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Another soccar mom with a cell phone


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By now you've probably seen the NY Times's long piece on distracted driving — about how most drivers and most legislators willfully ignore the evidence of the dangers of talking on a cellphone, texting, and other electronic distractions while behind the wheel. According to this article, cellphone use while driving causes over 1,000 fatalities a year in the US. Another shoe has now dropped: it seems that the US National Highway Safety Administration blocked a proposed definitive study of the risks. The NHSA now cites concerns about angering Congress. Two consumer safety groups had filed a FOIA request for documents about the aborted study, and the Times has now made the documents public — including the research behind the request for a study of 10,000 drivers.


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First time I almost lost it....

Guy passed me in a Honda Pilot... FROM BEHIND...

And almost put me into a telephone pole. Asshole was doing at least 45 in a 25 (I know, because I was doing 40 to get through the merge of a two-lane st. into one. He came up in the merging lane and tried to merge into my rear wheel).

I slammed on the brakes, my bike crabbed sideways and I basically rolled a powerslide towards this very sturdy-looking telephone pole while the asshole in the Pilot decided he'd just roll on by.

lol f that, dropped it into second and went WOT by this guy in the (fortunately unoccupied) left-hand turn suicide lane, got around him, turned in the saddle, gave him a "nonverbal" and continued on.

He actually caught up to me at the next light, and he was all I"M SORRY I DIDN'T SEE Y--" and I was so mad I tore my helmet off and started screaming, "I'M 6'3" 330 POUNDS, MOTHER!@#$@#$, AND YOU WERE BEHIND ME, HOW THE @#$@#$ DID YOU MISS ME? PAY $%^&^& ATTENTION OR I'LL DRAG YOU THE !@$@#$ OUT OF THAT CAGE AND..." and I kept going after the light turned green, he just rolled up, white-knuckled it and drove away.

Was so angry that I almost dropped it in the parking lot at work, had the comedown shakies hardcore.

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It was the first time I'd ever been there. It was to get a photo of this:


We play a game on ADV rider where someone goes out and gets a photo of a site with their bike. They can either include clues in their photo or written clues so someone can ride to that location and get a photo of their bike at that site. It's a cool game that gets you to ride to places you might not otherwise go, like Germantown. :D

I like that thread.:)

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I refuse to admit what I may or may not have done to vehicles assaulting me, on the grounds that it might cause me to buy a new pair of steel toed boots.

Seriously, I've had far more encounters of this type trying to cross High St on OSU campus. None ever stopped or turned around... what, heard a noise, must have hit a pedestrian, oops, better keep on going...

Blind lane changers are so common that you might as well get used to it and learn to work through traffic like that. What scares the sheet out of me is people turning from the wrong lane....

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a lot of close call stories. had a few myself but who has'nt. glad to here everone is ok. really theres nothing you can do to prevent someone from pulling out in front of you. how we react as motorcyclist is what will determine if it will be an accident or not. people staying off the damn cell phone would help.

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:nono: I got a cigarette flicked at me last night while some idiot was messing with his GPS, didn't even realize I was behind him. I think the part that irritated me the most is when I pulled up next to him to show him that he just threw something at me, he still wasn't paying enough attention to even realize i was there.
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:nono: I got a cigarette flicked at me last night while some idiot was messing with his GPS, didn't even realize I was behind him. I think the part that irritated me the most is when I pulled up next to him to show him that he just threw something at me, he still wasn't paying enough attention to even realize i was there.

Should have ground it into his window for him at the next stoplight.

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I learned something when I didn the right thing and called the police after a person ran me off the road. Made a report, and the police officer asked if there were any witnesses. I don't know? So he proceeds to tell me that it is like simple assault case. You need witnesses, or else it's a he said vs. he/she said. So nothing came out of this, in spite of having the plate numbers.

Lesson learned. Similar thing happened on High Street. A person merged me to the curb late at night. So it's like a simple assault, eh? A guy got beat down by a scooter rider near campus. I didn't see any witnesses.:cool:

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or maybe we should all mount cameras to our bikes so we have proof.

Strongly considering this, after a fashion.

I have to figure out a way to clip my iPhone to the bars, I think. I use it for GPS but I'm scared to death of it popping out due to wind-blast or something random and losing my phone on the freeway.

edit - and my phone will do video.

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