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FML. FML with no vaseline


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Now, serious question time.

What is really so bad about this? I mean unless your all posting up nekkid pix of yourself and all making XXX comments to eachother, really whats the big deal?

and if you ARE doing all that, How do you explain to your mother you ignored her friend request :lol:

you know the party where your parents showed up to pick you up at... yeah its kinda like that

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Grandma, dad in the back ground with the cup talking to the guy in the white shirt, my room mate. and my sister to the left of him, and my grandpa to the left of her.


Grandma, me to the left, my dad to the left, his girlfriend to the left, then my sis again, and one of her friends



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My parents don't do facebook. In fact they don't even mess around with the internet. I have myspace and facebook. On both I have my nieces and nephews as friends because I'm the cool aunt! Anyway, over the past couple of months, my brothers, my sister, brothers and sisters in law have joined facebook. Of course I add them but have found myself censoring myself so they don't go and label me as the aunt that's a bad influence 80(

Well, there's really on one or two sisters in law that I feel I have to be cautious of what I post so no big deal.

The best thing about it though is that we've communicated more via facebook over the past couple of months than by any other means over the past few years. It's brought us closer.

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i am kidding cuz we have met and you are ALOT bigger than me ;)

:lol: that would be a funny site to see you two next to each other!!

Trap- you look like your dad! :eek::D:p

My mom just learned how to use a cell phone and text..lol. that's enough for now.

my dad's wife has a facebook..ew!

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