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Good times out there. I have your batteries and charger, VW- can get those to you anytime. That assfault junkies van was my ride. Style...

I did the novice to intermediate- and for me it was a good move. Hadn't done a track day in three years, plus a new bike, plus a new track. They seperated the skills in N, and I only had three sessions with an instructor. Showed the line, kept with him, and then he let me go with the instructions not to pass instructors on the right, and give the others six feet. Done, and the riding was faster than I on the next day.

Record day for wrecks on Saturday. 20- as people couldn't come to terms with the first left turn after the front straight. Brake markers were well placed though, and it was mostly the I and A class that did that the first day. Second day it cleared out when the rain came. I did three sessions in the rain, but ended it there. Much better surface than mid ohio in the wet, that's for sure!!!

Blistered the tyres, didn't sleep, and Bob snores. Good time!

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Good times out there. I have your batteries and charger, VW- can get those to you anytime. That assfault junkies van was my ride. Style...

I did the novice to intermediate- and for me it was a good move. Hadn't done a track day in three years, plus a new bike, plus a new track. They seperated the skills in N, and I only had three sessions with an instructor. Showed the line, kept with him, and then he let me go with the instructions not to pass instructors on the right, and give the others six feet. Done, and the riding was faster than I on the next day.

Record day for wrecks on Saturday. 20- as people couldn't come to terms with the first left turn after the front straight. Brake markers were well placed though, and it was mostly the I and A class that did that the first day. Second day it cleared out when the rain came. I did three sessions in the rain, but ended it there. Much better surface than mid ohio in the wet, that's for sure!!!

Blistered the tyres, didn't sleep, and Bob snores. Good time!

Thanks for grabbing that charger man. Yah, the cold surface and sand in Turn 1 was seemed to give a lot of people greif. I personally witnessed 2 high sides happen close enough in front of me that I had to change my line to go around the sliding bikes. Unfortunately 1 of them was a guy that came down and shared the garage with us.

Either way, it was very cool for me to get out and ride in the A group for the first time. I felt "very slow" compared to them but also felt, it was the best place to be. Only way to go faster is to ride with faster people. And hey, I did pass a guy so I wasn't the slowest!!! I can't wait till next year to get out at Mid-OH again.

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nice. It has sound.

haha, I come into view about 1:48 and get passed around 2:10. Nice!!!!

I'm not gonna lie. I'm looking a little intermediate. ;) Brandon is definitely way faster than me. Hopefully I can get a full season of track days in next year rather than breaking a bone early on.

Edited by vw151
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