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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


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you bailed out right as i got online tonight. probably for the best. xbox kept crashing and the combo of christmas ale and MW2 was not resulting in success anyway.

God fucking damnit! I got another red ring of death! Fuck you microsoft!


Edited by smashweights
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So I have come to dislike the ginormous maps that MW2 has. It breeds campers.

I fucking hate campers, and twelve year olds whose testicles haven't dropped yet.

Most of the time, they are one in the same. AHHHH, I hate campers, especially ones that camp around objectives, only to pop up and shoot me, then crouch again. Do us all a favor and go back to suckin on your mommas tit.

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So I have come to dislike the ginormous maps that MW2 has. It breeds campers.

I fucking hate campers, and twelve year olds whose testicles haven't dropped yet.

Most of the time, they are one in the same. AHHHH, I hate campers, especially ones that camp around objectives, only to pop up and shoot me, then crouch again. Do us all a favor and go back to suckin on your mommas tit.


I also hate spawning right in front of the middle of everyone on the other team.

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So I have come to dislike the ginormous maps that MW2 has. It breeds campers.

I fucking hate campers, and twelve year olds whose testicles haven't dropped yet.

Most of the time, they are one in the same. AHHHH, I hate campers, especially ones that camp around objectives, only to pop up and shoot me, then crouch again. Do us all a favor and go back to suckin on your mommas tit.

im with you! ill be creepin along the edge of something tryin to be sneaky being aware of my surrounds, and get shot! im like i know nobody was around! KILLCAM: some one sitting in the most dumbass NOOB camping spot clear across the map, pickin people off... whenever i see cross hairs on the kill cam i get pissed and go get my revenge!

another gay thing is when an entire team groups up in one building or cave and you cant get anywhere near it without gettin killed and not one bastard will come out... toss a nade in and kill 2 of them but they respawn inside again to only do it all over again! still LOVE the game though just not so much some of the players...might play a few rounds now that im thinkin about it

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Oh another bastard move I came across last night.

Sabatoge or other bomb mission.

Riot shield mob moves the bomb carrier across the map. Basically the guys with riot shields surround the bomb carrier, and walk him to the objective. Good strategy really. But not the entire game. The guys have blast sheilds too..... predator missles work the best.

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So I have come to dislike the ginormous maps that MW2 has. It breeds campers.

I fucking hate campers, and twelve year olds whose testicles haven't dropped yet.

Most of the time, they are one in the same. AHHHH, I hate campers, especially ones that camp around objectives, only to pop up and shoot me, then crouch again. Do us all a favor and go back to suckin on your mommas tit.

I agree about the campers as well. The funny thing is that they are so stupid you that they never move. You respawn and go back and kill them. I like a melee kill to the back of the head. :)

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That was you!?!?! You bastard!

I'm kidding of course. I don't have the patience for sniping.

haha... I love walking around where all teh emenies are and cutting them real good. Coldblooded pro and ninja pro with my heartbeat sensor/silencer and throwing knife.

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You get a perspective view of the person who killed you, while the are killing you.

sarcasm. i know what the death cam is ;) i just play 90% hardcore, so there's no death cams.

They toooook his box

ey took is box!!

doo e r bargh

Sorry had to, everytime i see your avatar, makes me think of takin' peoples jobs

that's cause that's what it's from! actually, i think that guy is part of the "They took his DAWGGGG!" deterioration.

haha... I love walking around where all teh emenies are and cutting them real good. Coldblooded pro and ninja pro with my heartbeat sensor/silencer and throwing knife.

professional cold-blooded ninjas are the way to go! Most my kits that way.

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Oh another bastard move I came across last night.

Sabatoge or other bomb mission.

Riot shield mob moves the bomb carrier across the map. Basically the guys with riot shields surround the bomb carrier, and walk him to the objective. Good strategy really. But not the entire game. The guys have blast sheilds too..... predator missles work the best.

id toss a FlashBang right in the middle of them and jump in the middle and start knifing lol that shit would piss me off too! but only cause i didnt think of it lol

but on another note.. as far as weapon and perk choice.. i use Bling Pro, Stopping Power Pro, Commando Pro, weapon of choice is the M4A1 with FMJ and holographic sight and the Glock 18 as a side arm..thats one of my custom classes and the one i use most.. havent used the G18 enough to unlock any attachments for it yet though.. but i straight PWN it with that set up!

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