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Seriously? An Obama Flag? WTF?!?!


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This boggles my mind as well. I too spent time down there, an entire decade. And if I hear some country bumpkin from some southern town that's community park is also a national swamp tell me "the south will rise again!" I think I might shoot him and his mother in the face with my penis. It simply amazes me that there are still modern-day neanderthals that think the "freedoms" the south stood for are legit. "A man just wants to be free", and uh, well, own other men and women. Yeah. Go get fucked ya hick.

Q: What must every dentist south of the Mason/Dixon line have?

A: A second job.

I don't think the civil war had anything to do with slavery. I am pretty sure that they just wanted states to have the power to make decisions instead of a federal government calling all the shots. Slavery was just an add on to gain more support for the war

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One Trooper was discussing how Alaska works vs "the lower 48 states"' date=' as he put it, and he said that Alaska does what Alaska does and the rest of the country can do what it wants. I like that... I need to look into that place a little further. I may enjoy eating moose year round. You never know??[/quote']

Yeah, but the riding season sucks and Ducati mechanics starve up there.

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i have no doubt that abortion is murder and the last time i checked murder was still illegal.....i hope we can survive the next 3 years....God help us

Abortion has been legal since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Were all your statements meant to be independent of one another? Besides - none of us (that i'm aware of) are fetuses, so I don't think abortion is much of a reason for any of us to worry about 'surviving' the next three years.

if we're going down that road, we should start a separate 'abortion' thread.

I think it's relatively rare for people to be so 'pro-choice' that they view abortion as a good thing. most argue necessary, not good.

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Abortion has been legal since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Were all your statements meant to be independent of one another? Besides - none of us (that i'm aware of) are fetuses, so I don't think abortion is much of a reason for any of us to worry about 'surviving' the next three years.

if we're going down that road, we should start a separate 'abortion' thread.

I think it's relatively rare for people to be so 'pro-choice' that they view abortion as a good thing. most argue necessary, not good.

What the hell is wrong with you did you miss my thread jack with the droopy tittied valley girl that Inya would hit if he could find a way to make her shut up?

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^ lol no.

if that's his plan, he's failing miserably. I'm not exactly clamoring to support him. Besides, unless i'm missing something, Obama isn't villainizing anyone. That was Hitler's primary tactic - "it's not your fault! blame the jews!"

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I don't know what you guys are talking about but the east coast still has slaves. It must be true I heard it on the internet.


the guy in the gray sweat shirt had the same look on his face as i did :lol::wtf:

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