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How hard does the public actually think physicians work?


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And isn't it the American dream to be able to work hard and get paid for it?

yeah, the old horatio alger... rags to riches.

but the thing is, the american dream is exactly that. a dream.

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yeah, the old horatio alger... rags to riches.

but the thing is, the american dream is exactly that. a dream.

OK I said I was leaving BUT one last comment. :p

I am not wealthy by any means. I do live paycheck to paycheck (but only b/c I buy too many shoes...lol) BUT I make a pretty good living for a single gal who lived on the public welfare system until I was 18 years old. I can remember making internal promises to myself to never live like I did as a kid. Now I don't b/c I WORKED FOR IT! I have 95K of student loans to show for it and have to get/start my PhD in the next 3 years to stay competitive in my field but it's ALL worth it! ;) The American dream can be reality IF you are willing to be diligent enough in your work whatever it may be.

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I think a lot of doctors, after evaluating their situation wish that they were nurses instead. The Education to Pay ratio is way the fuck out of wack, for the amount of time and money it takes to become a doctor they don't make enough.

I bet there are not any doctors making 25 mil a year like all of our excellent role model athletes and movie stars.

The top earner of 2007 was Oracle (nasdaq: ORCL - news - people ) chief Larry J. Ellison. Ellison drew just a $1 million salary, but realized $182 million from the exercise of vested stock options last year.

How the fuck can you "Earn" $183 million?

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And I do want to add that at one point every single person in this thread is going to need to have "extra" time with a doc at some point in their life. You know what you're gonna get??? Oh, I'm sorry but with my reimbursement rates I can only give you 10 minutes today. Sorry but if you have other issues to discuss you're going to have to come back another day.

And isn't it the American dream to be able to work hard and get paid for it?

I have NEVER had a physician spend more than 6 minutes with me. I don't even get eye contact in that 6 minutes. 6 minutes of condescending-ass "I'm trying to talk slowly so you can try to understand," followed by a bill for $1,400.

I have always much preferred to deal with RNs, LPNs and MAs. They know just as much, communicate a million times better, and work just as hard if not harder. If anyone in the medical field deserves that $100,000 -a-year American dream, its them over physicians, any day.

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I have NEVER had a physician spend more than 6 minutes with me. I don't even get eye contact in that 6 minutes. 6 minutes of condescending-ass "I'm trying to talk slowly so you can try to understand," followed by a bill for $1,400.

I have always much preferred to deal with RNs, LPNs and MAs. They know just as much, communicate a million times better, and work just as hard if not harder. If anyone in the medical field deserves that $100,000 -a-year American dream, its them over physicians, any day.

Plenty of RN's earn that much, actually the top paid RN at OSUMC made $198,000 last year. Actually you only need an associates to be a nurse. I don't think many nurses would ever say they know anywhere near as much as a physician

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OK I said I was leaving BUT one last comment. :p

I am not wealthy by any means. I do live paycheck to paycheck (but only b/c I buy too many shoes...lol) BUT I make a pretty good living for a single gal who lived on the public welfare system until I was 18 years old. I can remember making internal promises to myself to never live like I did as a kid. Now I don't b/c I WORKED FOR IT! I have 95K of student loans to show for it and have to get/start my PhD in the next 3 years to stay competitive in my field but it's ALL worth it! ;) The American dream can be reality IF you are willing to be diligent enough in your work whatever it may be.

thats what im saying. rags to riches is a myth. rags to getting by is more apt.

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Plenty of RN's earn that much, actually the top paid RN at OSUMC made $198,000 last year. Actually you only need an associates to be a nurse. I don't think many nurses would ever say they know anywhere near as much as a physician

yeah but associates degree nurses make like a whopping 27k a year and can't do much other than change bed pans and sheets, might as well be an STNA

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yeah but associates degree nurses make like a whopping 27k a year and can't do much other than change bed pans and sheets, might as well be an STNA

you are getting the Rn and Lpn mixed up. You only need an associates degree to be a RN, starting pay in any hospital in columbus is over $20 an hour

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you are getting the Rn and Lpn mixed up. You only need an associates degree to be a RN, starting pay in any hospital in columbus is over $20 an hour

yeah yeah i know what you mean, i meant like someone with a "bsn" who is an RN usually makes quite a bit more than someone with an associates who is an RN. Anyhow, I see your point of view. I have a friend who's a dental hygienist, only went to school two years, and she makes like 26 bucks an hour... BUT she'll probably never make much more than that the rest of her life.

