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Friday night and nothing to do...


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its all part of playing the game man.

i lost the game as soon as it was invented lol

and think about something else?

this is how my next encounter will most likely go

chick: "hey"

me: "adfajf;kaejale;jf"

chick: "what?"

me: thinking(what were they telling me to do that one time on OR forums, shit i can't remember it was something about not being myself, but i can't do that...damn it i can't remember...fuck she's looking right at me all confused wtf do i do now...) "ajksdlfjakelf?"

chick: "oooook"

*chick walks away*

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OOOOOk. Look, Chachi, its easy. Act interested, but only slightly. Act like you always have something slightly better to do. Look the girl in the eyes, smile, talk as little as necessary and when you think she is digging you, say, "I've gotta go, maybe I'll call you sometime." 2 days later, you call and you have a fish on the hook.

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OOOOOk. Look, Chachi, its easy. Act interested, but only slightly. Act like you always have something slightly better to do. Look the girl in the eyes, smile, talk as little as necessary and when you think she is digging you, say, "I've gotta go, maybe I'll call you sometime." 2 days later, you call and you have a fish on the hook.

I need to write this down and always have it handy in my wallet or some shit

And for the record that does not sound easy at all...

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Here is the one I was looking for.

You gotta have the attitude. The attitude dictates that you dont care if she comes, stays, lays or prays. When you got that, then you got the attitude.


Edited by max power
Capitalization, man.
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hrm... so here's something that I noticed with one of my friends. He is a total sweety, and any girl would be lucky to have him, but when he becomes interested in a girl he makes himself TOO available to that girl. Girls who seemed interested end up putting him in the friend zone and I think its because he comes off as needy or desperate (not quite sure on this part). Anyway, I think a little mystery in the beginning of a developing relationship is almost always a good thing... don't know if this helps... :D

Awwww. I feel so sorry for Yota. :(

So Mj. If any girl would be lucky to have him...why aren't you 2 making your own sex tapes together...? :D

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Socially awkward engineers giving dating advice FTW!

HahA!! This is turning out to be the funniest cluster fuck of imformation on the web.

Still gunna have to say I told ya so on the friend zone thing there MJ. Hes probably thought about it more than just once...

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And i'm not big on "getting myself out there"

I'm too damn shy for that shit

Plus I'm kinda wierd...:D

EDIT: I'm literally a Socially Awkward Engineer

OK so... just for the sake of argument, how is your "swagg" level...? On a scale of 1 to 10, where:

1 = "swagless"

5= "hopped up out the bed, turned my swagg on... it flickered then went out after 20 minutes


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OK so... just for the sake of argument, how is your "swagg" level...? On a scale of 1 to 10, where:

1 = "swagless"

5= "hopped up out the bed, turned my swagg on... it flickered then went out after 20 minutes


My middle name happens to be Swagnificent.

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OK so... just for the sake of argument, how is your "swagg" level...? On a scale of 1 to 10, where:

1 = "swagless"

5= "hopped up out the bed, turned my swagg on... it flickered then went out after 20 minutes


If i was generous to myself I would probably say like 4

But its probably more like a 2


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Alright fine

I'm more of a guy on personality then looks

which is a good thing obviously

the things on looks are that she has to weigh less than me (160lbs) which is reasonable

be shorter than me or max 2 inches taller (i'm 5'7")

have a normal nose...the nose thing is a peeve, if a girls nose doesn't look right it'll drive me crazy and all i'll be able to think about is her nose (kinda like austin powers and the mole who had a mole)

thats basically about it

personality as long as its a good one i'm happy

so i'm picky on looks but personality is more important to me...does that make sense?

ah man. u dont like girls bigger than u? ur missin out man. dont discriminate. haha

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