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343 Never Forget 9-11-01


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thoughts and prayers for all who lost their lives, their livelihood, or someone they loved 8 years ago, today.

for my own part, I was fortunate enough to be personally affected only as an American. 9/11/01 will always stick out in my mind as the day I really learned what it meant to be a citizen of the UNITED States of America.

I was a college freshman at the University of Dayton (right near Wright Patterson Air Force base...), and I wouldn't have normally even been AWAKE when the towers were struck, but I had gotten up early to meet with my adviser and drop a class.

On my way back to the dorm, someone told me "a plane just hit the world trade center. terrorists, man."

Even after being told exactly what had happened, it didn't register with me. I was picturing a small prop plane; some crop-dusting pilot who tried to buzz the towers and accidentally hit one. Then i saw the news coverage, including the 2nd tower strike on LIVE tv, and eventually crumbling.

every door in the hall of my dorm was open, all watching the same thing on TV. 40+ of us stood in the hall, some in just boxer shorts or a towel, if they'd just woken up, and just stared, silently at the news.

It was FROM the news that I learned Wright Patterson is the among the largest Military bases in the country... about 20 minutes after they said that, 2 jets broke the sound barrier over Dayton. the news later reported that they were catching up to Air Force One, as all other air traffic had been grounded.

I don't know how many of you have experienced a sonic boom (or two), but 'boom' is an understatement. The noise isn't really what surprises you as much as the vibration in your chest. in a 60 yr old dorm building, on the 6th of seven stories, the floor feels as though it sways for a moment.

I was one of the few who went to my 10:30 class. Many people who had attended 9 AM classes were still unaware that anything had happened. in one lecture hall, the professor closed his laptop at the end of class, and the projector defaulted to the only active signal: TV. that's how they learned of the tragic events. I think most of them thought it was a movie for the first minute or so... By noon, all remaining classes had been canceled, and most of the campus was crammed into the chapel, and surrounding courtyard.

in a strange way, I'm grateful to have experienced that day as a reminder of how much we take for granted, and to witness first-hand people setting aside ALL their differences and treating each other with the respect we each deserve as people, and Americans.

those who died that day will certainly not be forgotten, and will always have my condolences and highest respect.

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I don't know how many of you have experienced a sonic boom (or two), but 'boom' is an understatement. The noise isn't really what surprises you as much as the vibration in your chest.

I thought it was a bomb! I was at work up in Vandalia at that time when that happened. Scared the shit out of EVERYONE!

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I thought it was a bomb! I was at work up in Vandalia at that time when that happened. Scared the shit out of EVERYONE!

definitely. there was a solid 20 minutes where people were freaking out quite a bit. the rumors that spread through a college campus via IM... :rolleyes:

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I have been in the Navy as active duty and a reservist, I have lost a freind off the USS Cole (LTJG Andrew Triplett), I have met and work with NYFD and NYPD. I received my NEC 9545 (Naval Law Enforcement/ Force Protection) Training from NYPD officers and even heard the Dying words of one of thier own who was trapped under the rubble of the towers. Officer Moria Smith. I was married on September 8th and on my honeymoon in the Poconnos when that tragic day happened. I can Never forget watching the events unfold on tv and just sitting there and feeling numb. We finally decieded to go out and do something. Everywhere you went it was quite and eriee. Nothing moving in the air or on ground. Every store you went into, there were groups of people huddled around small Tv's or radios listening to the news reports. I Have been deployed twice since then and Volunteered for one of them. I will never forget that day nor should anyone!! Thanks for reading.

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"If I sharpen my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold of

justice. I will take vengeance on my adversaries and repay those

who hate me!!!!!!!!!!!!" deuteronomy 32:41

I painted this the day after....... not much else I could do. Just so pissed I had to vent some how...................

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Anybody else watch the History Channel tonight?

They pretty much played the while thing again with lots of footage from New Yorkers.

I really have forgotten how bad it was.

I think it was them showing the people jumping from the building instead of burning.

I can't even imagine. I didn't see it but she told me about a vid of two people holding hands while jumping.

We can't just put it out of our minds because it is unpleasant. We must always remember.

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"If I sharpen my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold of

justice. I will take vengeance on my adversaries and repay those

who hate me!!!!!!!!!!!!" deuteronomy 32:41

I painted this the day after....... not much else I could do. Just so pissed I had to vent some how...................

WOW!! Wish I had that kind of talent!

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I was still working at the bank then. Was in my office getting ready for the day ahead, when the wife called me with details about what was happening. I went out to our lobby where the TV's were, and we all watched incredulously in utter disbelief, confusion, anger...... & a bit of fear

After watching from there until the "initial attacks" were over (there was that rumor that another plane was heading for the Sears' Tower)..... I headed home, and then ultimately to my oldest's school to pick him up & bring him home with us. I remember I called ahead to see if they were dismissing early, and was told "No..... But we're not stopping parents from picking up"

At that point, it was still early enough, with the media fear being there were more attacks coming in a wave across the country, and all I knew was if our nation was under attack, and perhaps going to end as we knew it...... I wanted my family all together so I could better protect them.... Either from the attackers, or the general anarchy that was sure to ensue. I remember trying to remain calm while grabbing him out of the lunchroom, but ended up losing it a bit & loving him up some, once we got to the parking lot

Was glued to the TV for the next several days, soaking up every image/piece of information on every channel I could. I didn't want to miss or forget anything. Couldn't believe that one of my clients actually still wanted to keep our appt. that afternoon. Was a little irritated that they wouldn't have thought about rescheduling :wtf:

The flag I flew today is the same one I purchased a few days after 9/11. It's faded, & a bit frayed...... But I'll fly that same flag with pride until there's nothing left of it. I only wish the tremendous & overwhelming feeling of unity & national pride which swelled immediately followed that tragic day, lasted as long as my old flag has

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just say this, i dont look around that much....

we must always remember...ppl are alreaady forgetting (how our prez got elected)

I remeber this day every year and always will. It was the biggest event on american soil in my lifetime. I still get very very very angry when talking about it or watching stuff on tv about it. The ppl in this country are the greatest evwer, but we need to remeber that we are always at war no matter what. There will always be terrorist out there that hate us and are willing to die to take us out too.

God bless our service men and women that serve and protect our country and its boarders. Also to all the civil servants here that protect our lives and our families lives.

Please be safe :) and keep up the most excellant work!!!

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