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Friday night and nothing to do...


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I'll be moving down closer to OSU

I'm living at the OC

We are going to have to ride when Im in town.

I just went ahead and assumed most riders here were older. Which doesnt bother me one bit, I prefer older crowds. Expecially to ride with, they know limits. Mostly! haha

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I rode from Portsmouth thru Westerville, to Bucyrus and then back to Portsmouth again. My ass is still numb. All I'm doing on this Saturday night is sitting in my lazyboy chair and watching a race I Tivo'd......... over 6 hours on an rr..... more than enough for me....

At 19..... you should be sneaking into some babes window on a friday night...... with her invitation ofcourse....

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I played ps3 all night, after the kids and wife went to bed. It sucks being old and boring live alittle before you get old. LOL.

Ya,,,,do what you can when you can. Time sucks. So many ladies i shoulda done. Now it's work work work

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I rode from Portsmouth thru Westerville, to Bucyrus and then back to Portsmouth again. My ass is still numb. All I'm doing on this Saturday night is sitting in my lazyboy chair and watching a race I Tivo'd......... over 6 hours on an rr..... more than enough for me....

At 19..... you should be sneaking into some babes window on a friday night...... with her invitation ofcourse....

Haha, I wish that was what it was like for me

Sadly, i'm kinda like Mr Anderson with women :(

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Haha, I wish that was what it was like for me

Sadly, i'm kinda like Mr Anderson with women :(

BURN!!! Wow. In all seriousness....you guys have dicks right...? USE IT OR LOSE IT! Seriously...grow a set...and let a girl know whats up. Preferably one that's 18 or older. :D

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Hmm, i think its legal for me to go for a 16 year old since i would only be 3 years older

Although thats kinda disgusting...

Still. If the (her) parents want to fuck you over...if they get pissed off at you. Your screwed. Try explaining that to your friend's, family, co-workers, potential employers ,etc.

Not to mention...in my experience...older, or the same age women are always the way to go. :D

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If worst comes to worst

I'll just stick with Indian custom and have my parents pick...

Which isn't a bad idea since...


My mom and I were watching 'The Eye' with Jessica Alba (not a great movie but my mom wanted to watch it) and she pointed to Jessica Alba and said "We should find you a wife that looks like her"


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I dont know how to explain without losing all cred with men on this forum and taking my man card and ripping it into a billion pieces feeding it to a chicken and then cooking and eating the chicken for dinner with a couple crack whores

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I dont know how to explain without losing all cred with men on this forum and taking my man card and ripping it into a billion pieces feeding it to a chicken and then cooking and eating the chicken for dinner with a couple crack whores

WTF....? ^^. Take what i say with a grain of salt man. I may rip on you, but mostly i'm just joking around with you. If you can't joke about it, (whatever it is) it's just gonna be that much worse.

I guess...life isn't all that bad...if you can't get a woman. I know this girl...her bf is 27, and she's 22. He's still a virgin...and won't even touch her. And she's an attractive woman! :wtf:

What a waste imo. High standards are good like Mj said, but...if you set them so high...your never gonna find one that meets them. Good luck finding a hottie like Jessica Alba...(in her prime) she's had devil child since then.

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Alright fine

I'm more of a guy on personality then looks

which is a good thing obviously

the things on looks are that she has to weigh less than me (160lbs) which is reasonable

be shorter than me or max 2 inches taller (i'm 5'7")

have a normal nose...the nose thing is a peeve, if a girls nose doesn't look right it'll drive me crazy and all i'll be able to think about is her nose (kinda like austin powers and the mole who had a mole)

thats basically about it

personality as long as its a good one i'm happy

so i'm picky on looks but personality is more important to me...does that make sense?

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Alright fine

I'm more of a guy on personality then looks

which is a good thing obviously

the things on looks are that she has to weigh less than me (160lbs) which is reasonable

be shorter than me or max 2 inches taller (i'm 5'7")

have a normal nose...the nose thing is a peeve, if a girls nose doesn't look right it'll drive me crazy and all i'll be able to think about is her nose (kinda like austin powers and the mole who had a mole)

thats basically about it

personality as long as its a good one i'm happy

so i'm picky on looks but personality is more important to me...does that make sense?

Haha. Where's Jrm? No fat chicks allowed! I honestly didn't expect that out of you. Ok...a couple things. 5'7 is a tad short. So...finding women shorter...might be an issue. Might. The nose issue, what exactly...would be considerd "not right"?

Sure. If it does for you. The thing is...it still doesn't sound like an issue. Gotta get yourself out there man.

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The nose has to "fit" the face

My best friend always tell me i'm crazy when he sees a girl and gives her a 919 and i give her a 509

And i'm not big on "getting myself out there"

I'm too damn shy for that shit

Plus I'm kinda wierd...:D

EDIT: I'm literally a Socially Awkward Engineer

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Haha. Atleast your not like me. Im great at playing the friend zone game..

Though its not always bad, I have many chicks i'd lay my life for.

Actually i'm like that on top of the other stuff

All my friends are like "Yea you're in the friendzone, but you're one of the bestest friends I've ever had!!"

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hrm... so here's something that I noticed with one of my friends. He is a total sweety, and any girl would be lucky to have him, but when he becomes interested in a girl he makes himself TOO available to that girl. Girls who seemed interested end up putting him in the friend zone and I think its because he comes off as needy or desperate (not quite sure on this part). Anyway, I think a little mystery in the beginning of a developing relationship is almost always a good thing... don't know if this helps... :D

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hrm... so here's something that I noticed with one of my friends. He is a total sweety, and any girl would be lucky to have him, but when he becomes interested in a girl he makes himself TOO available to that girl. Girls who seemed interested end up putting him in the friend zone and I think its because he comes off as needy or desperate (not quite sure on this part). Anyway, I think a little mystery in the beginning of a developing relationship is almost always a good thing... don't know if this helps... :D

Well it doesnt!!

haha only joking. Everyone knows thats true, you cant throw yourself at someone.

But you can't really play the hard to get bit either. unless that someone has atleast some interest to start with..

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Actually i'm like that on top of the other stuff

All my friends are like "Yea you're in the friendzone, but you're one of the bestest friends I've ever had!!"

That wont get your Jimmy waxed son. Act like you have better things to do, but you might have time for her if she makes it interesting.

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