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50 Best and Worst Moments in Windows History


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Welcome to the Resistance!!! Here's your beret, grab a Kalashnikov from this stack here, and punch and pie are on the table in the back.

just trying it out. i had a friend who used to use it a lot and on his netbook, but i never really used it. so far pain installing just cause i couldnt get the partitioning right. All good now as I'm actually using it now. Firefox bundled >>> IE bundled so far so good. downloading all the updates after the initial install.

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just trying it out. i had a friend who used to use it a lot and on his netbook, but i never really used it. so far pain installing just cause i couldnt get the partitioning right. All good now as I'm actually using it now. Firefox bundled >>> IE bundled so far so good. downloading all the updates after the initial install.

I've been using it for a good while now, so lemme know if you get any trouble. If you're not used to the way Linux does things, it can be a headache at first, but it's great once it's set up.

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the only thing linux is good for is browsing the internet. you cannot get 3rd party software for it.

and all the software that is available is like shit from the 1980's.

want to play a video, you have a video player.

want to play a cd, oh it's a totally seperate program..

want to play a movie, that's also a seperate program

want to listen to songs on your computer..again, seperate program

and to find one that actually works..just install all of them until you get one that semi works.

and forget about watching a DVD..it violates some kind of something in the USA. I never could get a DVD to play.

Linux is a poor excuse for a operating system. it's downfall is it cannot have licensed software. therefore, you will never see software for it like you will find for windows or mac.

and mac, well they are still behind in this race also.

you will also never get drivers for hardware from the manufacture of the hardware. such as a printer. you can buy the best printer the store has. it wont work in linux for another 5 years. and it will only be basic functions.

Edited by serpentracer
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the only thing linux is good for is browsing the internet. you cannot get 3rd party software for it.

and all the software that is available is like shit from the 1980's.

want to play a video, you have a video player.

want to play a cd, oh it's a totally seperate program..

want to play a movie, that's also a seperate program

want to listen to songs on your computer..again, seperate program

and to find one that actually works..just install all of them until you get one that semi works.

and forget about watching a DVD..it violates some kind of something in the USA. I never could get a DVD to play.

Linux is a poor excuse for a operating system. it's downfall is it cannot have licensed software. therefore, you will never see software for it like you will find for windows or mac.

and mac, well they are still behind in this race also.

you will also never get drivers for hardware from the manufacture of the hardware. such as a printer. you can buy the best printer the store has. it wont work in linux for another 5 years. and it will only be basic functions.

Lol, I wonder what distro you tried? Mine works fine. Hell, half the time, if I need a program I don't have for something, I can auto-download and install it from the synaptic package thingie.

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Lol, I wonder what distro you tried? Mine works fine. Hell, half the time, if I need a program I don't have for something, I can auto-download and install it from the synaptic package thingie.

I've tried every single one I could find over the last 8 years or so.

ubuntu is the absolute best but still, the software you pick through all sucks.

that's why linux will never ever replace windows or mac.

I have 3 printers that don't work with ubuntu. they print but that's all they do.

I can't use the scanner, the memory card reader, the fax, etc etc.

I also cannot burn a cd/dvd.

it wont import or connect to my video camera.

I could go on an on.

no company makes drivers for linux. using a linux is like using the old commador computers. you basically have to be a software enginner to make anything work.

I'd like to install a good program or use the factory supplied drivers/software that comes with my peripherals, printers, etc etc. not some generic stuff that only allows you to use it's basic functions and does a 1/2 assed job at that.

plus I don't feel like sifting through 100 drivers to find the one that might work. for one, the people that are making this stuff never name anything so you can tell what the hell it is.

Edited by serpentracer
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Weird. My printer, card reader, scanner, dual monitors, and burner all work fine in Ubuntu, and the printer was the only thing I had to find a driver for (I googled the model and it came right up). I guess I'm just lucky.

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