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Broke down on 60

Uncle Punk

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I broke down going north on 60 just before 62. I don’t know what’s wrong yet I’m hoping it’s the clutch. We got the bike to the used car lot on the corner, parked it took the key out and my GPS off then rode home got my trailer and picked it up. I didn’t get home until 9:30 and I broke down at 2:30. This sucks I’ve never broke down on the side of the road before when I couldn’t fix it to get back on my way, that’s why I carry the bags with all the supplies. I didn’t know where I was so I called Adam to see if he knew what county I was in because I thought about calling the sheriff to let them know the bike was broke down and I would be coming back for it. It turns out we were in Holmes county and I didn’t call. When I got back to the bike with the trailer there was a note on it from little carbs big smiles wanting to know if I need help. I really appreciate the help and think it’s cool that this site offers so much coverage of the state that two hours from home I have people looking out for me. Next time leave some contact information and I will call you.

I didn’t know until late Saturday night that I was going to have Sunday open for a ride so I didn’t have plans to ride. I called a local buddy who is usually ready for a ride on short notice on Sundays. I called him at 9:20 by 10:10 we were both gassed up ready to go and he lives 15 miles from me.

We took 83 south to 78 west to 555 north to 60 when I broke down. I usually take 666 around Zanesville and now I know why, it sucks but I knew 666 was closed before we got there thanks to this site. We had a good ride without any close calls or drama which is what I’m used to riding with him. We came up on a group of riders going west on 78 that were moving along pretty good. I couldn’t get around the lead guy for a while until he decided to slow down to stay with his group. He stayed on the inside of a right hand sweeper and let me pass him on the outside in our lane moving along at a nice pace, I’m told it was kind of cool to watch from my buddy riding with me. If any of the guys from that group are on here thanks for letting us by.

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We crossed paths with several small groups in the area. One was a crash, where a Police Officer lectured us as we arrived at the scene, in spite of not seeing us do a thing. The other in a parking lot after lunch. Enjoyed the trip, but didn't get home until after 11:00pm. Great roads though!

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Ah, didn't leave a number as we jist was right there (1/4 mile away anyway). I just popped over between eats-ya missed the ribs, then the burgers, and then the desserts. You couldn't smell the smoke from the cookin'?

We'll try and save the drinks for ya...oops too late!

You was gone on my last peek (7:45PM). Next time then.

Last group with probs was parked across the road at the wide spot on 60-that was only a battery (Triumph)-insert your British electric jokes here!

We were just back from SR60, 206, 541 and 79 links....as the promised earlier group (from Columbus) cancelled-elsewise, we was doin' 555 as well. We were to meet at Martinsburg, drop down 586 to 79 and then 60 (South)...we actually looked at 78 as well. Great minds think alike, whot?

My evil side thought of just pushin' yer bike to my place and havin' ya "freek". What else to do on a lazy Sunday?

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My evil side thought of just pushin' yer bike to my place and havin' ya "freek". What else to do on a lazy Sunday?

That would have been funny after I got over the shock. I bet you would have died laughing seeing me drive around your neighborhood pulling a trailer looking for the fucktard that stole my bike; I do carry a gun with me you know. You got off lucky putting that note on the bike that baby bites. Sorry I missed the grub, sounds really good. If I would have left keys to my tow vehicle at home like I usually do I could have stayed with the bike and had my girlfriend come get me. Dinner on you, bonus.

Sorry for the snub Kevin, I didn't know you would be able to head out for a 300 mile ride with such short notice. Next time.

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I was about 10 mins from you WITH a trailer at a buddies house in killbuck riding our quads ......... man put the word out next time throw the bat signal or somthing you know you got a bunch of us in this area thatd help you in a heartbeat man

he did... he just likes me better then u... i was just at work...

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well you coulda hooked a brother up and called around you lazy underachiever :D

you were to busy watchin the shower cam in the cell block werent ya !

Now that's funny because I had no idea what Adam did at work, now I know. No matter what he tries to say different this is forever going to be my mental image of what he does for a living.

I appreciate all the offers for help guys and would have taken someone up on a safe place to keep the bike until I could come and pick it up. It was Sunday and early enough in the day for me to take care of everything that day or I would have sent out a bigger SOS call instead of just to that underachiever Adam.

I have an enclosed trailer and am offering it up to anyone who needs help also just PM me for my number.

I looked at the bike this evening and it appears that the motor is blown. Somehow it must have started to burn oil since I changed the oil 2,100 miles ago and got too low without the oil warning light coming on. I only drained two quarts out of it without taking the filter off. The noise its making is not from the clutch as I had hoped so now I have two bikes that I can't afford to fix right now. I probably won't be doing anymore street riding this year. I received good news today that I will be starting back to work next week, for those that didn't know I have been laid off since May. Hopefully by next spring I will have enough money to have both bikes fixed.

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