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WTF!!!!! Pres. Obama reciveves the Nobel Peace Prize!??!?!


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You can put your tinfoil hat back in your underground bunker. :rolleyes::p

I'll never understand why people think war is better than peaceful coexistence. Cooperation is easier than competition. Work smarter not harder... all those other cliches that make sense.

if you want peace, prepare for war

its a fact of life. If you're not on top, you're getting screwed (literally and figuratively :D)

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You can put your tinfoil hat back in your underground bunker. :rolleyes::p

I'll never understand why people think war is better than peaceful coexistence. Cooperation is easier than competition. Work smarter not harder... all those other cliches that make sense.

I saw someone's car today with all these bumperstickers preaching peace, and how war was evil, coexistence, etc. etc.

Normally I would really give a shit but I found it funny/Ironic this car was in the faculty/staff parking lot at Wright-Patterson AFB.

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Since he has ran for president I'm seeing how full this country is with weak minded individuals that can easily be brainwashed. You say the word "change" to people who want life easier and they will hang on to everything you say and worship you. I don't like the direction this land is going at all. I hope it doesn't get any worse. If it does I'm sure we will have a war on our own land in a hundred years or so trying to take it back to the way it use to be after it gets changed to a land it never was. I won't be alive I'm sure, but if I was I'd fight because I'm already pissed off inside, let alone a hundred years from now. :dunno:

+1 Ghost rep for you.

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screw sitting in a rocking chair.....let's go out shooting

So you're proposing to start a civil war in my country because your side lost an election? "OMG not everyone agrees with me?!?!?! I better start shootin' fuckers!!!"

Way to emo-quit democracy.

We armed liberals didn't start shooting people during the Bush term, you can man up and do what you're supposed to do: advocate, debate, protest, change minds, try to set yourselves up to win the next election. That's the whole point of the process.

When you start threatening to kill my countrymen over such a disagreement, you negate the whole point of having a democracy (or a 'constitutionally-limited democratic republic'), and you alienate people with whom you might otherwise find some commonality of views.

I agree with Pauly (or Paulie? I fail at remembering name spellings)-- things would have to get quite a lot worse, one way or the other, before I'd be willing to harm my fellow Americans in a non-self-defense situation.

EDIT: Just saw your clarification. Ok, no biggie. Still leaving my post untouched for the people who weren't kidding.

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I get that it's a fact of life, I just don't understand why people can't be more logical and rational about things.

I think its because people try to push their view on others and believe that their view is the logical rational way of thinking. Therefore, since we all are born with emotions, people get so angry that they are pushed to fighting.

My. $.02

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Also, the nature of our media culture now is such that everyone essentially has their own channel. Left or Right news, websites, talk radio, even music: you can seriously avoid opposing viewpoints almost 100% of the time now.

When you can set yourself up to go all day hearing only things that agree with you, you lose the ability to be reasonable with people who don't.

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I get that it's a fact of life, I just don't understand why people can't be more logical and rational about things.

Because we are in the age of act on your emotions.

If you "feel" you need it, get it.

If you "feel" it's right, it's right.

Don't look at history. Or if you do just look at what proves what you want to believe.

It's what got us in this mess were all in. It can't be blamed on any one person or group. From what I see it can be blamed on peoples "feelings" and how they acted on those emotions. I mean this on so many levels I'm not going to get into the specifics because I'll be writing a damn book.

Basically "feelings" and emotions are not rational or logical. Just because there "yours" doesn't mean they are concrete and uncorrupted.

This opinion is not intended at anyone particular, It's the nation as a whole or should I say majority.

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I agree. But I still take issue with it, maybe because I'm too stoic to feel anything. An example that occurs often is, I'll never understand how words can make someone assault someone else. Like Wrillo said, curse of the left brain I suppose.

There are facts and decisions to be made from said facts - nothing more. Though, don't confuse "feelings and emotions" with morals and values. You can have morals without feeling.

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I agree. But I still take issue with it, maybe because I'm too stoic to feel anything. An example that occurs often is, I'll never understand how words can make someone assault someone else.

Your moms a whore and the best of you ran down her leg. While we're at it, you were the load she should've swallowed.

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Yes, watching overevolved primates act like poop-flinging monkeys does offend my logical nature, but we are what we are. Sometimes these big forebrains we have just short out and the animal kicks in.

Yeah, I'm tired of people's emotions too.

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