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I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group….


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I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group….

Atheist: 47.6%

Muslim: 33.5%

African-American 27.2%

Asian-Americans: 18.5%

Hispanics: 18.5%

Jews: 11.8%

Conservative Christians: 6.9%

Whites: 2.3%

This group does not at all agree with my vision of American society…

Atheist: 39.6%

Muslims: 26.3%

Homosexuals: 22.6%

Hispanics: 20%

Conservative Christians: 13.5%

Recent Immigrants: 12.5%

Jews: 7.6%


I'm not sure if I should be happy Jews aren't first, or incredibly depressed that this is the way Americans' think....

I'm sure the survey is skewed, I'd venture that they asked the question pointed so they'd get an answer... but then again I'm blissfully unaware of this much intolerance.

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this poll sorta confused me

Same here, for multiple reasons.

1. If you force people to answer with no prompting I would think other things come up first, I didn't realize people had "atheists" so high on their list of "OMG I AM SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME!!!"

2. I wonder what research firm they used, and how they identify respondents... everyone? Or people that subscribe to "The One Truth" magazine lol

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