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C 130

hue jass

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AC130 Spectre Gunship. Deadly and awesome to see in action. Look up more images on Google and such. Not your typical National Guard AC130...

I knew it had to have a ton of wing on it to basically just float around up there.

I gotta check this game out.

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Yes deff from a video game. Not quite how it works in real life but pretty cool anyways. As for the jodi, everyone has their own change to it to make it their own. USMC, AF PJ's, AF Security Forces... all kinds.

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Yes deff from a video game. Not quite how it works in real life but pretty cool anyways. As for the jodi, everyone has their own change to it to make it their own. USMC, AF PJ's, AF Security Forces... all kinds.

true true, i've heard it all over the place, haha. and def AC-130 if you can make it to the usaf museum here in dayton they have one at the anex.

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