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Get out and ride! (Rain this eve thru ???)


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Not that I 100% expect the weather man to be right, but they are saying starting this evening we should see rain around Central Ohio through Friday.

It must be nice to have a job you can be incorrect and do half-assed most of the time still get to keep. Especially in this economy.:villagers:

Anyway.. I hope everyone finds time to get out and ride today!

I may only be taking a ride to get gas but I'm still looking forward to it.

Be careful out there!


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I ride in the rain, so no worries about weatherdorks getting it wrong.

In fact, sometimes a cool shower is damn nice to ride through compared to hot & humid.

:plus1: scattered showers are GREAT on a hot day...

New slogan for Ohio Riders...

"It's what those who ride do when they're not riding."

I like it.

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