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Protester's pinky finger bitten off

Big Green Valley

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I wonder what his deductible was?

65 yrs old too... that's Medicare territory, yes? Socialized health insurance, FTW @ repairing the finger.

But with a gimp-finger... maybe we should send him to the "death panel" since he's useless now.

On the bright side - this soylent green tastes pretty good.

Edited by JRMMiii
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maybe its just me but i could never imagine taking a swing on someone because their opinions on health care differed from mine. wtf? dude needs to take some anger management courses or something.

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You're silly, being all rational and whatnot.

What have we learned over the past 8 years? Violence is always the answer, Might makes right, and some such other pro-"kickin' ass 'cuz we're Americans" saying.

Make that 9 years..... Obama just realized that violence is the answer also and extended our troops stay in afganastan..... now wanting more.....

Also extending Blackwater involvement....... :D

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Real Liberals: We will tear you limb from limb with our fucking teeth...

Real Liberals: Today we'll take the finger, tomorrow the whole hand.

Make that 9 years..... Obama just realized that violence is the answer also and extended our troops stay in afganastan..... now wanting more.....

Also extending Blackwater involvement....... :D

Cindy Sheehan to the white courtesy phone for a message....Cindy Sheehan to the white courtesy phone for a message, please.....

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