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Texting outlawed in C-bus suburb


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Text while driving? Better not in Bexley

...The Bexley City Council voted last night to outlaw typing or reading e-mails, text messages or Internet content while behind the wheel...

soooo, is pushing the buttons on a phone for a phone call considered typing?

I don't see any exceptions. Need to read the law itself to see how badly it was written.

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what about gps? mine IS my phone??

this is ghey if you ask me..

i know it's dangerous to drive with your knee, but it's not like people don't do it other times, other than just texting?? i do it when i'm eating! or when i'm gettin a cd, etc. gonna have that banned too?

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They won't mess with phones too much, it's actual texting or reading they are after.

It says 6 to 23 times more likely to wreck/crash when doing that.

now I want to look up to see if one hand minimum on wheel is required...

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I completely and totally agree with this law. Texting while driving SHOULD be illegal. I'm halfway convinced that talking on the phone while driving should be banned too. The majority of the population just can't handle it.

It's as if the phone becomes users number one priority and not the fact that they are driving a vehicle down the road.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen erratic, dangerous or downright stupid driving and more often than not, there is a phone in the person's hand or up to their ear. I would think that anyone who has to endure rush hour traffic every day would agree with me.

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I completely and totally agree with this law. Texting while driving SHOULD be illegal. I'm halfway convinced that talking on the phone while driving should be banned too. The majority of the population just can't handle it.

It's as if the phone becomes users number one priority and not the fact that they are driving a vehicle down the road.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen erratic, dangerous or downright stupid driving and more often than not, there is a phone in the person's hand or up to their ear. I would think that anyone who has to endure rush hour traffic every day would agree with me.

I like to tell this story, so I'll tell it again.

The first time I ever saw somebody use a cell phone in a car.

I'm behind a BMW on I-670 freeway, in evening traffic. And I watched this happen.

He dialed, put it to his ear, started talking and drove straight into a guard rail when the freeway turned and he didn't.

He bounced off, and just kept going like nothing happened.

I thought; this is our future...

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Text while driving? Better not in Bexley

soooo, is pushing the buttons on a phone for a phone call considered typing?

I don't see any exceptions. Need to read the law itself to see how badly it was written.

I was wondering the same thing. I have LOTS of contacts in my work cell and when I am about to call someone

it sometimes takes me a minute to find that contact, to someone passing me it may "look" like I'm texting but I'm

really just scrolling thru my contacts! This will be interesting.

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The phone manufacturers need to develop a voice dial that actually works.

I agree. Voice recognition of names sucks, however if your phone supports voice "digit dial"

that usually works well where you speak the numbers and it dials it, but how many people actually know the NUMBER of who they're calling :p when its stored in their phone!

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good luck enforcing that law. prove i was texting. you saw me? i was doing something else with my phone. Now if they can subpoena records from the cell companies, they're on to something -but I don't think they can (yet).

texting while driving is illegal in Cleveland as well, but they won't catch anyone unless the offender actually causes an accident, in which case, they're just going to be found negligent in a civil case, and convict them of 'failure to control a motor vehicle,' or something in a criminal case.

waste of legislation, IMO. I understand that the goal is to PREVENT accidents - i just don't see it having much of an affect.

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good luck enforcing that law. prove i was texting. you saw me? i was doing something else with my phone. Now if they can subpoena records from the cell companies, they're on to something -but I don't think they can (yet).

they can, and will, in the case of an accident.

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Hell, all they have to do is park between Columbus School for Goats and Saint Chuckies and wait for the rich teens to pull out cell in hand. IMHO they should outlaw driving and using the cell all together. To many morons who can't walk and chew gum let alone drive and talk. :lol:

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The article I read today said they would IN THE CASE OF AN ACCIDENT. I'm no Jrmi, so I'm not going to go looking for it.

Even then, the txting would have to be a contributing factor AND they'd likely have to be charging the person with reckless. "Prove I was txting".. well the other driver said you were... heresay. We're gonna subpoena your phone records... and we'll prove it... if all they are doing is to setup a minor misdemeanor and an extra $150 fine.... they're not going through that.

Let's be honest, this is just the lawmakers in Bexley trying to make a name for themselves and getting attention.

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Let's be honest, this is just the lawmakers in Bexley trying to make a name for themselves and getting attention.

Maybe so, but its not a bad idea. Some people are too stupid to realize that what they are doing is dangerous.

Texting is retarded anyway. I have it blocked. If you want to comunicate with me, you have to call me.

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to complete and total totalitarianism

:rolleyes: Its a start to not getting run over by some dumbass who cant seem to understand that its not all about them. Texting while driving is fucking stupid. The penalty should be getting slapped in the forehead with a board.

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The penalty should be getting slapped in the forehead with a board.

Would that be a circuit board or phone switching board? :D Personally I don't think it will reduce accidents by "1" simply because distracted drivers will always find something to detract from the task at hand.:rolleyes:

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