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Oregon Ducks LeGarrette Blount Punches Boise Player In The Face [Video]


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Anyone hear about this?


Talk about a bitch move. I wonder if the big farmboy he hit (Byron Hout) would have beat the shit outta Blount or not, if it wasn't a sucker punch.

Videos in the link...

Total Pro Sports (By Adam Best "FanSided") - Two great teams from the Pacific Northwest squared off tonight during the onset of yet another college football season. Boise State beat Oregon on their home blue turf, 19-8. But that's not what you're going to hear about. What you're going to hear about is the time typically reserved for post-game handshakes and sportsmanship.

Boise State defensive end Byron Hout started taunting Oregon running back LeGarrette Blount after the game. Little did he know, Blount is a walking time-bomb, one that can go off at any minute. His coach even suspended him earlier this summer for behavioral issues. A Boise State coach tried to stop Hout from talking smack, but it was already too late. Blount absolutely leveled him with a jab that would have made UFC Middleweight Champ Anderson Silva proud.

Blount wasn't done, though. Far from it, actually. He then went after his teammate before being restrained. Next, he channeled his inner Ron Artest and damn near charged into the stands, that is until an Oregon coach was barely able to pull him back. Finally, it took a brigade of Ducks to escort him back to the locker room, as Blount was still completely out of control. I think it's safe to assume that we won't be seeing Blount on a football field anytime soon.

Check out the video for yourselves... And Let us know in the comments Should or Shouldn't LeGarrette Blount be suspended?

Adam Best is the senior editor of the FanSided Sports Network. For more posts like this check out FanSided.com.

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what a little bitch, I like how he kept his helmet on so he couldn't be dealt any retribution

edit: I would literally beat this dickhead in the balls James Bond style for throwing a sucker punch. If you want to fight, then fight someone face to face. Don't be a pussy and then act like a bad ass afterwards

Edited by wrillo
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ESPN MVP had an article about this. Waiting to see what kinda punishment he gets. coach isn't happy, athletic director isn't happy... pac 10 won't be happy.

on a side note, see the story about the senior in hs tackling a girl carrying a handgun on their school bus? I'll try to find that one

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on a side note, see the story about the senior in hs tackling a girl carrying a handgun on their school bus? I'll try to find that one



But to be fair... it's a 14 yr old girl vs. this guy


That's about the only time a sucker punch is fair game... when someone draws a weapon in an aggressive offensive manner.

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Walk up and talk shit after a game and you should be prepared to get hit. From what I saw Mr.Cornfed prolly would have gotten his ass kicked either way. Being able to throw a punch like tyson doesn't help if you take one like cinderella.Edit: If anything, removing his helmet just puts a weapon in his hands.

Edited by DudeAbides
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?? You should be able to talk shit all day long... Blount isn't mature enough to keep his cool apparently.

I don't know the true backstory, but don't understand why someone gets sucker punched for trashtalking (if that was the case)? They're just words, go cry to your momma that someone hurt your feelings...

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If you're trashtalking then you should respect a response. Quickest way to get someone to shut the fuck up? Put them on their ass, fact. Some do it with words, some with fist, either way, it works.

surely you wouldn't blind side someone though, correct?

He didn't want to shut him up fast, or he would have punched him square when the smack-talk was happening. He let him walk away then sucker punched him

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If you're trashtalking then you should respect a response. Quickest way to get someone to shut the fuck up? Put them on their ass, fact. Some do it with words, some with fist, either way, it works.

Keep it in the game. Who won? The guy that gets to play for the rest of the year. Sometimes I'd like to knock out the people I work with, but I know I'll lose my job.


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He sucker punched him...that's a bitch move whether or not the other guy was talking shit. Him going down like that doesn't mean "you take one like cinderella" either. Both my kids (8 and 13) could drop a good number of grown adults throwing a shot like that.

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Regardless of whether the dude came up and talked shit, you don't do that. Did the kid from BSU earn a sucker punch? On the street maybe. Don't know exactly what was said, but pretty sure it wasn't "Good game". But you don't react the way Blount did. Period. Can't justify it. Suspend the kid for a game and put him on probation for the season.

Edited by RVTPilot
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Deff horse crap. Crap talking doesnt justify fighting. On the street, maybe, but this is football. No. You need to be a little more controlled than that. If this is what he will do when the game is over and people are talking, I would have to see what would happen if people talked during the game. Sheesh... We would have a, I believe the movie is The Last Boyscout football players going on. Busting out the gun and shooting people. Ridiculous.

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Walk up and talk shit after a game and you should be prepared to get hit. From what I saw Mr.Cornfed prolly would have gotten his ass kicked either way. Being able to throw a punch like tyson doesn't help if you take one like cinderella.Edit: If anything, removing his helmet just puts a weapon in his hands.

i agree with you mildly in general about talking shit. the guy may have had it coming. but realistically -- when you're an athlete at that level, are playing for UofO in the pac 10, a running back position for a team many athletes can only dream of being recruited into -- i personally feel there are behavioral limits and demeanor for which the team, the school and all the rest expect from their players. how stupid does one have to be to risk their future over some snot remark from a player on another team. the opposing team isnt even a rival. he's obviously willing/proven that he make's poor choices, and eugene should think twice about letting him play on in conference games.

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If you're trashtalking then you should respect a response. Quickest way to get someone to shut the fuck up? Put them on their ass, fact. Some do it with words, some with fist, either way, it works.

willing to put them on their ass = better be willing to take it their too :eek: cause it could land you in jail.

why not settle it on the field or keep in verbal and live on to play another day.

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the article i read then said Blount apologized afterwards, but maybe it was just to try and lessen his punishment.

He did seem pretty contrite after the game, though I am sure thanks to his coach he's a few pounds lighter in the ass. Regardless, he went out and faced the lights and cameras post game. Some guys would hide until much later than that. That's why I say suspend him for only one game and put him on probation for the rest of the season. Yeah, he f'ed up big time, but worse has been done. He will pay for this anyway in his draft stock next season.

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Can't say I feel bad for him.

Bitch move, so he needs to deal with the consequences. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Personal responsibility and all that jazz.

He'll be lucky if it doesn't f*(k up any future NFL prospecting he'll be doing and consider himself lucky. As well as not ending up with an assault charge or civil suit from Hout.

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