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Cell Phone Choices...


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Verizon customer service is extremely helpful, but thinks I'm retarded...

Okay... got the omnia from fedex friday, took the time to pair it with my old phone via bluetooth and transfer my contacts and pictures..etc...

called the activation number, everything seemed great...

one snag, no internet....hmmm, I thought...

I'm pretty tech savvy, so i started playing with the wifi settings, and they looked alright, so i gave up on that and went to the network internet...

network internet kept giving me a wrong username/password error...

after combing the instruction book..i gave up for the night...

rode out to lorain to see the g/f (and give her the old phone).

The verizon store is 10 mins from her, so we went up to get her phone switched over, and I figured while I was there, they could show me what i was doing wrong...

The rep took my phone back to the "techs" and they had if for 10 minutes, the rep comes back out and says that they were calling corporate, and it could be a while. So we leave the phone there, and go get something to eat..come back and it's still not ready :(. the rep says that she works until 5:30 and I should come back around then.

so we go back to the g/fs house and chill until about 5:30

When i get back they tell me that it's fixed, but they had to wipe out all the data, and re-set it, so they are just waiting for all my data they had backed up to transfer back to my device...

waited another 10 minutes, and they bring me "my" phone...:confused:

magically it has all the screen stickers back on it, and none of the devices i had already paired it with recognized it...

Now maybe they didn't want bad publicity about the omnia, or they didn't want me advertizing that they gave me a new phone over this issue, but i can't see why they'd lie to me about it... I'm not mad


So the new phone works great, and the internet is pretty fast...

vzw customer service solved the problem, but they think i'm stupid...*shrug*

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Doh! -1 for Verizon customer service.

At least they looked at your phone. There isn't a single Verizon store around here that does tech service. They tell you to go call their 1 800 number. Fuck that, I want to speak with a real person face to face.

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Doh! -1 for Verizon customer service.

At least they looked at your phone. There isn't a single Verizon store around here that does tech service. They tell you to go call their 1 800 number. Fuck that, I want to speak with a real person face to face.

agreed i hate even ordering shit off the internet unless i can call them and talk to someone. im a person to person guy too.

magley i was looking around for apps for my phone ( which there are none) and your phone with the windows mobile has alot of cool stuff out there if you just look.

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week-in review of the Omnia.

TONZ of options...I can basically make this thing look like/do whatever I want.

Processor is FAST...started to lag a little after I had 30 apps open (excessive)

Storage is sufficient, not as much space as I'd like, but as much space as I think I'll need.

Interface is really intuitive. everything is pretty easy to figure out.

optical mouse is a bit combersome, but works if you are doing something online, and don't want to break out the stylus or resize the screen.

clarity of the screen/photos is great (5mp>most phone cameras)

All in all pretty happy with my decision, seems perfectly on par with the iphone, better at somethings, worse at others. (the basis by which all cell phones are measured these days).

Edited by magley64
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I wish my Instinct was ACTUALLY cool like that. But no, it sux. I'm sticking with Sprint (contract). I spend enough with them that they'll give me an upgrade every year, instead of 2, so I'm pondering what I would like to get next. I may go back to a simple flip, or something, who knows!

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  • 3 months later...

*Old thread revival because I didn't want to start a new one.*

So, WTF is up with Verizon not doing NE2 on each line of a family plan?

1) My phone was eligible in 04/2007

2) My g/fs phone was eligible in 02/2009

We both want to upgrade (Yes, I've been due - I'm well aware from all the ribbing I take from the few on here that have seen my v710, I still have VMs from 2005 on it :p)

Anyway, I get get ONE LG Chocolate Touch free, but they won't apply the NE2 to the second line. I've been a loyal customer and don't really want to switch because I'm getting a decent rate given my discounts. Is there any special schmoozing I need to do to my Verizon rep, or does someone have a corporate rep who's treated you right in the past that I can talk to that'll hook me up with 2 free Chocolate touch's and allow me to renew my family plan? I'd be willing to switch carriers if the Coshocton people can pipe up on their cell service... from all the maps I look at, only Verizon works for calling for help after someone launches themselves into a pasture in that area.

Just thought I'd ask.

Edited by JRMMiii
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I can threaten, but it's really a waste of time. It didn't take me long to learn the life lesson that "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" - so, being a dick about it is really a last resort, especially if they piss me off enough to where I'd actually have to follow through with it and switch carriers.

I'd just wish they'd treat me like they gave a damn I'm a customer. Like I said... I didn't even use my NE2 on my Motorola - and it's been eligible since 2007. Not really their concern, but I'd hope that after being a customer with a stellar payment history over the last 5 years, they could at least hook me up with a couple of phones and want to lock me into another 2 yr contract (It's all month-to-month now, so my switching costs are nothing to switch carriers).

I also think it's stupid that they'll give NEW family account people Two new LG Chocolate Touch's, but Renew's or Upgrade customers don't. Sure, it lures new customers, but they're basically telling existing customers to 'get bent', you're not as important as new subscribers... so then you switch carriers every 2 years to get the good deals on the better phones.


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Hmmm... I just did this with my two family share lines and had no problem.

Maybe because you are out of contract with your phone. So they are only willing to update your girlfriends phone, since shes not the far out.

They were offering buy one get one on some of the new ones, as long as you committ to your 2 year contract.

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