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Rooting for Pittsburgh is almost as lame as rooting for Cleveland or Ohio State.

Best quote I've ever heard about Cleveland sports fans: " We will again have to suffer during yet another rebuilding year. The fact is we can tell football season is here because: 1) The Buckeyes lost another big game 2) The dreaded Steelers are in first place 3) The Browns are in last place 4) The Indians are out of contention 5) Yes, all back to normal in Cleveland Has anyone checked to see if the river is burning? "

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:nono: Wow.. I guess you didn't see that small' date=' thin line as you skidded across it, huh? :wtf:[/quote']

lol. Joking man. It's like Bichigan, and Ohio state. Cleveland and pitt. I hate pitt...with everything i have.

Wow that's brutal dude! Maybe someone should wish the same for you?

As much as i hate Pitt, i respect them...for finding a way to win, year in and year out. And...i wouldn't wish that on anybody. Just a thought though. :D

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Best quote I've ever heard about Cleveland sports fans: " We will again have to suffer during yet another rebuilding year. The fact is we can tell football season is here because: 1) The Buckeyes lost another big game 2) The dreaded Steelers are in first place 3) The Browns are in last place 4) The Indians are out of contention 5) Yes, all back to normal in Cleveland Has anyone checked to see if the river is burning? "

Your avatar tastes like failure.

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Lifted from a user (CtrlAltDelete) from Fark, posted the day the Cavs lost the NBA finals. Extrapolate the Cavs to basically all Cleveland sports.

Well done, Orlando. It was a hell of a game. Excellent basketball. Please forgive us for portraying you as the villain in this particular saga; the Yankees to our Bad News Bears, the Monstars to our TuneSquad, Miami to our Marshall- it just isn't true. You aren't the bad guys. You got a great team. You just don't understand.

Call tonight overconfidence, call it hype, call it laziness, call it whatever you like. We can sympathize with the way you must have grimaced whenever Marv Albert and the rest of the commentators praised every shot LeBron made, even the misses, while your guys were hitting threes like nothing to silence. Believe us when we say, we've been down that particular road. You just don't understand.

You need to get to know us for this series to play its course properly. You need to understand us. You need to get it.

In 1796, a douchebag named Moses Cleaveland rode his douchebag boat with his douchebag crew along the shore of Lake Erie and stopped at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. In Iroquois, "Cuyahoga River" means "Douchebag River." All the douchebags were getting eaten alive by mosquitos but Moses F*cking Cleaveland told the natives "I'm founding a village here."

And they were like "whatever, dude. There's a sh*tload of mosquitoes. We don't even live here because it sucks so goddamn much. We just hunt occassionally. You can f*cking keep it."

Except they spoke Iroquois or some sh*t.

So the douchebags stayed. Having nothing else to do other than sit around watching their flesh get ripped apart by bugs, they started f*cking each other, slow at first, and then more frequently as boredom set in.

One of the douchebags apparently had enough time between getting eaten and f*cking that he started a newspaper. Except he screwed it all up and spelled the town "Cleveland" because it saved space. The name of our goddamn town is a typo.

The douchebags f*cked and watched mosquitoes and eventually all the f*cking led to baby douchebags who grew up and had little baby douchebags of their own. (One of them, John D. Rockefeller, is buried in Lakeview Cemetery not far from here.) The town was booming.

During the years of the great populations of immigrants coming to this country for prosperity and joy, a new type of Clevelander came to be: the lazy asshole. Immigrants from Poland and Germany would ride ships and steamers into New York City, be told of the great riches and land of the West and begin their journey. Those that made it the whole way found their fortunes. Those that quit usually stopped somewhere between E. 123rd and Rocky River Dr.

So they just sat their lazy asses down and stayed there.

In 1884 a man in Chicago named John Golding invented the screen door, and finally the mosquitoes weren't as big of a problem. This meant more time for f*cking. Cleveland became one of the largest cities in the country. The lazy assholes f*cked the douchebags and the douchebag-asshole hybrids, well.. Those are our ancestors.

