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Possible "Bike Shop" idea... v.Local curb sale posts


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Good mornin', all.

As some of you know, I've been pondering an upgrade for a few weeks now (been pretty insistant on it, actually). I've been haunting craigslist, cycletrader, and the Bike Sales section here.

But I've noticed that there are a lot more curb sales out there than internet postings. For some reason, people refuse to embrace technology :lol: go figure.

One in particular has caught my eye - there's a Harley Fat Boy for sale in town here, and has been for several weeks now. I've not seen reference to it ANYWHERE but from what I can tell, it's a nice-looking bike.

Found myself for some reason wanting to help him sell it... it's hard enough to move bikes these days; I figure from one brother rider to another, any help is appreciated.

Anyway, here's my idea... how about we host a single stickied thread in that forum, and people add good-looking curb sales as they see them, with as much information as is pertinent or accessable?

Even a quick pair of cellphone pictures could do a world of good in a depressed buyers' economy.

We'd be helping each other out with links to good rides (especially rides that aren't selling well... ). We'd be helping out unaffiliated riders in their economic endeavours. And we'd be possibly recruiting new riders to the site (hey, one of our forum members posted your ride and I saw it in Cincinatti the other day, why don't you check it out).

Seconded? What do you all think?

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on one hand...nice idea...

on the other, I'm not sure I'm crazy about advertising people's bikes for them for free...

especially since I know we'd be giving someone a hard time if they signed up to the forum just to post their bike for sale...

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on one hand...nice idea...

on the other, I'm not about advertising peoples bikes for them for free...

especially since I know we'd be giving someone a hard time if they signed up to the forum just to post their bike for sale...


The way I see it, though, we wouldn't really have to TELL them it was on our forum unless we felt it was worth our time.

If they seem like reasonable people, you know, people that'd treat a forum community well, just toss them an invite or make passing mention of it.

If they're assholes, let them be unaffiliated assholes, lol.

I see this more as a service to each other than anything else. Like, for example, user max power is checking into his neighbor's V65 magna for me. It'd just open it up from being a personal favor into being a forum-wide favor. Maybe it's out of my range, but someone ELSE sees it and buys it. etc.

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I see this more as a service to each other than anything else. Like, for example, user max power is checking into his neighbor's V65 magna for me. It'd just open it up from being a personal favor into being a forum-wide favor. Maybe it's out of my range, but someone ELSE sees it and buys it. etc.

that is the aspect i like about it...

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While I feel the concept is a very nice gesture and not without merit I am unsure of the legalities involved. You may want to run this by an attorney first. I can't think of anything that would be sketchy but IANAL.

Nothing illegal about letting some friends know about a good looking bike "on the corner of so and so and whatchamacallit"

:) mmmm whatchamacallits

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Maybe not illegal to mention you saw a bike for sale but to put in information about said bike and where it is located could be used by those that are willing to steal it. Then you MAY have inadvertently become an accomplice in a crime.. unless you have the owner's permission(I recommend signed permission) I would be careful about this idea.

Again' date=' IANAL. I think one should be consulted first.[/quote']

hehe, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, I had to deal with this "legality" at work in the past.

Since the information is available publicly, mileage, condition, owner, title location etc, it's perfectly legal. Now saying "hey, 1983 Magna at XYZ, key doesn't work so the owner bypassed the ignition, oh and they'll be out of town this week" that's an issue :)

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on the other, I'm not sure I'm crazy about advertising people's bikes for them for free...

What you say is true, but on the other hand you are also posting information that might help someone here...a long time regular....find a deal on his next dream bike.

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