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Update for the Dayton/Cinci crowd....


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Whatever happend to the part where we all were going to be dressed in full gear sitting in the back row? The wife not go for that plan?

The supreme dictatorship known as mother-in-law found not the humor in said plan...


Seriously though, congrats bud.

Thanks, much appreciated Ben. For some reason I remembered that I still need to come to Columbus to get that swingarm, or I need to PayPal some shipping monies (with a a little handling charge included, I'm sure) because I completely forgot we did that this summer. I'm really sorry about leaving it there, I haven't thought about it in so long, but if you PM me how you'd like me to get it out of the basement, I'll get on it.


Pics or it didn't happen.

Can I use that argument for my annulment hearing?

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oh, guys/girls, here's your fun fact for the day...

If you make sure to ask the right way, and have a couple Catholics on your side, you can actually convince the Catholic Church to marry you in official fashion and in an actual Cathedral and still have your Jewish family come bring you a glass and break it at the end of the ceremony.

Watching 200 Catholics scream "mazel tov" at the end of a catholic ceremony in a cathedral is a sight to see, I assure you. :jewish:

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