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It's hard to be a minority sometimes *SIGH*


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I think he is just jealous that he is about to marry a pretty high maintenance, incompetant, girly girl with zero character outside of her luis bags and tiffanys jewelry.. :D

Can't be me.. ever. I'm just oozing with character LOL. and I own no jewelry. Just one ring.. a silver band. *uh-oh*

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I told one of my girlfriends via e-mail that, because it was a nice day, I rode my bike to work this morning. Her response:

"Damn JJ, you are manly as fuck. Are you a lesbian now or something? Regular women don't ride motorcycles.. is there something you need to tell me?"

***SIGH** she didn't even "LOL" :(

Let me guess, her 'man' Rides HD :lol: I prefer girls, not luggage, not that I hate having a girl ride pillion, But a chick with her own bike, friggin hawt. :rulez: If she can drag knee hawt x 2

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ok so i keep reading the title of this thread and i'm like..."yaarughashahahawaffadla"

cuz you're minority in terms of being a chick rider...

but you don't kno nothing about it sucking to be in minority for reals!


in ohio Asians take up about 1.1% of the population according to the census in 2006

Asians include Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Indians, Sri Lankans, etc. etc.

Indians are less than .1% (i'm guessing)

we get shit for everything...

my parents own a liquor store so i never hear the end of "hey how's the quick-e-mart doing?"

or stupid pranks where i'm high and wasted and falling asleep and my friends decide it would be funny to put a dot on my forehead...

or how people think its crazy that i don't eat beef or pork and keep shoving hamburgers and ribs and steak in my face...

of course i went through high school here in the states so i've become impervious to stupid jokes and such but it kinda irks me when ppl say "its so hard" or stuff like that...cuz they don't experience what i do...


now that i've gone through that...i know ur whole thing was on a lighter note but i've been wanting to get that off my chest for years...

and i aint sayin you irked me...much...

sorry to get all serious and stuff...

and if someone calls you lesbo just be all like

"bitch not only do i get boys cuz i'm hot, i get more than you cuz i ride a motorcycle"


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ok so i keep reading the title of this thread and i'm like..."yaarughashahahawaffadla"

cuz you're minority in terms of being a chick rider...

but you don't kno nothing about it sucking to be in minority for reals!

Calm down Chachi. Shes a black woman. I'm thinking she knows something about being a minority....... and a bad driver. :D

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cuz you're minority in terms of being a chick rider...but you don't kno nothing about it sucking to be in minority for reals!

:eek: Yeah, uh, do a little research on Chickon2 before saying that. I haven't even met her and figured it out. ;)

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i mean yea i understand that she's a black woman

but thats about 20% of the population

so it may be minority but its the major minority.

The cencus bureau says that the black population is roughly 13-14%... 50-50 split for men-women, that would actually put her closer to ~7% of the population.

Now as far as the jokes go, you say "wow that must have taken you all night to come up with, because I haven't already heard that 50 times before" then make the person who thought they were being clever sound like an ass.

As long as that rant made you feel better, :trophy:

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The cencus bureau says that the black population is roughly 13-14%... 50-50 split for men-women, that would actually put her closer to ~7% of the population.

Now as far as the jokes go, you say "wow that must have taken you all night to come up with, because I haven't already heard that 50 times before" then make the person who thought they were being clever sound like an ass.

As long as that rant made you feel better, :trophy:

It did make me feel better :D

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I've seen lots of other lady riders since I got my bike. I mean lots more, I see them every week. I've seen more on cruisers than I have on sports bikes but that's probably because more ppl seem to wear their helmets on sports bikes.

I did see a hot black chick on a very nice cruiser a few weeks ago, she had long micro-braided hair.

I saw a couple with sports bikes a few weeks before that, they had matching bikes and full gear but I could easily tell one of them was a woman, the curves were hard to miss. Without recalling every instance, out of all of them only once or twice did I get the impression of possible dyke'ness or lesbo.

Impressions are one thing. Facts are another.

Edited by velnarah
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Calm down Chachi. Shes a black woman. I'm thinking she knows something about being a minority....... and a bad driver. :D

I'm a black woman??? Who told you?? I have Billy Idol ticket stubs and a mullet that say otherwise!!

and a bad driver. :D

suck mah bawls.:D

but thats about 20% of the population

Wow 20%??? Damnnn son, we got a promotion!! AWESOMMMME

uhm yeah bruh I think we count for significantly LESS than 20% of the population (especially in Ohio, especially in my small ass town)...but if you operate a liquor store in an Urban area, it might just seem higher to you. LOL.:p

And not to diminish Chaci's struggle but uhh..... :rolleyes: ahhhh fuck this conversation. Where's my great white supportive bra? And my cabana boy Rillo?

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