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Mid Ohio Sept 28/29


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Ok, few questions...

1) Who painted the white marks on the track? I assume they are showing the proper line, no? What do the "X"s stand for?

2) Why are you not staying on the line around the track? The idea is instructors need to be riding the proper line in an effort to show the others what the best line is.

3) Why are you looking over your shoulder so much?

I understand the idea behind some of these things, but let's start with those three before I go further...

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Ok, few questions...

1) Who painted the white marks on the track? I assume they are showing the proper line, no? What do the "X"s stand for?

2) Why are you not staying on the line around the track? The idea is instructors need to be riding the proper line in an effort to show the others what the best line is.

3) Why are you looking over your shoulder so much?

I understand the idea behind some of these things, but let's start with those three before I go further...

1)The track put more Rp's out there just as something to look at and judge line when no one is there. More RP's is always a good thing..

2)I am filming the students so they can see themselfs after the sessions. I got too creative at some points. When it was clear behind me and a student asked to be followed i would "stray"off line to get a better look at their form and their arms.

3)looking to see if i was holding back the faster students. I dont want them to work to pass me while learning.

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1)The track put more Rp's out there just as something to look at and judge line when no one is there. More RP's is always a good thing...

RPs are a good thing - if they are in the right spots. There are a few spots that are just not right and not what should be taught to the riders in general. More RPs are too confusing and from what I was seeing, they weren't on them anyways a lot of the times.

I like what you are trying to do Brandon, but the fact is that there needs to be a correct way of showing the correct line...

2)I am filming the students so they can see themselfs after the sessions. I got too creative at some points. When it was clear behind me and a student asked to be followed i would "stray"off line to get a better look at their form and their arms.

The idea behind a camera guy is that you need to be behind them and filming them and then going over it in the pits. Like what Shadow Video used to do is how it should be done. If you stray off line, it jacks up those behind you and can technically get into their way. It's tough to pass a guy that is being "creative" out there. It's no different than a guy that is riding inconsistently and erratically. You need to be the example and you can certainly tell what the rider is doing by being behind them...

3)looking to see if i was holding back the faster students. I dont want them to work to pass me while learning.

Looking back for faster students is like the students themselves looking back. You strayed off line a couple of times. Adding in looking back is only doing more harm. They have to work to pass you as you are out there not holding the proper line. I know a friend had some issues getting past you out there due to what you showed on the video. That's not good.

Again, not ripping anyone. But, when you post videos, you open yourself up to judgement. There's a lot of things that are going on that are not productive to helping riders out. Filming them is fine if you do it right and talk about it and show them what they are doing wrong. Take for example a guy riding off the line and you are riding even more off line. How are you to tell him the right line when you're not on it? See what I mean?

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RPs are a good thing - if they are in the right spots. There are a few spots that are just not right and not what should be taught to the riders in general. More RPs are too confusing and from what I was seeing, they weren't on them anyways a lot of the times.

I like what you are trying to do Brandon, but the fact is that there needs to be a correct way of showing the correct line...

I cant controll the RP's,but i liked them(mostly the dots?)

The idea behind a camera guy is that you need to be behind them and filming them and then going over it in the pits. Like what Shadow Video used to do is how it should be done. If you stray off line, it jacks up those behind you and can technically get into their way. It's tough to pass a guy that is being "creative" out there. It's no different than a guy that is riding inconsistently and erratically. You need to be the example and you can certainly tell what the rider is doing by being behind them...

I only tried to be camera guy when i was behind the last guy out there. Most of this video is just clipped together to fit as many students in as possible. I have hours of one on one stuff,but with the 10min rule from youtube i had to filter to the shots that had riders riding lol. If i had a back cam i could show the students following,but i wasnt set up for it.

Looking back for faster students is like the students themselves looking back. You strayed off line a couple of times. Adding in looking back is only doing more harm. They have to work to pass you as you are out there not holding the proper line. I know a friend had some issues getting past you out there due to what you showed on the video. That's not good.

I really really need mirrors and i will be way better at this!

Again, not ripping anyone. But, when you post videos, you open yourself up to judgement. There's a lot of things that are going on that are not productive to helping riders out. Filming them is fine if you do it right and talk about it and show them what they are doing wrong. Take for example a guy riding off the line and you are riding even more off line. How are you to tell him the right line when you're not on it? See what I mean?

With a helmet cam you cant see where my bike is facing only my head. When i'm leaned at all me head can be feet over and my line is hard to read. The rider being taped can see where he is on the track and when we talk i can point at the screen and say he should be there Etc.... Lizard you of all people know how much is involved in teaching and coaching. I am new at it on the track,but have been helping street riders for years now. I just am getting the hang of things and i really helped people out there. Like i said this video is for them(students)and i posted it here because i saw a couple members from here up there. Anything you can help me with i would love to hear,so please PM me any helpfull hints.

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The RPs may "mostly" be cool with you, but they aren't right at a LOT of key points. Teaching these lines when wrong is a deal where you are one, making the riders work harder for nothing. You are also teaching them a poor choice of line and thus, effecting the passers as they come up on a rider.

Yes, your head may not be perfectly in line with the bike, but unless you can magically make your head go over 6 feet off the correct line, you are not following nor riding along the proper line.

I understand the video is for the students, but you as a coach have a responsibility to do things right. There are a lot of things being done wrong from what I have heard and seen.

You wearing a vest means you need to ride the right line all the time. No creativeness, no wheelies like the kid on the R6 was doing a lot of (with a vest on, by the way), no riding in the middle of the track looking over your shoulder waiting apparently for someone to come up behind you, etc. And certainly not stopping on a hot track, right?

