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343 Never Forget 9-11-01


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Just wanted to take a minute and remember those 343 firefighters who lost their lives serving and protecting our country on this day in 2001! May we never forget all those fallen heroes! We will never forget you! It still hits so close to home knowing how many fellow men and woman in uniform we lost that day! I wear my uniform in pride today in honor of those fallen! Thank you to anyone who serves this country and puts their life on the line for us!

Edited by gsxr750girl
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So many innocent lives lost that day. I still remember watching the 2nd tower get hit LIVE. Also, hearing the recorded phone call from that now famous citizen on the plane that called his wife to say goodbye before they made the plane crash into the field. Unbelievably sad!

That whole day creeped me out. It's a day I'll never forget for sure.

RIP to all that died that day and best wishes to all the families and children that lost their loved ones that day. :(

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The one thing i will never forget about that day is the eerie silence of everything, no planes in the sky, no cars on the road, nothing happened as everyone was watching this unfold. I still can't believe that I was in middle school eight years ago in spanish class when this all happened. God bless all of the heroes that day and to all of the heroes since. "United We Stand" Semper Fi

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Gone but not forgotten----To all men and women in uniform a big THANK YOU

I was in Las Vegas right after 9/11 and remember the out pouring of support shown in front of New York New york hotel and till this day everytime I see this it still chokes me up

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I remember that day with the same vividness of the days my children were born. Like Nick, I saw the second tower hit live on TV in my office. I remember (and still often feel) the cocktail of emotions that swelled within me, from anger and rage to sadness and horror. It was a horrifying awakening for some as to how unsafe the world it, and exactly what kind of price is paid to be free. May the souls of those lost that day and those since to avenge that loss rest eternally with their maker, and heaven watch kindly over those continuting to protect our freedom both in distant lands in within our back yards. If you wear any uniform in support of the freedoms of this great nation or ones that protect and care for us here at home, know that not just today, but everyday, you are loved, appreciated, and respected. Semper Fidelis.

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Yeah I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I think that those pictures need to still be displayed so we don't forget. After the attacks, the whole country came together and was so patriotic. How long did it take for the flags to start diasappearing and that really upsets me.

Rest in Peace and Never Forget 9/11/01.

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I love this song and thought I would post it for others to read if you have never heard it. 'Have You Forgotten" by Daryll Worley

I hear people sayin'. We Don't need this war.

I say there's some things worth fightin' for.

What about our freedom, and this piece of ground?

We didn't get to keep 'em by backin' down.

They say we don't realize the mess we're gettin' in

Before you start preachin' let me ask you this my friend.


Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?

To see your homeland under fire

And her people blown away

Have you forgotten, when those towers fell

We had neighbors still inside goin through a livin hell

And you say we shouldn't worry bout Bin Laden

Have you forgotten?

You took all the footage off my T.V.

Said it's too disturbin for you and me

It'll just breed anger is what the experts say

If it was up to me I'd show it everyday

Some say this country just out lookin' for a fight

Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say right.


Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?

To see your homeland under fire

And her people blown away

Have you forgotten when those towers fell

We had neighbors still inside goin' through a livin' hell

And we vow to get the ones behind Bin Laden

Have you forgotten?

I've been there with the soldiers

Who've gone away to war

you can bet they remember just what they're fightin' for

Have you forgotten

All the people killed

Yes some went down like heroes

In that Pennsylvania field

Have you forgotten

About our Pentagon

All the loved ones that we lost

And those left to carry on

Don't you tell me not to worry 'bout Bin Laden

Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten?!

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When I am called to duty, God,

Whenever flames may rage

Give me strength to save a life

Whatever be its age.

Help me embrace a little child

Before it is too late

Or save an older person from

The horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert

And hear the weakest shout

And quickly and efficiently

Put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling

To give the best in me

To guard my friend and neighbor

And protect his property.

And if according to Your will

While on duty I must answer death's call

Bless with Your protecting hand

My family one and all.

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So many innocent lives lost that day. I still remember watching the 2nd tower get hit LIVE. :(

yeah me too. I was at work. We were all watching it going WHAT---THE---HELL.

Then we all had to put together an "extra" edition.. that hadn't been done here since the 60s. They put me on wire photos. It was my job to pick out the photos that we could publish out of the hundreds of extremely graphic, unedited photos that the AP was releasing from Ground Zero. God that sucked. I was in counseling for a while after that.

RIP to my childhood friend Alicia Titus from Urbana OH. She was a flight attendant on United flight 175 from Boston that ended up in NYC. :(


Just sitting here a minute, thinking about all the regular joes who went to work that day, not knowing they wouldn't be going home... and for WHAT. No damn good reason at all.

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