

Okay, Rant /OFF


All I have to say is thank you. Glad your ok.

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good deal. have you tried the brazilian resturaunt in germantown? Its not bad.

It was the first time I'd ever been there. It was to get a photo of this:


We play a game on ADV rider where someone goes out and gets a photo of a site with their bike. They can either include clues in their photo or written clues so someone can ride to that location and get a photo of their bike at that site. It's a cool game that gets you to ride to places you might not otherwise go, like Germantown. :D

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hrm, here's a story... its not a soccer mom but I think it is equivalently dumb.

So I'm takin my buddy out for his first ride today and I'm following a car going ~40 in a 45 close, but not tooo close. The dude brake checks me and is busy staring at me in his rear view. I was far enough back that the brake check didn't even phase me, but I see him staring and waving his arms around and he hits his brakes again. Naturally I flip him off, bc that's the appropriate thing to do in that situation :rolleyes:, he sends it right back, while still staring in his mirror. He pulls up to the stop sign and is hanging out of his car cursing at me to get off his ass and all this other bs threatening me the whole bit... I flipped up my visor (feeling a little tough) and said 'why don't you do us both a favor and shut up and get the fuck outta here'.... then the best part, I think he realized I'm a chick, put himself back in his car and drove away. :lol: it certainly wasn't bc i scared him away. I love helmets :)

Now, after this I have to wonder, what kind of person thinks its appropriate to brake check a motorcycle... incredible.

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Ohhh you're a mean girl. Problem is, now that I've met you, I'd have a hard time not laughing my ass off at you if you yelled that at me. :p But I do agree on the brake check thing. That's gay.

I had a guy with an Avalanche pulling a trailer today. Cruising through the middle of Kettering with moderate traffic and he just cuts in front of me like I'm not even there. I was in the right lane and he passed me in the left and then cuts me off to get around the car in front of him. I was fuckin' pissed. But decided it was best to just pull up next to him, stare for a second and shake my head and go on.

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hrm, here's a story... its not a soccer mom but I think it is equivalently dumb.

So I'm takin my buddy out for his first ride today and I'm following a car going ~40 in a 45 close, but not tooo close. The dude brake checks me and is busy staring at me in his rear view. I was far enough back that the brake check didn't even phase me, but I see him staring and waving his arms around and he hits his brakes again. Naturally I flip him off, bc that's the appropriate thing to do in that situation :rolleyes:, he sends it right back, while still staring in his mirror. He pulls up to the stop sign and is hanging out of his car cursing at me to get off his ass and all this other bs threatening me the whole bit... I flipped up my visor (feeling a little tough) and said 'why don't you do us both a favor and shut up and get the fuck outta here'.... then the best part, I think he realized I'm a chick, put himself back in his car and drove away. :lol: it certainly wasn't bc i scared him away. I love helmets :)

Now, after this I have to wonder, what kind of person thinks its appropriate to brake check a motorcycle... incredible.

i would have punched you in the helmet ;)

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Ohhh you're a mean girl. Problem is, now that I've met you, I'd have a hard time not laughing my ass off at you if you yelled that at me. :p But I do agree on the brake check thing. That's gay.

haha, I know. I wish I seemed tougher sometimes. :lol:

i would have punched you in the helmet ;)

:eek: next time I see you... " Kawi, why don't you do us both a favor and get the fuck outta here" :lol: I can't wait.

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honestly it does kind of piss me off when im in the cage and a bike gets right up on my ass. i dont stare at them and try to fight them though. i just slow down to give more room for me to stop and let them go around. not saying you were right up on his shit or whatever, i know you said you were not THAT close. hell, it pisses me off when ANYONE gets right up on my shit. bike, car van or whatever.

you're supposed to have at LEAST 2 seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you :)

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I've had a few of these moments. I was driving on a road where you go under a freeway bridge (Worthington/Worthington galena road for those on the north end of Columbus), and right after the bridge is a turn to a different road (Lazelle). I had someone pull out because they obviously didn't see me (didn't really need them to tell me that), and once they did see me, did they continue out across the lane, or back up? Nope...they just stayed there in the middle of the lane as if I was going to go into oncoming traffic to go around them or something...absolutely ridiculous.

Second one was one evening I was turning left from Polaris onto Sancus (pretty big intersection, two left turn lanes going south on Sancus, one left turn lane on the other side, and 4 lanes going each direction on Polaris). Well I've got a green arrow, and there's a car in the left left turn lane (I'm in the right left turn lane). I start to accellerate through the intersection, beginning my left turn, when I see it start to happen (I love it how you always see it before the cagers even know you're there). This SUV is turning right onto Sancus, doesn't even stop at the red light, just rolls through. I see them before I'm even 30 feet away and just honk and stand my bike up out of the turn. Again the idiot pauses for a second, finally sees me, and continues to turn left in front of me anyway. At the light of Sancus and Lazelle I ended up next to him. He rolled the window down to say sorry, but I just shook my head and waved at him in a kind of "I don't want to hear it manner". It took a lot for me to not rip him a new one...I kinda get road rage, but I'm working on it!!! Hahahaha.

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honestly it does kind of piss me off when im in the cage and a bike gets right up on my ass. i dont stare at them and try to fight them though. i just slow down to give more room for me to stop and let them go around. not saying you were right up on his shit or whatever, i know you said you were not THAT close. hell, it pisses me off when ANYONE gets right up on my shit. bike, car van or whatever.

you're supposed to have at LEAST 2 seconds between you and the vehicle in front of you :)

yeah it kinda sucks, but if a motorcycle hits you its not your fault and its not like they're in a semi that is going to total your car and damage you as well.

I had plenty of space. I'm a very cautious rider and I had a new rider with me, so I definitely wasn't out there riding like a crazy person... the guy was just an idiot looking for a fight...

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I don't think I'm intimidating enough.

1. Get a big, cheap crescent wrench.

2. Carry in such a place that you can easily draw and wave/ throw it at the next pustule who doesn't exercise proper lane discipline.

3. ?????

4. Profit!


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Dayton area drivers really suck! :rolleyes: That was the second person I went off on, the first got away with me turning around on the bike at 65mph and providing nonverbal input.

True story... Dayton drivers toad the wet sprocket. All in a big hurry to do WHAT. Get around Dayton?? oh the irony.

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