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Stopped for having visor up?!


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This really is bullshit!!! Some cops really have nothing better to do. Tonight, myself and two other riders were riding thru Worthington on 23. At one point there was a sherriff in front of us so we kept it to the speed limit. He turned off so we sped up a bit, but I was in front, so knowing how bored the cops are there, I was keeping it close to the limit. Soon after the sherriff turned I realized another cop (from Sharon Township, wherever the hell that is!) in front of the car in front of me. He moved over to the next lane. At the light at Wilson Bridge, Bret and I were in the lane on the cop's driver's side but behind the car next to him. Stefan pulled up in the next lane next to us and directly behind the cop. As soon as we got to 270 on 23, he pulled over and as soon as Stefan went past, he pulled back in and turned his lights on. We were totally going the limit, all had all our gear on. The reason he gave for stopping him was that his visor was up! He only gave him a warning, but c'mon is that really a reason to stop someone?!?!


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I don't get it... Breaking the law, getting held accountable for it... There's something wrong with that? Sounds like the guy was pretty cool for just giving a warning when he could have issued a citation.

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The law says it's required if you don't have a windshield, doesn't say how high the windshield has to be. But, even if it is law, it's still real dumb!

Is it a law that you can't have your window open while driving a car? Or that you can't pay more attention to your kids in the back seat instead of watching where the hell you're going? And of course the guy who passed us going the other way with NO gear (nor did he passenger have any) was totally legal? Think they need to pay more attention to those riders!

I understand the reasoning but last I checked they can't pull over a driver JUST for not wearing their seatbelt either. He should have had a more valid reason!

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Perhaps I'm just missing the whole point but I would rather know that all of my taxpaying money is going to the police force is being used for REAL crime. I am sure there a much more important things that cop could have been doing to aid the community. Although I guess those who are siding with the cop's will be able to sleep better tonight know that Stefan the criminal was put in his place.

As for the bike.... sorry criminal..... going the other direction did NOT have, a helmet, goggles or glasses on, Oh he may have had contacts in, does that count?

I bet you a paycheck that if that cop rides he has had his visor up at some point while moving, Do you really think he would give himself a ticket? No.

The point is, there was no need for that cop to make a fuss at all.

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they can pull you over for not wearing a seatbelt. and the guys passing probably had glasses of some sort on. its just stuff you dont think is bad enough to be pulled over for. still illegal.

No sorry to tell you but that is a secondary offense and they have to find another reason to pull you over which they usually can.

As for the visor deal, I know its a pain to deal with but since I have "bulletproof" perscription sunglasses I have never been stopped for that and I roll w visor up below 35mph all the time. Just a thought.

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While it can be a pita and a minimal reason to be stopped, its set there so that motorcycle riders don't take a bug/rock to the eye and wreck. I can't count how many times I've had huge bugs or rocks bounce off my visor or helmet and I think "god that would've hurt". The reply for this straight from the Ohio Revised Code Online for the law itself (edited to shorten it a bit):


No person shall operate or be a passenger on a snowmobile or motorcycle without using safety glasses or other protective eye device.

The helmet, safety glasses, or other protective eye device shall conform with regulations prescribed and promulgated by the director of public safety.

Pretty much anything that covers your eyes, (sunglasses, shooting glasses, visor, ect) and your good to go. I don't know of anyone that hasn't rode with their visor up at one time or another(cops included). At least you got out with a warning for it, as more of a reminder to have something over your eyes.

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I cant believe this is such a big issue. Is this room full of cops or something.

I am not saying that having your visor open is a really fun thing to do or advise anyone do it, my point is WHAT A F'ING WASTE OF TIME STOPPING SOMEONE FOR DOING LESS THAN 40MPH WITH THEIR VISOR OPEN.

There are a ton of morons on the road doing so much worse, I know as i pass most of them on Polaris parkway on my way to work that are a danger to the others in their car & others on the road.

In the big picture can you really say that stopping him for nothing more than having his visor open is a worth with use or police resources ? If you answer yes then YOU are one of the drivers I pass on Polaris.

I am sure there are bike being stolen, people being mugged, houses being broken into, cars being stolen, drunk drivers killing people, bar fights going on & people gettting shot & so on but at least I can feel safe not having to worry about any of that as the cops are making sure my visor is down & now I am all safe. Do you not see how f'ing retarded that sounds to agree & stick up for the cops in this case.


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do eye glasses qualify as eye protection?


The law says it's required if you don't have a windshield, doesn't say how high the windshield has to be. But, even if it is law, it's still real dumb!

Is it a law that you can't have your window open while driving a car? Or that you can't pay more attention to your kids in the back seat instead of watching where the hell you're going? And of course the guy who passed us going the other way with NO gear (nor did he passenger have any) was totally legal? Think they need to pay more attention to those riders!