As for helping you out, it takes MANY laps and a LOT of track experience. I've been doing track related riding for over 16 years and still don't know enough nor pretend to. The guys on our staff have more knowledge and experience than even I do and I try to learn from them as much as I can. As the saying goes, you are only as good as the company you keep. I feel I'm in pretty damn good company...

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The RPs may "mostly" be cool with you, but they aren't right at a LOT of key points. Teaching these lines when wrong is a deal where you are one, making the riders work harder for nothing. You are also teaching them a poor choice of line and thus, effecting the passers as they come up on a rider.

Yes, your head may not be perfectly in line with the bike, but unless you can magically make your head go over 6 feet off the correct line, you are not following nor riding along the proper line.

I understand the video is for the students, but you as a coach have a responsibility to do things right. There are a lot of things being done wrong from what I have heard and seen.

You wearing a vest means you need to ride the right line all the time. No creativeness, no wheelies like the kid on the R6 was doing a lot of (with a vest on, by the way), no riding in the middle of the track looking over your shoulder waiting apparently for someone to come up behind you, etc. And certainly not stopping on a hot track, right?

As for helping you out, it takes MANY laps and a LOT of track experience. I've been doing track related riding for over 16 years and still don't know enough nor pretend to. The guys on our staff have more knowledge and experience than even I do and I try to learn from them as much as I can. As the saying goes, you are only as good as the company you keep. I feel I'm in pretty damn good company...

Were u there? Who was riding wheelies on a r6? As for riders they are not all on or at race pace so the rp's are just rp's. I use a tree at rd atlanta and it blows in the wind,but its my rp. Learning to ride is still fresh in my head therefore i can connect with the students and still remember my first everything. Yes wearing the vest is a a major task and with so many riders on track you have to constantly change it up. Like i said i had many one on ones with people,but the video is for the riders viewing where we study their line not my line. I have 1 whole video dedicated to line and i show that to them also. I am learning and hope the learning never stops for me or anyone else. For god sake NO ONE would stop on a hot track for any reason so that rumor is lame and stupid! I have video of u controll riding too lol:p

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Were u there? Who was riding wheelies on a r6?

No, I wasn't, but a VERY reputable person was and what he saw and stated was what another guy stated that I dont know very well. Trying to wheelie vs. power wheelie is different. He was pulling them. Not a problem had he not been wearing a vest...

As for riders they are not all on or at race pace so the rp's are just rp's. I use a tree at rd atlanta and it blows in the wind,but its my rp. Learning to ride is still fresh in my head therefore i can connect with the students and still remember my first everything. Yes wearing the vest is a a major task and with so many riders on track you have to constantly change it up.

Race pace means nothing. However, the proper lines are something that EVERY rider needs to practice. Understanding the width of the track is a good thing when passing, but when riding out there, you need to practice the best line as it is more efficient and the best way to ride whatever track you are at. RPs are fine and sometimes unique to each rider like your tree idea. But, painting dots on the track indicates what YOU as a track day company feel it is where the riders YOU teach need to follow. If they are not in good spots, then riders are learning bad RPs...

Changing it up? Not sure what that means. If anything, the teacher needs to be consistant and ride the way you expect others to do, as well. Lead by example.

Like i said i had many one on ones with people,but the video is for the riders viewing where we study their line not my line. I have 1 whole video dedicated to line and i show that to them also. I am learning and hope the learning never stops for me or anyone else.

Again, if you don't ride the right line or feel the RPs are correct, then how are you doing it right and how can you expect others to ride if they watch and learn from you? Again, see above to my points.

For god sake NO ONE would stop on a hot track for any reason so that rumor is lame and stupid! I have video of u controll riding too lol:p

That's not a rumor, Brandon. It happened. It became a red flagged session, so not technically hot, but stopping on a track and having multiple riders say the same thing is enough for me. I was there and didn't see it occur, but there were enough riders that did. Absolutely at NO POINT should ANY rider stop on track. Red flagged or not. Coach or not.

As for the video of me control riding, explain... My process in the Advanced group is done a certain way. When I am teaching riders (and you are MORE than welcome to ask those I have done so with), I do it a way that is to our standards. Not sure what you are getting at here with that comment... I have a way that I proceed through the group and I do a certain thing to understand what people are doing. I also tend to take the Pro Am or racer kids out and work with them a lot, as well. I've also had the honor of working with an older gentleman that races AHRMA and taught him a few things and went over notes and such. He ended up winning both years after one on one sessions and track discussions... I also worked with the AMA Young Gun rider that finished in the top five of the class there. Not tooting my own horn, but sometimes, we get to work with an array of different riders. I've also worked with Group 7 Novice and had just as much fun and even though the learning process is different, it is as rewarding...

In the end, good luck with your teaching. Just please promise me that you won't come on here and mis lead people into something that should be done differently. You'll get better as you go and I know the staff is still learning and still trying to figure out who is staying and who isn't. That's cool, I guess to use the days as a test bed for staff, but you guys have a certain way you want things to go and that's cool.

I am planning on attending a few days next year as a customer. Should be fun to be able to free ride as oppose to coaching. Hell, even Monte may join me and a few others...

Cheers and good luck.

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Man u can sure type lol. I was teasing u about the video comment thats what the:p meant. Lizard i can tell you i will do my part to help riders the best way i know how. I am no lizard,but i will catch one,1day lol. I like teaching and no matter who its for I will do my best. I hope one day i can help out a BG and other tracks.

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