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Sort of off topic: looking for a head shop in Indiana close to Cinci.


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Can any of you Cinci folks help me out?

I'm looking for a head shop in Indiana that is as close to Cinci as possible. Thanks to our all-knowing Ohio legislature, Salvia extract is now illegal in our great nanny state, but I think it's still legal in Indiana. I'll be on a road trip that takes me near the southeastern ohio/indiana boarder (right through cinci actually) so I'd love to swing through Indiana and pick some up. Searching online has turned up nil though, so was wondering if any of you guys could point me in the right direction.

And just in case anyone was wondering, by head shop I mean a 'tobacco' supply store...not the type that deals in high-end cigars and pipe tobacco exclusively, but rather one that sells water pipes for tobacco smoking and that sort of stuff.

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whenever I feel like getting fcuked, i just turn on all the engines in my garage with the door closed and the adventure is trying to wake up to open the door before i completely lose it. i've won, but i still lost.

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hmm, the last i knew in Oh was the smoke shop in clifton, the cupbord and hemptations in oxford. IN is harder on head shops nd therefore make it harder to own one. you maybe in out of luck to find an indiana shop that sells salvia. cant say i blame t them, the shit sucks.

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i have did many many hits of acid and ate many mushrooms. will do again. tried salvia once and will never do it again. it completely mind warp/ fucks you. only last about 5 minutes but it feels like your peaking for 8 fuckin hrs. afterwards you are mentally spanked. btw i hit the 10x. would rather eat 3-4 hits of acid before i take one hit of that crazy shit. be prepared if you have never tripped before

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online, there are a few shops around here that still sell it. if your looking for good legal smokes, try to find gold spice online, or spice diamond. its a blend of all kinds of stuff, basically the same effect from decent mids. still get the munchies and all. (not that i know what that would feel like) i smoked it once, and it was pretty good, not the best tasting stuff in the world though.

i dont mess with salvia, but i have smoked Calea Zacatechichi a couple of times because i wanted to experience lucid dreaming...and i did. i played beatles songs with abe lincoln in a blue field.

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im telling you....calea z, look it up on erowid. you get some cool visuals while your awake, and have trippy dreams that you can control when you go to sleep

Looks kinda cool, but I'd have to do some more research into it. I've always had an interest in lucid dreaming though...it's just that the other methods I've seen are dubious at best and a huge pain in the ass at worst.

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