I understand the reasoning but last I checked they can't pull over a driver JUST for not wearing their seatbelt either. He should have had a more valid reason!

Driving with your window down is no comparison to eye protection on a motorcycle. Ride for 10 minutes and look at your visor, any one of those bugs could have been in your eye... And while you are rubbing it out, you are running a red light or rear ending someone... I know this from experience... Once with my visor up I caught a bug in the eye and nearly got myself splattered.

Perhaps I'm just missing the whole point but I would rather know that all of my taxpaying money is going to the police force is being used for REAL crime. I am sure there a much more important things that cop could have been doing to aid the community. Although I guess those who are siding with the cop's will be able to sleep better tonight know that Stefan the criminal was put in his place.

As for the bike.... sorry criminal..... going the other direction did NOT have, a helmet, goggles or glasses on, Oh he may have had contacts in, does that count?

I bet you a paycheck that if that cop rides he has had his visor up at some point while moving, Do you really think he would give himself a ticket? No.

The point is, there was no need for that cop to make a fuss at all.

Cop didn't see it, it didn't happen. And as far as fighting real crime... What's the point of laws if they aren't going to be enforced? Might as well abolish all the laws except for the really juicy ones I guess...

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I cant believe this is such a big issue. Is this room full of cops or something.

I am not saying that having your visor open is a really fun thing to do or advise anyone do it, my point is WHAT A F'ING WASTE OF TIME STOPPING SOMEONE FOR DOING LESS THAN 40MPH WITH THEIR VISOR OPEN.

There are a ton of morons on the road doing so much worse, I know as i pass most of them on Polaris parkway on my way to work that are a danger to the others in their car & others on the road.

In the big picture can you really say that stopping him for nothing more than having his visor open is a worth with use or police resources ? If you answer yes then YOU are one of the drivers I pass on Polaris.

I am sure there are bike being stolen, people being mugged, houses being broken into, cars being stolen, drunk drivers killing people, bar fights going on & people gettting shot & so on but at least I can feel safe not having to worry about any of that as the cops are making sure my visor is down & now I am all safe. Do you not see how f'ing retarded that sounds to agree & stick up for the cops in this case.


Enforcing some laws over others... Retarded indeed.

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Ok, This is my last post as this is getting fucking stupid.

I am 100% sure that every single person on this group has done something to break the law in some way, even as small a thing as driving 2 mph over a speed limit. If you were pulled over & got a ticket for doing 62 in a 60 you would be pissed, very pissed. I know you would not be there taking the ticket in one hand & shaking the hand of the cop with the other while saying what a great job he was doing. If you say you would do that then you are full of :moo::monkeypoo:

The few times I have been out with people from here not once has a law not been broken so all on the cops side can get off their (speeding) high horse & join the real world.

Bottom line: Getting pulled over for nothing more than having your visor open is crap, law or no law.

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I break the law on a daily basis... I am just not going to bitch and moan about it when I get caught... I'll be a man and pay the ticket... Not going to say I'll be happy about it, but I am mature enough to say, "I broke the law and I got caught." That's it... it's that simple.

It's like people I work with... They do something wrong and get pissed at me for writing them up. It's even worse when I have to can them. Like it's my fault they fucked up.:rolleyes:

Bottom line: You break the law and get caught... It's your fault. YOU BROKE THE LAW. You don't want to get pulled over... Don't break the law.

I don't even understand why this is up for debate... It's cut and dry.:rulez:

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do eye glasses qualify as eye protection?

Yes they do, as long as your eyes are protected from a direct hit then you are fine.

I almost always ride with my visor up in the daytime with sunglasses and would in the night if I remembered to bring my clear glasses with me. I don't know how many times I have had things in my eyes even with the visor down and glasses on. So riding without protection is just dumb on the riders part.

Now if you were just pulling your visor up to talk to your buddies at a light and put it down when you got moving then I can see you having a beef with the cop.

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Sharon Twp - they don't have a lot to do. I don't think there is a lot of 'real' crime in their area.

The guy stopped you, gave you a warning (one you needed, since you didn't know the law), and let you go. If someone with you had been riding without a license or insurance would you consider that a 'real' crime?

Sure, it took a little time, but in the end, you now know the law, so you learned something. If I got stopped, I would be happy that he let me go with a warning when I was clearly breaking the law.

We get harassed because some of us have given the rest of us bad names - high speed runs (guilty), running from the police, riding like an asshat in traffic, standups at 80mph, all sorts of shit. While you and I may not see it a lot, the police see it all the time because they drive the road for 8 hours a day.

