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You can run from the chopper, but you can't hide from QuikZX9R


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Wow, what a loser.

Sorry you had to deal with that Justin. Strange how he knew where you were and had a camera ready. I respect your patience with him. You did the right thing. I hope I don't have to deal with stuff like that because I'm sure after a few minutes he'd get me going off on him or worse. He's the type though that you probably wouldn't have to worry about anything legal wise, but just worrying about your knuckles swelling up a few hours later.

I still can't believe that happened! :wtf: Freaking strange to say the least.

I agree with you on him being 30 too. Seriously, grow up SlowZX9R! Oh well, atleast it's a funny story. :D

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This is just too bizarre for words. I still don't understand why the last thread was closed or why if he was banned. I would have thought once the thread was moved to this section it could have continued. Quik was coming into that thread just enough to keep it entertaining.

Don’t worry Justin I have spoken to Jinx and he was thoroughly entertained by this. You are not responsible for others actions.

First instinct on the spot would have been to deck the fool for getting in my face trying to be confrontational. Reality is I would have found this fool not worthy of finding out what the inside of Zanesville's jail is like.

It should be interesting to see if he posts the video unedited. Lets see one of the guys digs on his momma; a few of them invite him for a ride to see if he can keep up, all with no meaningful response. I think he made himself out to look pretty good if that was his point.

The guys who offered to ride with him were all on newer 1ks I wonder if I could have talked him into riding with my old 600 and a baby on the back? Just for arguments sake let's say this jackass was able to keep up would that make him any less of a dumbass? (Same post in the last thread.) http://ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=314795&postcount=99

Now I can't wait for his cock sucking cheerleaders to show up to defend him on this.

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justing dude you did the right thing. dont worry about his ignorant ass.

btw i was the one who closed the thread cuz it was going nowhere.

Fair enough, where are these threads supposed to be going? Isn't the Edumacated fucksticks Only section supposed to be about stupid shit that doesn't make sense or am I understanding wrong?

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Fair enough, where are these threads supposed to be going? Isn't the Edumacated fucksticks Only section supposed to be about stupid shit that doesn't make sense or am I understanding wrong?

people were asking for it to be closed cuz it wouldnt die. and that section is to keep the really ignorant shit off the front page and guests cannot see it. basically the stuff that could put us in a bad light is moved there.

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He's the type though that you probably wouldn't have to worry about anything legal wise, but just worrying about your knuckles swelling up a few hours later.

I disagree Nick...... He strikes me as a weasily one

If he gets the better of you, I'd say you're right

But if you beat his a$$...... He'll be whinin' to the popo faster than you can finish your free frosty

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here is what i found on their site too :lol:

i believe the last line describes mr quickzx9 to a T



poser 1. one who pretends to be someone whose not.

2. who tries to fit in but with exaggeration

3. A person who attempts to blend into a specific social group.

4. a person , who is insecure about him/herself and trys very hard not to be a "conformist" or a "prep," by doing things like: purchasing a motorcycle or guitar, purchasing a great deal of clothing and accessories from hot topic, and listening to pop-punk bands such as simple plan, yellowcard, etc. usually, this supposedly "nonconformist" behavior just backfires on him/her, because now he/she is still conforming, just to a different group of people. this person will usually talk about how awesome they are without actually having the skills to back it up. so the moral of the story is to be yourself and if you want to sit around and jerk off in front of your computer all day while you wear your full racing gear just do it.

5. One who attempts to appear to others as something they are not, especially by their manner of dress; a charlatan.

ie.Take off that Race suit Julio, you're such a fucking poser you dont even have a motorcycle!

6. Synonymous with pretender.

A person who, in a FUTILE attempt to feel personally significant, puffs themselves up and puts on a deliberate façade to try and fool others into believing that they are something that they are not. (It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad. They’re trying to fill a spiritual void with material things).

This sham is usually manifested through the use of gaudy clothing, bad taste in jewelry, animated body language, a heavy reliance on street slang, and a voracious appetite for big ticket material goods. Though not limited to this group, most posers fall into the 10-35 age range and have little or no class regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Through the use of bravado, lies, manipulation and/or intimidation, posers promote their self-created reputations as: “players/playas”, “hotties/fly/stupid fly”, “badasses”, “bangin/phat”, “gangstas”, “big pimpin/pimps”, “having game/having street credit” or similar terms of wishful thinking about their toughness and/or sexual prowess.

99% of all bikers, rappers, ganstas, and other such punks are posers. (Except for the armed forces, pro athletes, and police, most truly tough people are either dead, in jail or soon will be).

Posers crave respect that they have not earned.

WARNING: Telling a poser that they are a poser may cause them to redouble their efforts to convince you otherwise.

Instead of accepting the constructive criticism and acting on it by becoming a responsible member of society (a.k.a.—“getting a life”) they may continue to spiral down in their self-destructive behavior and feckless attempts at gaining respect.

Clue for posers: If you want respect, act respectfully. Oh, and grow up.

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