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Over the past several months I've gone through a lot of stuff that I never even dreamed of. I never really had a social life before the first accident until I got back on this board. I only new two people at my first event and boy was that kind of wierd, but many people pulled me into the group. After a couple more events I had really made some great friends and I don't know how I could have made to today without them. Many of you know that I have been through hell and back but I realized something. That is, we are only here for a second and we only get one chance to do it right. This year we have had numerous motorcycle accidents that have injured and killed many of people and today we had yet another. That's when we realize how much we value our friends in our time of need when we are down and need a hand.

The point of this thread is to say I am so thankful for my friends that I have made in the past few months. Also to make you stop and think about your friends and what they mean to you. You never know what's going to happen to you or them.

What is a friend as you see it?

I see it as someone I will know for many years to come. Someone I can communicate with in times of need and happiness. A friend is someone I would give the shirt off my back to.

Wheezle/ Lance

Edited by Wheezle
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This year we have had numerous motorcycle accidents that have injured and killed many of people and today we had yet another.

Anytime you need to talk bud, you can call either of us.

Was there an accident with someone on the board? Didn't see anything.

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Friends are important Lance. I for once have literally had the WORST two weeks of my entire life. And I've been through a bunch in my short existence. :D I've had two very important people in my life leave amonst a multitude of other horrific circumstances...some had no decision in the process and others well...meh! :) Anyhoo, a friend sticks by you at ALL times no matter what....even when the road gets really hard. They love you unconditionally and accept you with all your multitude of flaws (b/c we all have so many...nobody is perfect). My closest friendships I have now are not ones that have always been perfect but ones were we've really had to work at it and now on the other end of things its GREAT! All the diligence, patience, and faithfullness pays off in the end. I have one of these on the board and I love him dearly! Every day in the last two weeks he's let me call him as I cried for hours (literally) telling me that I would get through this and that this is only a bump in the road. He's encouraged me and loved me unconditionally. I didn't realize how many GREAT friends I had until the last two weeks. When the roads of our life get twisted and we can't see the end b/c our eyes are so blood shot from the tears it's those true friends that help guide us down our path and have the balls to tell us when we're having another "Pratt-Attack". LOL. yes I'm talking bout u Jeffy *** aka Kreator! I heart u buddy!

Anyway I thought I'd be the sap since there is so much other testosterone on here. I hope whoever when down is ok.

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Friends are important Lance. I for once have literally had the WORST two weeks of my entire life. And I've been through a bunch in my short existence. :D I've had two very important people in my life leave amonst a multitude of other horrific circumstances...some had no decision in the process and others well...meh! :) Anyhoo, a friend sticks by you at ALL times no matter what....even when the road gets really hard. They love you unconditionally and accept you with all your multitude of flaws (b/c we all have so many...nobody is perfect). My closest friendships I have now are not ones that have always been perfect but ones were we've really had to work at it and now on the other end of things its GREAT! All the diligence, patience, and faithfullness pays off in the end. I have one of these on the board and I love him dearly! Every day in the last two weeks he's let me call him as I cried for hours (literally) telling me that I would get through this and that this is only a bump in the road. He's encouraged me and loved me unconditionally. I didn't realize how many GREAT friends I had until the last two weeks. When the roads of our life get twisted and we can't see the end b/c our eyes are so blood shot from the tears it's those true friends that help guide us down our path and have the balls to tell us when we're having another "Pratt-Attack". LOL. yes I'm talking bout u Jeffy *** aka Kreator! I heart u buddy!

Anyway I thought I'd be the sap since there is so much other testosterone on here. I hope whoever when down is ok.

i think may be some ulterior motive here. ;) i kid i kid... hopefully everything from here on out for you guys is greatness and happiness :D

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In the past couple years I think I've had about 8 friends move out of state. I miss them.

+1 all of my good friends have moved... so I save up my money (or hope for a conference in their area) so that I can visit them...

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i think may be some ulterior motive here. ;) i kid i kid... hopefully everything from here on out for you guys is greatness and happiness :D

Nope ulterior motive. I love me some Jeff. We've hated eachother and loved eachother many times over. And besides we're not knockin boots. Neva have and neva will. And believe me NOTHING but happiness from here on out. I thought I lost something huge this week and realized it was a blessing in disguise after talking to others from here. I love the peeps on this site!

Alrighty.. I'm not officially calling for a ((Group Hug)) but I would like to say that those I've met thus far on here are really awesome.

Great group!

Glad I joined in June! :)

Awwww.. heck....

GROUP HUG!!!!!! ;)

I like group hugs!

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...this site really is eHarmony

Nobody's tryin to hook up here. :p:confused:

I'm confused. Was there an accident? Someone from the board?

Skulls yesterday when he was on the way to KOC with VRod Dave.

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