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$200 off LoJack for OR members


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CSC is offering $200 off of LoJack for all OR members!

Lojack is the premier theft recovery unit, with a recovery rate of 90%, most of which are within the first few hours! Lojack is not a GPS unit and there are no monthly fees.

It is based on a radio signal unit that works directly with the police, so when your bikes is stolen, you call the police and most if not all police vehicles, aircraft, and helicopters have a unit that locateds and directs the police to the bike. Best part is with the FM signal, it is very hard to block, unlike GPS which can be blocked by trees, buildings, tunnels, etc.

The unit looks like an OEM part and even the customer does not know the location of the unit on the bike to keep it secure. If the unit is ever disconnected from the bike it has a three day battery charge so it will keep on transmitting.

The best part is, if you bike is stolen and not recovered within 24-hours, you get the price of the unit back!

Basically, the unit we are offering is a new unit by Lojack that is not only the tracking unit, but also has an Early Warning system on it. If your bike is moved, started, or tipped, the unit will send a text, call, or email to you to let you know your bike is being moved! This is done via a key fob that needs to be in the vicinity of the bike to essentailly disarm the system.

*Bonus* Most insurance companies offer 20% of of your comprehesive insurance for having Lojack

MSRP - of the Early Warning and Tracking Unit $895 installed

OR PRICE - $695 ($100 OR discount + $100 Lojack rebate til Aug 31st)

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meh, its a machine. I dont love inanimate objects.

Can I get LoJack for the wife? You never know when somebody is gonna try to hiJack the pussy, get it back with LoJack!

Are you kidding me? I'd prefer NOT to have lojack on my wife!

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this may be overkill if you carry comprehensive...

but if you're like me...and don't have the extra 2k/yr for comprehensive insurance...it's a good investment.

i feel you on that one, I had to carry it because of the loan i had on the bike, now i dont have to keep comprehensive on it...still do, but i saved soooo much money by adding lojack

I have the same sentimental attachment to my jeep, it's a money pit, but I have had so much fun in the thing and it's saved my life a few times that I could not do the whole cash for clunkers thing because they would destroy it...:(

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Regardless of what jammers or other gizmos they have, having a 90% recovery rate convinces me, not to mention the personal experience of our store in Chicago. Out of the bikes that sold with lojack and then stolen from the customer, all of them came back (around 90 or so of them).

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Are you kidding me? I'd prefer NOT to have lojack on my wife!

tru dat. let em take her. after 20 minutes in the car listening to her yammer on about god knows what they will either have killed her or they will have returned her.

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