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Wonder if I have H1N1..


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I have been sick for the past 2.5 weeks with a bad cough and congestion. It started to feel like it was letting up the past couple days but today my cough seems to have worsened a little bit. Also, I was sitting here at work minding my own business when I felt a lil' fart coming on lol. I go to fart andam forced to make a mad dash for the restroom before shitting myself lol. Maybe it was just that new buffalo chicken sub from Subway I dunno.

Anyway, I have insurance but it is shitty(pun intended) insurance so I dont really want to go to the doc. Think I should worry? Im 25 and I doubt I have much to worry about since I am young and normally healthy. What do ya think?

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Go on a coke and hooker binge and get back to us in a week.

I just got out of coke and hooker rehab so I am trying not to relapse.

1 week of any sickness should go to the doctor. I don't know why not. Sometimes people do n't make it to 2.5 weeks like you did. You never know what you have.

Yea that may be true I guess. I just didnt want to spend the money on it I guess. Plus I still dont have a doctor in this area yet so I didnt know where would be best to go. Might try one of those CVS clinics or something haha

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Yea I could hit up an urgent care place.. I guess from what I have been reading it is mostly the young and old that are affected by it so I wasnt too worried.. but I guess it would be smart to know whether I have it so that I can avoid both of those groups.

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If you are going to go see a doctor, DO NOT go to Urgent Care. Call your family doctor. Urgent Care is like going to the emergency room when it comes to insurance. Trust me on this one. Unless your insurance specifically says urgent care is covered like a doctor's visit...you'll be shitting bricks when you get the bill. Been there ..done that. And it sounds like your insurance is shitty anyways...so I'm guessing they don't want you going to urgent care if you can go see the doctor in his office (cheaper for them).

Good luck.

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The above advice is assuming you can get into a Doc's office in the immediate future. I am in no way implying that you should suffocate on your own fluids and die while waiting for the next Dr's appointment. By all means, if you can't get in to see your Doc...take your ass to Urgent Care STAT!

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Need me to take care of your lady for you? :)

lol good one.. we arent together anymore anyway... you will have to ask her new boyfriend if she needs to be taken care of or not hahaha

If you are going to go see a doctor, DO NOT go to Urgent Care. Call your family doctor. Urgent Care is like going to the emergency room when it comes to insurance. Trust me on this one. Unless your insurance specifically says urgent care is covered like a doctor's visit...you'll be shitting bricks when you get the bill. Been there ..done that. And it sounds like your insurance is shitty anyways...so I'm guessing they don't want you going to urgent care if you can go see the doctor in his office (cheaper for them).

Good luck.

Dont have a family doctor. Wouldnt think it would be hard to find one though. Thanks for the advice on Urgent Care.

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I've had the buffalo chicken sub at subway... and I'm thinking those hershey squirts are independent of your cough. If you've had a cough for 2.5 weeks I'm guessing you have chronic bronchitis and probably have black mold in your house somewhere and need to clean things up you dirty bastard. jk

go see a doctor (you can call any office close-by and ask them if they're accepting new patients)

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It could be lots of things...

Read this stuff:

Yahoo health - Cough

Scroll down to "Check Your Symptoms" and follow instructions.

Do the same for this one if it's a sore throat:

Yahoo Health - Sore Throat

Scroll down to "Check Your Symptoms" and follow instructions.

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If you have a temp and cough with sore throat it probably is H1N1. My kids school has it running rampant right now. Both kids and wife have had it. The cough runs 2-3 weeks. Sons cleared in two and the daughter still has it at three. The Pediatrician said keep an eye on them and lots of Tylenol and Motrin.

The CDC said the seasonal flu has not arrived yet so all the flu going around now is H1N1

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It's AIDS, sorry :(

lol confirmed, must teh AIDS.. Not surprised at all

start taking 2 grams of vitamin C every 30 minutes until symptoms subside.

This is what my plan is.. I will give it another few weeks.. if Im still alive after that then I will see a doctor.

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i heard them saying the h1n1 was intended to go into the regular flu shots but didnt make it in time and thats why its being distributed separately. im jacking my kids up on lots of citrus, bananas, apples... all of us everyday. hope it will pay off in lieu of the shot. i just can't do it. actually, ive never had flu shots ever, nor my kids. im not anti shot in general -- ive just never done it before.

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