It's us.

So you see, when you see a Cleveland fan wearing a t-shirt that says "Witness" on it, waving a number 23 towel around their head singing the jingle for Norton Furniture, you can look upon us with the wizened eyes of a historian, curiously studying a race of people so the future can learn from its extinction.

Because the mosquitoes have returned.

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Best quote I've ever heard about Cleveland sports fans: " We will again have to suffer during yet another rebuilding year. The fact is we can tell football season is here because: 1) The Buckeyes lost another big game 2) The dreaded Steelers are in first place 3) The Browns are in last place 4) The Indians are out of contention 5) Yes, all back to normal in Cleveland Has anyone checked to see if the river is burning? "

sounds like all is normal in the universe :lol:

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BEST post EVAR!!! roflmao.gif

Lifted from a user (CtrlAltDelete) from Fark, posted the day the Cavs lost the NBA finals. Extrapolate the Cavs to basically all Cleveland sports.
Well done, Orlando. It was a hell of a game. Excellent basketball. Please forgive us for portraying you as the villain in this particular saga; the Yankees to our Bad News Bears, the Monstars to our TuneSquad, Miami to our Marshall- it just isn't true. You aren't the bad guys. You got a great team. You just don't understand.

Call tonight overconfidence, call it hype, call it laziness, call it whatever you like. We can sympathize with the way you must have grimaced whenever Marv Albert and the rest of the commentators praised every shot LeBron made, even the misses, while your guys were hitting threes like nothing to silence. Believe us when we say, we've been down that particular road. You just don't understand.

You need to get to know us for this series to play its course properly. You need to understand us. You need to get it.

In 1796, a douchebag named Moses Cleaveland rode his douchebag boat with his douchebag crew along the shore of Lake Erie and stopped at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. In Iroquois, "Cuyahoga River" means "Douchebag River." All the douchebags were getting eaten alive by mosquitos but Moses F*cking Cleaveland told the natives "I'm founding a village here."

And they were like "whatever, dude. There's a sh*tload of mosquitoes. We don't even live here because it sucks so goddamn much. We just hunt occassionally. You can f*cking keep it."

Except they spoke Iroquois or some sh*t.

So the douchebags stayed. Having nothing else to do other than sit around watching their flesh get ripped apart by bugs, they started f*cking each other, slow at first, and then more frequently as boredom set in.

One of the douchebags apparently had enough time between getting eaten and f*cking that he started a newspaper. Except he screwed it all up and spelled the town "Cleveland" because it saved space. The name of our goddamn town is a typo.

The douchebags f*cked and watched mosquitoes and eventually all the f*cking led to baby douchebags who grew up and had little baby douchebags of their own. (One of them, John D. Rockefeller, is buried in Lakeview Cemetery not far from here.) The town was booming.

During the years of the great populations of immigrants coming to this country for prosperity and joy, a new type of Clevelander came to be: the lazy asshole. Immigrants from Poland and Germany would ride ships and steamers into New York City, be told of the great riches and land of the West and begin their journey. Those that made it the whole way found their fortunes. Those that quit usually stopped somewhere between E. 123rd and Rocky River Dr.

So they just sat their lazy asses down and stayed there.

In 1884 a man in Chicago named John Golding invented the screen door, and finally the mosquitoes weren't as big of a problem. This meant more time for f*cking. Cleveland became one of the largest cities in the country. The lazy assholes f*cked the douchebags and the douchebag-asshole hybrids, well.. Those are our ancestors.

It's us.

So you see, when you see a Cleveland fan wearing a t-shirt that says "Witness" on it, waving a number 23 towel around their head singing the jingle for Norton Furniture, you can look upon us with the wizened eyes of a historian, curiously studying a race of people so the future can learn from its extinction.

Because the mosquitoes have returned.

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