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Ok, we have gone over this before and I will say it one last time. Many of the people complaining DIDN'T GET PULLED OVER!!!! They are the people paying the cops salary with their taxes. Down the side of the cops car it says "to protect and serve". I guess it could be said that the cop was protecting the guy but he absolutely was NOT serving the rest of us. The time and gas used to pull this guy over could have been better served fighting CRIME and not INFRACTIONS. Do you not see the difference? Crime, hurts people. Infractions, rarely hurt people. The analogy of you with employees is ludicrous. Your employees don't pay you!! You pay them and give them the privledge of working for you. Cops work for us and we give them the privledge of working for us by paying our taxes. We have the right to be pissed when they waste our money being stupid. A better analogy would be that YOUR boss has the right to be pissed when YOU stupidly discipline employees. We pay the cops. We can complaind when they act retarded. Yes it is an INFRACTION. However, he could have just as easily pulled along side and used his mic to say put your visor down. Pulling the guy over was a power trip. Nothing more, nothing less. Defending stupidity allows stupidity to remain rampant. There are laws on the books in some states from 200 years ago that have never been taken off. They aren't enforced anymore because they are stupid. Should cops still enforce them because, well, the law is the law. There is such a thing as "the spirit in which the law was intended." Many times REAL crimes are dismessed because the spirit in which the law was intended was followed. The blind defense of stupidity is exactly why our government is slowly taking away our rights!!!

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Ok, we have gone over this before and I will say it one last time. Many of the people complaining DIDN'T GET PULLED OVER!!!! They are the people paying the cops salary with their taxes. Down the side of the cops car it says "to protect and serve". I guess it could be said that the cop was protecting the guy but he absolutely was NOT serving the rest of us. The time and gas used to pull this guy over could have been better served fighting CRIME and not INFRACTIONS. Do you not see the difference? Crime, hurts people. Infractions, rarely hurt people. The analogy of you with employees is ludicrous. Your employees don't pay you!! You pay them and give them the privledge of working for you. Cops work for us and we give them the privledge of working for us by paying our taxes. We have the right to be pissed when they waste our money being stupid. A better analogy would be that YOUR boss has the right to be pissed when YOU stupidly discipline employees. We pay the cops. We can complaind when they act retarded. Yes it is an INFRACTION. However, he could have just as easily pulled along side and used his mic to say put your visor down. Pulling the guy over was a power trip. Nothing more, nothing less. Defending stupidity allows stupidity to remain rampant. There are laws on the books in some states from 200 years ago that have never been taken off. They aren't enforced anymore because they are stupid. Should cops still enforce them because, well, the law is the law. There is such a thing as "the spirit in which the law was intended." Many times REAL crimes are dismessed because the spirit in which the law was intended was followed. The blind defense of stupidity is exactly why our government is slowly taking away our rights!!!

Damn whats with you people and these large ass, barely readable paragraphs????

The cop did follow the "spirit of the law". Had he pulled the guy over for merely lifting his visor to talk to his buddy at a light, then he would have been an asshole.

I willing to bet had this been a post about a guy riding with his visor open, catching a bug, rock or some piece of debris in the eye and swerving, running his fellow riders off the road and plowing into a an oncoming car killing the driver... the comments would be different.

Yes you can easily kill someone at 40MPH.

You guys sound like a bunch of teenagers feeling like they are being hassled by the man.

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They only thing that I can add to this thread is that a lot of times a cop will pull a person on a bs item just so they can check them out.

Once they have them pulled over then they can check the insurance, license, and see if they have any warrents or if the vehicle is stollen.

So yes it may seem like a BS reason to get pulled over and I am sure a lot of us would get pissed for that but the cops have found that they get a lot of the busts from routine traffic stops.

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The time and gas used to pull this guy over could have been better served fighting CRIME and not INFRACTIONS.

I'm tired of hearing this stupid ass line! Like stated before, the cop was doing his job, protecting the public and you from harm. How bad would that cop feel if he seen it and did nothing, then got a call 10mins later that a motorcycle slammed into a oncoming vehicle and killed someone because a stupid bug flew into his eye and the motorcyclist couldn’t' see?? He could of prevented (and did) that from even happening.

Back to the earlier comment about "fighting CRIME and not INFRACTIONS"... you know that every cop has a radio and on the other side of that radio is other cops (lots of them) and also dispatchers. If someone calls in a "real crime" while the cop has someone pulled over, that cop will leave in a heart beat and you'll be riding home scott free (as long as you've got no warrants or other pressing issues).

I'm not a big "cop lover", my father was a cop back in the day and I work with them sometimes on emergencies... but I respect them and the law and try not to whine when I get a ticket for braking it. Just be happy that he let you go... I'm sure the cop was happy that you didn't run!

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