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Drop Verizon for AT&T?


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So here's the deal, my contract is up with Verizon very soon.

Don wants an iPhone, but will settle for a Storm. Now this isn't an iPhone vs. Storm deal so leave the Apple nuthugging out of it.

I'm currently paying $48.19/month through Verizon for the Crackberry Pearl and I could upgrade to the Storm for $100. My other option is pay $67/month through AT&T for an iPhone with a startup fee of $236 for the phone.

Someone tell me if downgrading to AT&Ts network from Verizon (which is still superior in coverage) for more money per month is worth the extra cost for that shiny cool phone. The extra money doesn't bother me if the service is comparable but if i'm gonna pay more and get shittier service then I may have an issue.


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I've just upgraded with VZW...i got the Omnia.

If you live in a more metropolitan area than I do,(or in youngstown) ATT might be good enough for you...

it's NOT good enough for me, I'll wait for VZW to get the iphone.

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Don't listen... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it! and the coverage isn't any worst than Verizon. I never cared about having an iPhone or blackberry. I did it because Ben had been wanting the iPhone for years. Let me tell you I wish we would have done it sooner!!!

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If you're making the decision solely off the network, stick with Verizon. The coverage area isn't much different, but if you have Verizon signal odds are you're on their faster network. With ATT, you seem to be on the Edge network anywhere away from a freeway. However, the 3G network is noticeably faster than Verizon's "fast" network.

If you're making the decision off the network AND phones (regardless of what phone) fucking switch. Verizon phones suck.

I faced the exact same decision. I pondered for two years. Made the switch to ATT about 2-3 months ago and I have zero complaints. I went from Windows Mobile to Blackberry to iPhone. The iPhone is worth it.

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I will tell you I have two friends with the Storm:

1st friend: not too many issues, but I don't think they use it for work related stuff besides calling them

2nd Friend: uses his for work and let me tell you I would have throw that phone out the window after all the problems he has had. It freezes up all the time, along with shutting itself off for no reason. I believe he has had to wipe it clean a few times for other issues.

Again iPhone gets my vote!

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I will tell you I have two friends with the Storm:

1st friend: not too many issues, but I don't think they use it for work related stuff besides calling them

2nd Friend: uses his for work and let me tell you I would have throw that phone out the window after all the problems he has had. It freezes up all the time, along with shutting itself off for no reason. I believe he has had to wipe it clean a few times for other issues.

Again iPhone gets my vote!

agree, have also heard horror stories about storm...

if you're going crackberry, go curve...you'll be happier with it

or spend a small fortune on a Iphone and then jailbreak it...

prepare for a gang of dropped calls. (15-25% is VERY common from what i've heard)

whatever floats your boat.

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I have AT&T, my bf has Verizon. I've never had problems with my coverage, and he's wanting to switch to ATT for the iphone as well. It'll personally help us in mobile-to-mobile calling.

With all that aside.... the iPhone is a wonderful investment. I can't seem to stress that enough. I love mine, and mine is still the first generation 'edge' network iPhone. I'm looking to upgrade to the 3GS (or hold off for the 4G) relatively soon. The iPhone is user friendly, the operating system is awesome, and just plain fun.

One day I had to put up a picture frame on the wall (ok, my boyfriend put it up for me... anywho), and I didn't have a carpenter's level. I just ended up downloading the free Level App on the iPhone and voila! Problem solved. It's the little things like that that make it pretty damn awesome :)

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or spend a small fortune on a Iphone and then jailbreak it...

prepare for a gang of dropped calls. (15-25% is VERY common from what i've heard)

I haven't had to jailbreak my phone. I haven't found a reason to. It does everything I want the way it came.

I've had two dropped calls in 3 mos. Both times the other person (both were on Verizon) called back saying sorry and that they lost service for some reason.

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Switched from Verizon to ATT for the iphone in January and the service is alright but doesn't beat Verizon. I would have stayed with them but my want for the iphone was greater than the crappy service with ATT. Out in Coshocton last weekend, I was able to send 1 txt message the whole time. Most of the time the phone was searching for service.

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agree, have also heard horror stories about storm...

if you're going crackberry, go curve...you'll be happier with it

or spend a small fortune on a Iphone and then jailbreak it...

prepare for a gang of dropped calls. (15-25% is VERY common from what i've heard)

whatever floats your boat.

I've got an iPhone 3G... after the 2.1 firmware update, I haven't had any more dropped calls. There used to be a problem related to switching back and forth between edge and 3G networks..... it's not a problem any more, long story short.

