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Update for the Dayton/Cinci crowd....


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In the time honored tradition of the Society of Hookers & Blow (SHB), we mourn the loss of another of our fallen brothers and sisters. Another member has succumbed the disease called "marriage". We are at war against the dark legion that calls themselves "We who seek to become spouses". Their evil goals are monogamy and shared bank accounts. Please join me in mourning our fallen member and also the strengthening our resolve to keep the hookers and blow free and in plentiful supply.


Seriously, tho, congrats.

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I will gladly say congrats! Being married is great!... free cooking and cleaning

Yeah right. When the fuck does that start??

But congrats dude.

Oh wait. You're not in prison are you? :D

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With marriage comes demands. sex sex sex.. seems like they never let up... gets annoying after a while.

Haha. I'm sure...that's what the wife, and other women think. Stay single, you...get all da poons you want! :D

Yeah right. When the fuck does that start??

But congrats dude.

Oh wait. You're not in prison are you? :D

He is now...life commitment. Everything down the drain. One whoha...forever...:nono:

jk. :p

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oh, guys/girls, here's your fun fact for the day...

If you make sure to ask the right way, and have a couple Catholics on your side, you can actually convince the Catholic Church to marry you in official fashion and in an actual Cathedral and still have your Jewish family come bring you a glass and break it at the end of the ceremony.

Watching 200 Catholics scream "mazel tov" at the end of a catholic ceremony in a cathedral is a sight to see, I assure you. :jewish:

did this guy show up?


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Congrats Jarvis!

and PS, wen are you ever going to ride with us again?

thanks, and I can get back into it next season, since I'll likely be dropping my other Thursday commitment for the weekday rides, and since I'm married I'll need the mental health outings on Sundays.

2010 - Dirt roads beware...

With marriage comes demands. sex sex sex.. seems like they never let up... gets annoying after a while.

Where was I when they were handing out these chicks?

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