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Fatality in Lancaster


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I live in Lancaster. To be honest...we have our shitty drivers, like every other city...but it's really the old people we have to watch out for here. Didn't read the article...so not sure in this case...but...i would never want to ride all the time in Columbus. Or maybe any other big city. The ONE time i rode in Columbus...had a guy turning left...in the left turn only lane, me coming down my lane...and he whips it out right in front of me. Got enough back brake to lock it up, but kept it up thankfully. I swear....all it takes is a couple more seconds to look. Those seconds could end up saving a life.

Just read the article. Do you notice how it mentions the truck...was struck by the MOTORCYCLE!? Definitely think it's the other way around. :nono:

Edited by NightRider
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I've seen court cases, the guy turning left is always in the wrong. Doesn't do this fallen rider justice though...


Best quote I've heard for advice to riders, "Ride as if no one can see you, but if they can they're trying to hit you." (I think I'll put that in my signature)

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SUPER WEAK and total BS!! This makes me SO ANGRY:mad:

Swear to god, if the guy driving that Ford tries to say he "didn't see the guy on the motorcycle" I am one my way to Lancaster with a giant can of whoop ass.

That poor guy and his family:(

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Wow.. sad to hear but we don't know the particulars of the story. Don't be so quick to judge the driver when speeds haven't been announced.

Well.. I'm judgin'. Whether the bike was doing 5 mph or 100, the truck came into HIS lane. The driver of the truck misjudged any number of things, and killed someone. That's pretty much that.

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Wow.. so if the street was posted '35mph' and the rider was doing 85mph you'd still side with the dead guy?

Disclaimer: I'm not siding with anybody' date=' yet.[/quote']

Comparitive Negligence. All that has to be proven is over 50% at fault. Speed isn't what caused the fatality. 35mph or 85mph- the results are the same. A truck caused this by negligence, as viewed by the law itself.

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Wow.. so if the street was posted '35mph' and the rider was doing 85mph you'd still side with the dead guy?

If said dead guy was doing triple the limit, that doesn't make him too bright, sure. But at least he was in his own lane.

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I live in Lancaster. To be honest...we have our shitty drivers, like every other city...but it's really the old people we have to watch out for here. Didn't read the article...so not sure in this case...but...i would never want to ride all the time in Columbus. Or maybe any other big city. The ONE time i rode in Columbus...had a guy turning left...in the left turn only lane, me coming down my lane...and he whips it out right in front of me. Got enough back brake to lock it up, but kept it up thankfully. I swear....all it takes is a couple more seconds to look. Those seconds could end up saving a life.

I've had my close calls riding the streets of the 'nati...the metro bus drivers are the absolute worst...last week I was riding and took control of an intersection to make a lefty...the light turned yellow and I waited to be certain that both lanes of traffic coming towards me were stopping, a truck in one and a metro bus in the other...they began to stop, or so I thought, as the truck stopped and the bus blew through the red...literally, I couldn't believe it and thank god I was on the SV and not my Nighthawk 'cause I wouldn't have been able to walk my bike back fast enough for the near miss ...and the lovely driver had the nerve to scowl at me as she blew past...

:( for the fallen rider

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