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Yet another danger...


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I'm sure you know what it's like to be riding into the setting sun. Have you ever thought about traffic behind you being not able to see you?

Last Friday, hitting up I-70 from MooseTown steak-o-rama out East to the Hillard Hooters bike night out West... Traffic slowed where it passes I-71 downtown. Seems a police car was trying to get from right to left for two cars on the left berm. We're all going slow, but I watch behind me for trouble, and here it comes. Looks like a red Firebird, and it's not slowing down. The driver isn't seeing any of our brake lights, with the sun in his eyes. I look forward again for escapes, and check behind again to see that Firebird sliding already, trying to maneuver around me to the right, and appears to be only a few feet behind me. I'm in the left lane. (caution: objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear) I quick flick left just enough to let him past...

He stopped very well, he didn't hit the car in front of me, which is what I expected, sort of stopped behind or beside me. I didn't even look. Guess I was more interested in what was in front of me, like he should have been. But my reaction bothered me. I didn't scoot away, I just moved over and slowed. But when thinking about it, if he had hit the car in front of me, he would have spun it, with me trying to pass on the left berm, between the spinning car and the guard rail, with three vehicles parked ahead on that berm. I tried to trade places, and let him go ahead and hit the car. So I guess it was the right move anyway, considering the choices.

I did notice he stayed way back away from me and all cars for a while. Probably scared himself/herself pretty bad. Maybe even stalled the engine back there. It also bothers me that this type stuff doesn't bother me...

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Been there, done that, definitely learned my lesson. Her front bumper stopped touching my leg.

I don't know how some of you guys ride without mirrors. I'm constantly checking behind me for idiots.

Going home from work on the freeway, a favorite pastime is to tag any riders I see ahead of me, and ride with them. The deal is, to see how long it takes for them to see me in their mirrors. Errrr.... almost all of them don't. They never look in their mirrors. I ride like flying a fighter aircraft, at least in traffic anyway. look forward - left mirror - look forward - right mirror - look forward - gauges & lights - repeat...

I absolutely hate having any vehicle over-take me from behind without me knowing it.

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Been there, done that, definitely learned my lesson. Her front bumper stopped touching my leg.

I don't know how some of you guys ride without mirrors. I'm constantly checking behind me for idiots.

agreed! I wonder if any guys have had cops follow them for a long time and not know it because they didn't see sirens for a while... :confused:

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Glad you escaped. Its never a good feeling when 6,000# of steel and plastic is screeching toward you.
That would be a large truck. Or a 1967 ford t-bird. lol. Most car's are around 3000-4000 pnds. But definitely agree.

What?:wtf: A firebird has to be as heavy as a truck with a full tank of fail.

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Going home from work on the freeway, a favorite pastime is to tag any riders I see ahead of me, and ride with them. The deal is, to see how long it takes for them to see me in their mirrors. Errrr.... almost all of them don't. They never look in their mirrors. I ride like flying a fighter aircraft, at least in traffic anyway. look forward - left mirror - look forward - right mirror - look forward - gauges & lights - repeat...

I don't scan nearly that agressively, although I know I should.

I absolutely hate having any vehicle over-take me from behind without me knowing it.

A BIG :plus1:

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