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Help me shop for a new laptop.... Opinions wanted


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I always recommend an external HD...as a BACKUP. Not a primary HD. All those pics and vids of your family? Gone. No one prints pictures anymore unless they have to, or computer phobic. At a minimum, invest in some cheaper SD/USB cards/sticks for backup purposed.

If you're not backing up your data, then don't cry when your HD fails and you lose everything. It's not a matter of 'if', it's 'when'.

+ 1 Simply get an external that has a 5 or 10 year warranty. Keep your music and pics organised and once a week just drag your "documents" folder to the removable hd .and COPY them over.. No need for a backup program if you don't want to mess with it

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I have a Lenovo T400 thinkpad with cam, fingerprint reader and all the fast stuff and big memory. Fine so far six months later. i turn off updates and normally never have problems...Don't believe in them. It has very good reviews. Dells have there choice of problems. Dell XPS i will would never buy or a Inspiron 1510 i think it's called. i've heard of boards going out repeatedly and then another person had a big issue and Dell walked them thru a process that screwed up the whole thing and she lost everything which then it needed completely formatted and Windows reinstalled. they were both under a year old. never going back to Dell.

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I had a Gateway, and supported them a LONG time ago...probably 12+ years ago. It was the first PC that I ever purchased. I have no idea what they're like now-a-days. I'd be curious in seeing how that laptop turns out.

Yeah..... They were the king back then. Great value, until they fell.... HARD from what I hear

Anyway..... Your curiosity will eventually be assuaged. Recent bad rep aside.... This was the best value for the $$ I could find. Anything in the ballpark featurewise was ~$50-100 more, and didn't have everything this did. Plus.... I liked the way the keyboard & mousepad felt

Got the extended warranty, so hopefully that'll ensure I never have any problems with it & just wasted that $$ on insurance ;)

Gotta head down to WallyWorld now for some blank DVD's to burn my recovery disks. Caspatan says it would take too many CD's, and that's all I have in the house :o

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