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I am going to quickly tell my story from today and then I would like to hear the opinions of others on this topic.

I am running late for work today (as usual) ad a guy walks up to me and asks for change. I told him I don't have any cash and that I used my credit card (this was the truth), I then apologized for being rude and told him I was running late for work. So he tells me he can't work because he has 5 toes. After a moment of confusion I asked "per foot or total". He answers "total." I tell him he should work on computers of answer phones. He answers with something about being a Veteran.

Many times I offer to buy these guys/gals some food and they always refuse. I did give my leftover pizza to a bum in chicago but he was sad that it wasn't pepperoni

How does everyone else feel about beggars? Do they encounter them daily or is it just me?

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Here in suburbia of Dayton I hardly EVER see them. Ran into them all the time in Cincinnati, but I've never handed anything out. Two reasons, there is no excuse for not working (even mentally disabled people work at supermarts as greeters and baggers), and for my own safety. I don't know how crazy someone is, and they're already begging. When you pull out your wallet and give them a five thats sittin next to a couple twenties are they gonna get pissed?

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I used to feel bad for them, I can be a bit of a bleeding heart for a sob story. Long story short I had a brain fart and one of em made off with my wallet. Thought about chasing him but thought better of it in a bad part of town at night. Not to mention he only made off with about $5 and a card. That's what I get for going with my cousins to a place with "good wings". I'll stick with Roosters thank you very much.

Yeah that's the short version. I don't have sympathy any more.

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case by case basis...

i like to think i can tell if i'm being lied to...

If i feel they are a worthy cause, i'll hand them a couple bucks...

If i feel they are lying they get a "sorry, can't help you"

Obviously some people are better at lying than others, so if they lie to me and get away with it, then i am paying them for their acting skills.

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About 1 mile from my house which is about 2 miles from Wrillo's so he's lying....:D.......there's this old man that looks like a skeleton on Smithville Rd near US35 ramp always holding a sign that he is hungy. I went to a Rallys and brought him back a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke. It doesn't bother me, but I'd rather not be approached and just read your sign and not have you talk to me.

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About 1 mile from my house which is about 2 miles from Wrillo's so he's lying....:D.......there's this old man that looks like a skeleton on Smithville Rd near US35 ramp always holding a sign that he is hungy. I went to a Rallys and brought him back a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke. It doesn't bother me, but I'd rather not be approached and just read your sign and not have you talk to me.

I never go down by smithville and us35... that is Dayton. Remember how we were talking about drastically shit can go down hill just a couple miles down the road? You won't ever see beggers in Kettering. God I hate Dayton

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I never go down by smithville and us35... that is Dayton. Remember how we were talking about drastically shit can go down hill just a couple miles down the road? You won't ever see beggers in Kettering. God I hate Dayton

There are a ton of homeless people that live next to the RR tracks in Dayton. Dont really know what that area is called though

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WHen I lived on campus, this was an EVERYDAY thing and I could tell when one of them was about to ask me for something. If I was going into the taco bell, sometimes I would ask if they wanted me to get them something, but I VERY rarely handed them money.

The worst part on campus is when you are leaving the bars at 2am-ish the bums come out of the woodwork... or sidewalk maybe :dunno:

I have found the best approach, after a fews drinks are in my system, it to approach them first and ask for a dollar.... may get a few strange looks but it shocks the shit outta them!! Its kinda like a fun drinking game if you do it right! :D

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I see em every single day when I am working downtown.

I don't think its entirely apt that they "had the same chances at life" than everyone else. Some of them have serious mental problems. Some of them just want to be left alone and not live in society. You don't see those types begging much though. Many of us are very lucky to have a family that supports us when we need it or have a college education or whatnot. I'm sorry but not everyone is afforded those same things.

That said I rarely give change or whatever. If you really want to help them, donate money to shelters or something like that. The dollar you give em is probably going to buy beer or something. That doesn't help. When you give to a shelter you are helping a lot more.

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I used to have a soft spot, but living in PHX ruined me for life. I don't even give them a second look now...

In PHX there was and maybe still is a big scam where business folk do their 8-5 job then dress up in their scrubs and go sit at exit ramps and beg...They were raking in a couple 1000 or more a month extra...

If you can stand on a corner, on an exit ramp, next to a mcdonalds for 6 hours and beg you sure as hell can stand behind a counter and work.

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I dont give them anything. They had the same chance at life as I did, why should I give them what I work for. Hell, the remind me of the Democrats equal redistribution of wealth:nono:

Like Sam said, voting democrat is charity enough.

I don't give them anything. Can't help someone who isn't willing to help themselves.

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I have found the best approach, after a fews drinks are in my system, it to approach them first and ask for a dollar.... may get a few strange looks but it shocks the shit outta them!! Its kinda like a fun drinking game if you do it right! :D

Yota FTW... REP!

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If they don't rap, they don't get my cash.

"Help is on the way!"

Jeebus, I love that guy. When I lived on campus we invited him up to have a few beers with us. He told us about how he used to have a decent job but made more money bumming on the streets. Plus he said hanging out with college kids was a lot better.

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Jeebus, I love that guy. When I lived on campus we invited him up to have a few beers with us. He told us about how he used to have a decent job but made more money bumming on the streets. Plus he said hanging out with college kids was a lot better.

There are many stories about him. He did use to have a job, he likes being a bum. Ive heard he lives pretty good...

Here is one story....

Help Is On The Way

High Street stretches along the edge of the Ohio State campus, separating classroom buildings from off-campus housing. Students can expect to step around plenty of trash when walking to their favorite High Street restaurant and encounter people asking for spare change. While needy college students easily ignore or refuse their requests, one beggar simply stands out as hard to disregard.

“Help is on the Way,” an iconic vagrant around the Buckeye boulevard, preaches to the campus choir with rhyming raps that entice others to spare a nickel or two. Rarely referred to by his real name, Don Robinson, “The Rapping Bum” often sells his own CDs and cologne on High Street. His memorable lines, including “I’m broke as hell, trying to get to Taco Bell,” “I can’t tell no lie, I’m just a guy workin’ for a burger and fry,” “Sell back your books to the bookstore crooks,” and “Lordy, lordy, what I wouldn’t do for a forty,” constantly trigger laughs from passers-by. The student newspaper, The Lantern, even persuaded Robinson to participate in a weekly college football prediction section. “Rhymer” actually fared better than the staff sports writers.

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