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Semi Loaded with Brand New Harleys Overturns on I-670

Big Green Valley

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So Harleys and Semis handle just about the same.

Similar in many ways. Can't take tight corners, slow to accelerate, expensive, neither group wears a helmet and they both think they own the road. :p

Besides if it was a truck load of sport bikes they'd be saying how the driver was stunting and splitting lanes.:lol:

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I think the driver of the semi would've been uninjured had he been wearing a helmet

Don't those helmets cause you neck to snap in an accident? :rolleyes:

6o'clock news headline

- "Harley Davidson Rally on I-670 results in truck crash". :lol:

Edited by buildit
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It was funny- my brother and I went to The Iron Pony on Sunday. Of course we cloverleafed High on 270, and on my way heading east again we fell in behind three of these beauts. Of course there was a raucus roar as they got onto the straight 270, from 25 or so on the entrance.

Exiting onto 3 from 270 we were all stopped at the light for a left turn. Hoss with the rear car tire blew the left turn onto 3 from a dead stop. Over shot the road and into the gravelled shoulder.

Don't get me wrong, my first bike was a Harley, and my brother is a mechanic at C&A Harley Davidson (who also rides a Triumph 955), but it's funny how motorcycle riding skills equate to making the most noise all the way up to 63mph for some- that's it.

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