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Oregon Ducks LeGarrette Blount Punches Boise Player In The Face [Video]


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i agree with you mildly in general about talking shit. the guy may have had it coming. but realistically -- when you're an athlete at that level, are playing for UofO in the pac 10, a running back position for a team many athletes can only dream of being recruited into -- i personally feel there are behavioral limits and demeanor for which the team, the school and all the rest expect from their players. how stupid does one have to be to risk their future over some snot remark from a player on another team. the opposing team isnt even a rival. he's obviously willing/proven that he make's poor choices, and eugene should think twice about letting him play on in conference games.

Yea, what she said.

If dude can't keep his cool, shouldn't be playin' for that school.

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Oregon gives him $200,000 in free education and the opportunity to display his talent at football and this is how he repays them. Acting like some fuking idiot!! I would have kicked him out of the university and the NCAA should have kick his ass out of football. I though i heard on ESPN radionhe had been in trouble before. Not %100 on that though.

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Regardless of whether the dude came up and talked shit, you don't do that. Did the kid from BSU earn a sucker punch? On the street maybe. Don't know exactly what was said, but pretty sure it wasn't "Good game". But you don't react the way Blount did. Period. Can't justify it. Suspend the kid for a game and put him on probation for the season.

I no sooner posted that and ESPN reports he's been suspended for the season.


I've been coaching jr. high sports for the last few years...... Football & basketball, & know firsthand that even at that young age...... There's a lot of trash talk that goes on during the game.

I've heard Blount was talking a $hit ton of trash during game week, as were some of the other Ducks...... and I imagine he was even more on the field. I had the game on last night, and watched all the replays last night immediately afterward.

Definately looked like Hout spun around real quick & said something, probably smart a$$, while smacking Blounts facemask, then spun back around resuming his conversation. Since Blount was walking the other way when it happened, it took a sec for him to redirect & light Hout up.

There wasn't anything pussy about him waiting a few seconds 'til Hout's back was turned....... It was immediate retribution as soon as he processed what'd been said/ his facemask smacked, & he could get at Hout.

Blount was, I'm sure, uber pissed about the egg on his face from just getting waxed by Boise 2 years in a row even though he/they'd been talking about "payback" all week, and I'm sure Hout's shit hit him while he was stewing & set him off.

All that taken into consideration...... I just don't know what Hout could've said that was any worse than all the $hit I'm sure was bein' said on the field. Then Blount compounds the problem by going after one of the fans who was taunting him too, and having to be drug off the field by security, coaches, & police :rolleyes:

And all this during the first game in the NCAA's much publicized new "handshake" era?!? :nono: They're not gonna take that black eye to their reputation lightly. Plus.... Oregon's gonna wanna jump out front on this so they don't look soft to the NCAA & incur "the wrath"

Dude's done..... You knew they were gonna drop the hammer on him :rulez:

Edited by Fonzie
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hope he enjoyed his sports carreer cuz its over now.

I should clarify my comment a bit more here.......

I'm meaning his NCAA career is over. I'm sure his talent is high enough, that some NFL team will be willing to look the other way as to his character.

Agreed that he may initially make less in his first pro contract because of his "baggage"...... But some team will be enamoured enough with his talent to risk it

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I should clarify my comment a bit more here.......

I'm meaning his NCAA career is over. I'm sure his talent is high enough, that some NFL team will be willing to look the other way as to his character.

Agreed that he may initially make less in his first pro contract because of his "baggage"...... But some team will be enamoured enough with his talent to risk it

He'll end up north of the border probably. The CFL is full of "potential" NFL players. Then again, so it the Raiders.

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