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I thought online courses were supposed to be "easy"?!?


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I got my Fire Science Degree from Columbia Southern University in Al. It is all online is works out great!

I'm not working towards my BS as an Emergency Manager.. so we'll see how that goes. But, like all classes some are hard some are easy... and you will learn doing online as long as you put the time and effort into it!

BTW, who wants to write my Biology essay for me? HAHA

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How can I join? Sounds like a cool job.

Prolly would have to wait a couple years. Got guys laid off right now. If Fonz would've stayed he would have been right below me on the seniority roster. No worries of layoff that high on the roster.;)

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Even the professor can't type well in English- he's originally from Jamaica, and he uses a patois grammar structure when he types. It's almost as irritating as it sounds.

Like what...? for example...? just curious on what patois is..

@Fonzie... what degree are you seeking? I'm doing my second MBA through Baker College online. I did my first MBA the old fashioned way in a sit-down class... it sucked. As an adult with kids and a job, online is the only way to do it.

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I'm back in school too. I have 1/2 and 1/2 on line and in class thing.

Helps to have somebody to ask questions if you get stuck on something.

Yes it's IT, going to pick off a MCSA cert and if I have the time a CCNA.

Did both in the real world just can't prove it to anybody. So off to school.

Certs are only good till the next version of Windows server comes out.

And Bill Gates sure does need the money!

So that would be every 5 years or so it's back to school because your un-employable, again.

Should have been a plumber...

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Shoulda stayed at the RR :nono:

Finishing my degree was one of the big reasons I left. Tired of paying on student loans I have nothing to show for

How can I join? Sounds like a cool job.

I'd do it. Railroad work sounds interesting to me.

Trust me...... The novelty wears off pretty quickly.

Continuously get called out on your rest, &/or at 3 am; work 100 hour weeks.... Not including hotel time; work or get stuck in a hotel for every holiday but Christmas.... And not even get double time, or time & a half for that matter if you're still under 40 for the week.....Say Easter Sunday???; walk a two mile train each way in hip high snow & subzero degrees at 4 am, or through knee deep, shitty water 'cause you're tryin' to find an air leak in the cut you just tied onto, & while the rail is elevated & dry, the ditches on the sides are not &, in this shithole area, are filled with God knows what; see some kid's brains splattered across one of the autoracks in your consist 'cause he chose "suicide by train"; or go into areas you thought they couldn't pay you enough to 'cause they literally have found dead bodies there before, across from the crack house..... TWICE :eek: The kinds of places where nobody's gonna hear you scream anyways..... Or care. Even thought I was getting shot at one night...... Kept sounding like it as we were working a customer, and all the windows on my conductor's side were shattered. Literally hit the deck in the cab & radioed dispatch to send out the popo

Every single one of those things is true & happened to me in my first year or so

They told me this when I was dazzling them in my interviews (literally 100 people in the room, & they only hired 4 of us. I had NO prior experience. Ask Sam.... I was dazed & confused for the first 6 months, and almost got knuckled up & died twice) but I wanted/needed the job so bad, I disregarded their warnings, & utilized my stubborness to hold on for 3 1/2 years 'til wifey finished her Bachelors & Masters & refused to work while doing so, & Baby Fonz surprised us with his conception & arrival

Railroad thinks when you sign your name on the dotted line, that your life revolves around their freight. I miss the guys/camaraderie & the trains..... But DEFINITELY not the lifestyle

I will say this....... I'm definitely a stronger person because of my time there. Did & saw things, went places, dealt with situations I never would've on my own

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Good luck with your classes, Fonz. Always nice to take care of of some unfinished business.

Thanx Art!

When you leavin'? You decide where you're goin' yet?

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  • 1 month later...

MmmmmKayyyyy....... 6 hours 'til the first final exam I've taken in 12 years. Guess I better start studyin', ehhh?!? :nono:

Probably oughta start on that homework that's due tonight too :rolleyes:

Wish me luck!!! :D

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Did some business courses at UOP and Devry. Devry is a bit more reputable - have to really keep an eye on acreditation as mentioned. The worth of the degrees varies greatly with the subject.

The classes were very easy though required a great deal of reading and online interaction with fellow classmates across time zones.

I'm planning on going to UC for additional classes in the future. Don't trust the value of an "online" degree.

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Did some business courses at UOP and Devry. Devry is a bit more reputable - have to really keep an eye on acreditation as mentioned. The worth of the degrees varies greatly with the subject.

The classes were very easy though required a great deal of reading and online interaction with fellow classmates across time zones.

I'm planning on going to UC for additional classes in the future. Don't trust the value of an "online" degree.

I'm taking these at/through the local university

Private college..... Accreditation isn't an issue

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work load for online degrees is substantial and requires huge personal dedication. one has to truly master time mgmt skills for sure! my friend is taking an online masters course, one of the few in the nation specifically targeting online multi-media integration and is rather costly imo. it is a phenomenal opp for him bc his company, verizon, is paying 8k a year toward high ed. But the course study is sooo much more stressful than he ever expected.

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I believe it. My digital circuits class this term is mostly online/ independent, and I've been acting like a rabid badger all week because Hobie keeps watching TV while I'm trying to get these stupid VHDL designs to work. Ugh.

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