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Apartment troubles... again... wtf.


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They'll probably just tell her she has the right to punchisize her landlords face.... for free!


Don't tempt her! I bet MJ would be all over doing that!!

Or' date=' you get about a dozen of us to show up at your landlords place and ask her wtf is up?

We could politely ask that she rip up your lease agreement and everyone go their seperate ways. Just a thought :D[/quote']

Woohoo, mob rule FTW!!

If ya screw with one OR, you screw with ALL of us!

When are wee all meeting up to take care of this? With all the nerdage here, there has to be someone that can help out with the legal end of it, and make sure we don't go too far..... :lol:

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You will probably get your money back if you put your first, last and security down if you take it to small claims. If you did sign a lease they will more then likely rip it up too and get on the landlord for allowing you to move in in this situation. Might even make them pay for you living in other places for the time you have been there. It's a thought, but sometimes it's not even worth it. Might pay more for court then for the problem. I would go to OSU for advice though if they offer like the previous people said.

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Don't tempt her! I bet MJ would be all over doing that!!

If ya screw with one OR, you screw with ALL of us!

When are wee all meeting up to take care of this? With all the nerdage here, there has to be someone that can help out with the legal end of it, and make sure we don't go too far..... :lol:

There used to be an attorney on here, but I think he stopped logging on. Probably couldnt stomach all the douchebags. :rolleyes:

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Alot of places won't let you look at the unti before you move in. I moved into my apartment 2 weeks ago in Lakeview Square and the first unit was so disgusting that I requested another. EDIT: I forgot to mention that this was all AFTER I signed the first lease.

Sorry to hear about your troubles MJ

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I would be dropping loaves 2-3 times a day in the lardlords yard and drivway till a Shitter is installed.

But you need to do something. I have sheds in better condition.

:lol:You volunteering?

There is your call to action Rosso. Lets all go up there as a group and shit in the yard. Someone alert the news people.

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You also have the option of calling code enforcement and if the landlord is rehabing or updating the place they will make him/her do it all by code and by a licensed professional and they will be paying alot more. Damn girl I feel for you and good luck with this shit.

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Holy hell! We have a spare room if you need a temp. place to stay, but we WAY out in the boonies. :rolleyes:

Your welcomed to it if you need it.

yeah same here you can use our spare bedroom but i think max is closer ;)

appreciate it kids :) My apartment is supposed to be done on tuesday, so I have my fingers crossed that it won't be another lie. I think I was too nice to the lady, then she thought she could take advantage of me. She actually said to me at one point "child, you are starting to annoy me" She's lucky I'm easy going, bc I was offended.

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I think I'd have been a bit rough, if finding those conditions. I probably would have set my own conditions on what her response should be. Fast action, and nothing less. There really are no excuses. You'd think she would be embarrassed to behave that way. So very callous...

I've dealt with many campus "landlords", and knew how to handle each "unique personality". But one thing was always true. They would drag their feet at spending money for anything. Some I would fix stuff and send them a statement of services. If they didn't pay it, I notified them, and then deducted it from the rent. Some were ok with that, it must be to their advantage in some way. (I did good work, and worked for low wages.)

I'd love to show that picture to one of the news teams.

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Get out of those cheap Cardinal built single stories! The landlords suck, the design of the buildings suck, the construction of them sucks! get a real live apartment. Or a duplex with a garage. Your landlord is perfect! He's a fucking idiot, he's doing exactly what a fucking idiot does. You need to get with better people.

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She actually said to me at one point "child, you are starting to annoy me" She's lucky I'm easy going, bc I was offended.

i would have said "yeah you know what annoys me? living in a filthy fucking aparment and not having a fucking toilet"

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