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Afro Down!


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Okay, so I wanted to tell everyone of the highside I just experienced this past weekend doing a route in KY (10, 22, 19, and 165). As with the majority of my stories this may get lengthy…so buckle your seat belts…okay…so I went down to KY (where the best routes are of course) from Dayton with a buddy of mine to clear my thoughts and have a blast! We did the whole thing up nice…I had the route taped to my gas tank and this time I brought my gps…I even had my buddy hook me up with a custom garmin mount so I wouldn’t get lost this time!! Ok so everything is fine…we are carving these roads like I have never done before…and then there was an opening and straight stretch of roads that I remembered from riding the route previously. So I did what any 600rr rider would do…I opened up the throttle!!!......I hit about 115 when I saw perhaps the worst thing I could imagine…two cop cars talking to each other about 100 yards near the side of the road….I looked down…said “shit”….grabbed both breaks and crossed over until the double yellow….looked down again….70mph…”shit”….I thought maybe they didn’t see me so I down shifted and looked….one of the cops threw down what I honestly believe was a doughnut and raced towards us….I waved for my buddy to come up so we can decided where/if we were going to stop….due to my inexperience…I forgot that my “hey man come up here we gotta talk about something important” wave…is exactly the same as my “you lead the route now” wave….I should say at this point in time my friend had not been paying as close attention to the road as I had been and did not see the cop that was approaching us…he accelerated past me at around 115mph and I looked back one more time to see the cop entering the roadway (with no sirens mind you). I thought about it for a quick second…..downshifted…and we were off…weaving through these turns like I don’t know what!!!

About 20 or so miles later my friend stops at a rest area…takes off his helmet…and says “that was pretty good…let’s get some water.”…..water!!!...water!!!...there is a cop behind us…why the hell did we stop??! I proceeded to yell at him…he had no clue what I was saying and once I briefed him about the situation he said “shit, let’s go then!”….so now both of our adrenalines are running…I start hitting these curves like I was a damn gp racer (I know…don’t judge me…lol)…I dragged knee…I dragged foot…it was wild….then…it happened…I made a critical mistake that cost me more than I could have imagined….I accelerated through a sweeping left hand turn that crested over a hill and continued left….I made the cardinal mistake of not seeing through the turn to judge how fast I needed to go…needless to say I was going too fast!!....I saw how sharp it was and knew I was in trouble…I leaned the bike as far over as I believe was humanly possible…I dragged knee and still nothing…I started moving to the outside of the lane…I quickly decided that I needed to either low side it, or apply the brake and hope for the bestI decided that I thought I could brake in time…I looked quickly and there was about 15 feet of grass, and then a sudden drop off into more grass (no fence or guardrail thankfully)…I gradually squeezed the front and rear brakes…of course my bike pops up from nearly touching the ground…I apply more…and more…and more…and I am about to hit the grass now and I think to myself…”ok, I got this..i should be stopping any time now….” I look down…….50mph…..”shit”….SHIT…..I’m done for!....

…..I squeeze one last time and my front wheel digs into soft grass and cocks to the left hard as hell….I proceed to go into a tank slapper and next…you guessed it…flew about 20 feet in the air over the handle bars about 50 or so feet…not sure if you guys/girls have experienced this before but time honestly slowed down…I was in the air thinking…my bike is gonna hit me..im screwed….I looked back however..and saw my bike going the opposite direction as me….dug into the grass on the left side …fly back up into the air…flip twice…and land back on the left side…me…however…did two flips in the air and landed directly on my tush!!...and then I thought…ooo ok im fine…before I could try to get up it was as if Superman himself had pushed me (I had forgotten that I was still traveling at probably around 30mph)…I went from neck to feet..to head…to feet…to neck…to side..to head…to feet…for about 200 feet….I quickly got up to see my friend getting off his bike..taking off his helmet..and telling me he thought I was a gone-er…..I was still in so much shock that I didn’t believe it happened!!

I told him we need to pick up the bike and he told me to sit down…I said…”dude…we gotta get out of here…im fine..”…surprisingly both me and my bike are ok….somewhat…me better than my bike….I had a bruised thumb and bruised ribs…my bike…need to replace all plastics on the left side…also the rear cowl is f-ed up bad…the entire front fairing was destroyed…and my clutch lever was bent in (vortez rearsets…that shit is not cheap!)…I believe that because I was wearing a helmet and leathers I came out unscathed….also..because I rode with an additional helmet attached to the rear cowl, I believe that is what prevented my bike from getting more damage (helmet is f-ed though)

We got the bike back on the road and waved to the few semis that went by and said we were ok….we tried to get the bike started but to no avail….but then…literally an hour later…we were like..we are idiots…we forgot to put up the kickstand!...thankfully for me my bike still ran….it was stuck in 3rd gear…although the headlights and taillights were hanging out…I was able to drive my bike to a buddy I know in Kentucky that lived 50 miles away…the bike survived…and so did i…he was able to bend the clutch lever back….and I just need a fairing stay (when my mirror broke off) and new fairings…I cannot believed I survived it

I know what I did wrong…obviously too fast in a turn…and going through a turn that I couldn’t see all the way around…my fault…as for the cop……I thought my friend saw him…when he sped past me I faltered on what to do…I am not the type of person to do something like that…I feel kinda bad actually…well…that is one hell of a story…the moral of the story….umm…don’t speed around corners in places you don’t know…ride safe and shiny side up!!

One more thing…my bike is off to QuikAccord so he can patch her back together….


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Um damn.

Glad you're ok !! You're damn lucky.

And yeah..I know what the slo-mo thing is all about. One of my first thoughts as I was upside down and looking at my bike coming right for me...was DAMN this thing is gonna land on top of me. And then when it hit the tree I was like DAMN..this thing is fucked up!! Time truly does slow down.

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Wow D! I'm glad you're alright! How'd the gear hold up? Yeah it was a bad decision but at least you made it though the whole ordeal. Get well and get that bike up and running again.

gear held up great...actually perfect!!!..no rips or anything..im definitely getting some leather pants though...don't want to risk anything else!

Um damn.

Glad you're ok !! You're damn lucky.

And yeah..I know what the slo-mo thing is all about. One of my first thoughts as I was upside down and looking at my bike coming right for me...was DAMN this thing is gonna land on top of me. And then when it hit the tree I was like DAMN..this thing is fucked up!! Time truly does slow down.

sounds like u got it worse than me my man!....thanks for understanding:o...glad you're ok too!

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I fixed it for ya :D

...lol....you're right!...i owe him my life yo!

glad your otay

thx brotha'!...me too!

glad you are okay!

thx.....i gotta be careful...those roads are no joke down there!

Hell yea man! Glad u made it out ok. Glad it was also $$$$$$$$ free besides the repairs.

...that's what i'm saying....a lucky man I am!

glad it wasnt any worse man!

....my thoughts exactly bro...thx!

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Glad you're ok, but what happened to the cop??? He never showed?

never showed....we were there an hour and he never did!....crazy...he must have broke off pursuit!

+1 glad you're ok. welcome to the crash club :)

riiiiight!....i hear there are only 2 types of people....people that have crashed...and people that will!!!!:eek:

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