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yeah yeah i know what you mean, i meant like someone with a "bsn" who is an RN usually makes quite a bit more than someone with an associates who is an RN. Anyhow, I see your point of view. I have a friend who's a dental hygienist, only went to school two years, and she makes like 26 bucks an hour... BUT she'll probably never make much more than that the rest of her life.

Most places don't give different pay for a RN with an associates and a RN with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. With the "nursing shortage" dieing down a bit, a RN with an associates degree might have a more difficult time finding a job but the pay shouldn't be much different.

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Well I wanted to throw this out there b/c someone posted a one liner in the new proposed healthcare legislation that really bothered me. They wrote that capping the reimbursement rates for docs might simply mean they will have to downgrade from a "luxery" vehicle to a tahoe. I was quite disturbed by this statement.

My reasons:

1. The majority of the docs I work with work their butts off! Usually 70 plus hours a week!

2. They've spend countless hours preparing for a 100K plus salary that is not as nice as people think (will explain later). They spent at least 4 years in an undergraduate program. 4 years in medical school (and you cannot work during medical school). 3 to 7 years in a residency program depending on specialty (3 years for family practice/internal medicine 7 years for neurosurg). 1 to 3 years in fellowship. The average age is 32 to 34 when they actually become an attending physician where they can bill. In residency they average aboutu $9 to $10 an hour with all the hours/call they do.

3. Family practice docs make an average of $120 a year after malpractice, overhead, etc. I don't know any docs breaking $500K unless they are anesthesia or CTS or NS, etc etc etc. Meaning LONGER residencies, fellowships, and much much older when they are done to make that money.

4. Average student loan debt is $250 to 300K when they are done. Wow that's a butt load of money!!! That is MORE than a very large house payment per month.

5. Family life usually sucks b/c they work so many hours they don't get to see their families much.

Ok those are just a few reasons why I think physicians deserve their salaries (believe me there are MANY more I could list). I mean they are dealing with human lives every single day. Do you realize if they cap the rates anymore all the very good docs are going to start taking more administrative roles and leave the patient care to the docs who are very "sue" worthy. ;) The quality of health care is going to be severly diminshed. These are not prestigious jobs anymore like people think. This profession has lost it's appeal for many reasons I'm not going to discuss. If someone is willing to work that hard to get where they are why should they not be able to drive a nice car after all that school and work? Why should they be judged for it? And furthermore, I park next to the docs every day and I promise you it's very FEW of them that drive anything more than an accord or another more economical car. They have decreased reimbursement rates so much in the last few years with managed care that docs are working double and triple the hours they used to just to make the same cash. Obviously you all know my thoughts on this but I was wanting some of the publics opinions seeing this is the culture I live and breath in.

i though this is motorcycle website :popcorn:

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. They know just as much, .

I think not. I was an RN with my BSN for 10 years prior to becoming a nurse practitioner. I can tell you the nurses don't know half as much as the NP's and docs do. I can tell you that b/c I used to be one of those arrogant nurses who THOUGHT I knew just as much as the docs. Geesh then I went and got more education and clinical experience and realized I didn't know half as much as I thought. I have nurses arguing with me every single day about orders I write that they want to disagree with until they see the outcomes of my orders and realize I was right and the patients are getting what they need. If you don't like the time your doc spends with you then change docs. there are tons of them around. My internist spends 30 plus minutes with me every time I go to see him. He answers ALL my questions and communicates with me the way I need him to. I've worked with LPN's, other RN's, and medical assistants for the last 20 years. I promise you they do not hold the knowledge base we do. ;)

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Most places don't give different pay for a RN with an associates and a RN with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. With the "nursing shortage" dieing down a bit, a RN with an associates degree might have a more difficult time finding a job but the pay shouldn't be much different.

Well Garrett you should know b/c of Kristen that OSU does pay more for having a BSN vs. an associates. I think it's like a dollar or so more an hour but it does add up. It may be different in the new ONA contract. I could be wrong tho???

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Well Garrett you should know b/c of Kristen that OSU does pay more for having a BSN vs. an associates. I think it's like a dollar or so more an hour but it does add up. It may be different in the new ONA contract. I could be wrong tho???

Either way 2 years of college to earn an easy 50k not bad at all. My point was that it wasn't a drastic pay difference between the two. The two years that you would be working instead of being in school makes up makes up the extra $1 an hour.

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