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Anyone watching The Ultimate Fighter 10?

max power

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I was disappointed in the fight.. Big C sucks and Kimbo's ground needs a lot of work! I wish Kimbo would of punched the shit out of him when he was talking about wanting a double cheese burger, "the king wants it his way"... what an ass! He didn't do shit other then hit Kimbo on the head like a little girl, my 4yr old son can hit my head harder then that!

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As much as I detest Dana White, there is no fucking way Kimbo fights Lesnar. Zuffa would be shooting themselves in the foot by letting that match happen. At least Brock had the decency to have a winning record before Zuffa sold out and made him the poster boy. Kimbo has been exposed..more than once...for having -0- ground game.

I don't see Kimbo-Mir/Lesnar being that big of a draw...honestly.

I agree kimbo would get killed by either of these fighters. he needs ground skills or hes done. he would only stand a chance against other brawlers. going to the ground is not a opition for him with someone in his weight class, he will lose every time from what was shown last night.

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BOOOOOOO!!! BOOOOOO!!!!! A fatass sits on his arm and love taps his arse out. Send that boy Big Country an Angry Whopper instead. A very Angry Whopper. A two hundred sixty pound girl could have won that one.

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I've been watching UF since the first season. I watch all the PPVs and love the sport. This season seems to be about the worst ones I've seen. Before the season started I wanted Kimbo and Wes Sims to get their asses beat. I agree Kimbo has no place in the UFC. After watching the first 3 episodes of UF, I'd have to agree Kimbo has probably the best work ethic and hunger to learn MMA. He will get picked up by one of the top training camps and most likely get a PPV shot after the show. He seems very humble and more likable than the reputation he has.

Wes Sims is a homo. I've seen a few of his ameture fights and was not impressed. He is extremely cocky, evident in his fights with Tim Silvia. He fought for the UFC a few times and again was not that impressive. I saw him down at the Arnold Fitness Expo 2 years ago and he was hanging out around the UFC booth trying to pick up women. It made me laugh. So far he hasn't said a whole lot on the show, at least he hasn't been on camera that often. Maybe he has grown up a bit.

Big Country looked pathatic and has a long way to go before he can consider himself a "master". His current skills will keep him at the bottom of the ranks in the heavy weight division. He most likely will not advance very far this season. As of right now there is no top runner. Rashads top pick did not look that impressive.

I'll continue to watch because as mentioned before UF seems to pave the way for alot of up and coming fighters. They look mediocre during the show and in the several months to a year after the show and after some training from which ever camp picks them up there is a vast improvement.

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Kimbo needs more than good ground skills, he needs better striking skills. His stand up still seems to be mediocre at best.

kimbo looked like shit. all skills need improved. his stand up is better than his ground skills. he wins fights on his feet. but ive always said when he fight someone with acutal skill he will lose. and it happend. more than once. with the right training and a lot of it, he could be a contender, but it will take a lot of time and work.

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Not impressed with Big Country. His whole steeze is get someone in the crucifix, and tap on their head until the ref stops it. He even said that was his strategy before the fight started. Yes...it's in the rules...but the rules need to be amended to state "...only if said strikes would cause damage to the other fighter". Those love taps don't do shit but make you frustrated that you are about to lose the fight because someone is scratching your head. That being said...Kimbo should not have put himself in that situation in the first place.

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I've been watching UF since the first season. I watch all the PPVs and love the sport. This season seems to be about the worst ones I've seen. Before the season started I wanted Kimbo and Wes Sims to get their asses beat. I agree Kimbo has no place in the UFC. After watching the first 3 episodes of UF, I'd have to agree Kimbo has probably the best work ethic and hunger to learn MMA. He will get picked up by one of the top training camps and most likely get a PPV shot after the show. He seems very humble and more likable than the reputation he has.

Wes Sims is a homo. I've seen a few of his ameture fights and was not impressed. He is extremely cocky, evident in his fights with Tim Silvia. He fought for the UFC a few times and again was not that impressive. I saw him down at the Arnold Fitness Expo 2 years ago and he was hanging out around the UFC booth trying to pick up women. It made me laugh. So far he hasn't said a whole lot on the show, at least he hasn't been on camera that often. Maybe he has grown up a bit.

Big Country looked pathatic and has a long way to go before he can consider himself a "master". His current skills will keep him at the bottom of the ranks in the heavy weight division. He most likely will not advance very far this season. As of right now there is no top runner. Rashads top pick did not look that impressive.

I'll continue to watch because as mentioned before UF seems to pave the way for alot of up and coming fighters. They look mediocre during the show and in the several months to a year after the show and after some training from which ever camp picks them up there is a vast improvement.

tru dat u get rep son

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He will get picked up by one of the top training camps

Kimbo already works with American Top Team (Thiago Alves, Mike Brown, etc). There's potential, but he's starting the (official) game late. He also is definitely coming back to TUF after the guy leaves due to illness. How could Dana possibly lose out on the one person who is no doubt bringing a large number of people to the couch to watch TUF this season.

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Kimbo already works with American Top Team (Thiago Alves, Mike Brown, etc). There's potential, but he's starting the (official) game late.

I've known guys that after training under a year with no prior experience that could whip Kimbo standing or on the ground.

He also is definitely coming back to TUF after the guy leaves due to illness. How could Dana possibly lose out on the one person who is no doubt bringing a large number of people to the couch to watch TUF this season.

Rampage? Rampage is the only reason I and the guys I work with are watching it this season. He's one funny mofo.

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Rampage? Rampage is the only reason I and the guys I work with are watching it this season. He's one funny mofo.

I agree. I love Rampage and his crazy comments. He's not the best coach, this season or the last one he was on, but he definitely is entertaining. Personally, I would have watched this season's TUF no matter what. I've watched every season up until now, why stop?

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Yeah, kimbo wasn't impressive...... like it in the first round when he let go a was thumpn the s**t out of that lard ass on the cage. just look like he was thinking to hard on what to and not to do. the last take down he just needed to plant and spin, he could have thrown the guy right passed him. his skills need some major help, but he does have major potential. time will only tell........

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I always thought kimbo was all "methed up" in his street fighting videos. Some of the hits he would take to his face were ridiculous and it wouldn't even faze him. He also had very good accuracy with his punches (you usually have increased motor skills, hand eye movement with the use of amphetamines). Granted his opponents are trained fighters now, but I just don't see some of those same things as before. Maybe he should go back to meth and making 10 Grrrr a fight in someone's backyard?

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You don't see those things because Mr. Slice is afraid to let the hands fly. Why? Because now he has to worry about counter punching, kicking, and the dreaded shoot. He wasn't worried about that shit down in Florida cause the shit dicks he was fighting didn't know anything about it. You can see the fear and hesitation all over his game. He talks mad confidence, but in reality he's petrified of going to the ground.

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