The iPhone is great, but I would actually suggest a blackberry bold. It's not as pretty but overall it's a much faster and more powerful mobile device. If you're not into the quirky, "omg u can get fandango app and tilt it sideways and it YOUTUBES THE TRAILOR OMGZ" side of the phone world you'll do better with the Bold.

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Multimedia is a big part in my phone decision, along with a large clear screen, so giant blackberries like the curve are out.

Storm's issues don't bother me, I have a Pearl, every time they release another update the phone gets so much better. So i'm not worried about the bugs not being worked out.

Tomin, that Coshocton thing sucks, I had service the whole time and sent messages at every stop no problem.

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I didnt even bother reading any bit of this thread. Just so I can throw in my untainted 2 cents.. I travel all over the U.S. and have made a few flights across the atlantic. I carry both a verizon and an AT&T. My verizon is great for fast internet, and all the fun gadgets. But my AT&T service is uncompared.. IMAO

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I usually give my old phones a firm rubbing on my taint when I turn them in to get the numbers transferred over.

I'll never win the war, but I still feel it's a mini-victory. Just think how many other phones that rep touches after mine... :)

Edit: Ok, I'm kidding... don't do that... I don't want YOUR taint juice accidentally ending up on MY new phone.

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I usually give my old phones a firm rubbing on my taint when I turn them in to get the numbers transferred over.

I'll never win the war, but I still feel it's a mini-victory. Just think how many other phones that rep touches after mine... :)

Edit: Ok, I'm kidding... don't do that... I don't want YOUR taint juice accidentally ending up on MY new phone.

That was pretty freakin hilarious when i read it though..

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Here's a topic that I feel comfortable dropping a line in on since I'm a Tech Support Manager for At&t's Southeast Wireless division.

1: First of all, to anyone who chooses to do business with us, thank you. It truly is appreciated because I am personally/professionally aware that you do have a choice. The fact that this post even came up says that we are a viable option and that in itself makes me happy professionally.

2: So let's talk about dropped calls. It is important to turn your device off/on once every 2 or 3 days. We send out updates to sim cards regularly. If dropped calls are already happening you will want to call customer service to have a troubleshoot done and a review of your sim card profile. Starting the sequence on power cycling the device too far down the "update" road when calls are already dropping alot is too late. We need to intervene in order to review a sim's profile. Also, we do want to troubleshoot the device and network with you off of the device when you call.... "key".

2: I get to see customer's accounts who attest that they drop calls incessantly but have access to their RF record and see less than 1% of call drops. Not alot for someone who uses 1000 minutes a month but I don't even want that percentage. :) Do calls drop? Every network wishes that they didn't but it can occur. If it's happening too frequently, we want to know because it's not serving a customer to patronize us for a service we are not able to provide on a level that we truly hope to. I want to resolve issues and keep customers. Additionally, customer's are best served by learning where they know service shows it's limitations(i.e.... certain buildings/homes are already in low coverage spots and then the issue is compiled by the materials the structure is made of). Not an excuse whatsoever but it is a reality of the limitations of cell service in correlation to definite obstacles. In short, we want those examples so that we can either communicate a satisfactory resolution or communicate that the desired resolution may not be what our customer would ideally hope for.

3) Treat your phones with respect. These devices are not Hondas(wry smile because I ride one) and last forever. Treat them well and they tend to treat you well back. The toilet phone post is classic. I have a new appreciation for our Retail Store associates. LOL.

So for the creator of this post, I hope you do give us a try and use that first 30 day return period for new service in order to test whether our service provides what you want from a service. If you have questions feel free to PM me. I'm open to helping in any way that I can.


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The horror stories about the storm... Are they before or after the update? I have the storm and LOVE it! Plus, full QWERTY keyboard is awesome in landscape mode. Being able to watch videos is awesome as well. I've never had problems with Verizon. I will stick with them until they do me wrong, but so far I've gotten over $50 added to my account because of people in the store giving me a hard time. I dialed *611 and told the lady... She credited me $25 for my inconvenience. It has happened a couple of times.

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Everyone keeps on saying that, but how long is "before long". I've been waiting 3 years now. They're on their 3rd generation now already. Verizon can lick my balls when it comes to phones. :mad:

they WOULD have had it instead of att, but they didn't want apple's customer service handling their business...

bad choice IMO...if not for the iphone, i think att mobile would be as insignificant as t-mo

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